Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 54: Intimidating authority (Part 2)

"what did you just say?"

Charlotte, in amazement, hardly thought about it, and the words were blurted out.

Ayton Grenwell and Earl Gareth sat on both sides of her, and looked at each other with different expressions-if not for such a formal occasion, their jaws might have fallen to the ground.

In the round table hall, the messenger of the dwarf supreme king, the chief lieutenant Igor was blushed, and his eyes were filled with anger; but the next second, his face became like frost-beaten eggplant , Forcibly calming, thump your chest with your right hand!

"Because of some malicious behaviors of the younger generations, it caused turbulence in several city-states in the south of the Yunling Kingdom." Igor's beard kept blowing, revealing the red and purple cheeks:

"Therefore ... The great supreme king does not want to cause any misunderstanding between Yunling Kingdom and Byrne because of this small group of young people-of course, about the absurdity of the so-called" Yunling Kingdom sponsors centaur " Things still do not exist, and we will never admit it! "

"Of course! We believe that the noble Yunling Kingdom will never do such a mean behavior." Charlotte lifted his chest and smiled slightly: "If there is any disrespect in my wording, please accept my apology."

"There is nothing to forgive ..." The dwarf messenger said blankly: "The noble kingdom of Yunling will not feel hurt for its self-esteem because of a few 'joke's" from AIA. "

The countess swayed slightly, and returned to Igor in a humble and humble manner; the other two counts beside the round table were startled and immediately reflected, with different expressions.

Sure enough, they came for it.

The so-called "Xiaoxiaozhiren" and "turbulence" are just written words of cover-up, which can make the emperor of the Supreme King appear in the Red Blood Fort, which shows that a powerful rebellion is starting in the south of the Dwarf Kingdom!

Of course, this doesn't stop at Charlotte ... Although she knows little about the dwarves, she also knows how much it is not uncommon for the city-state rebellion in the Yunling Kingdom.

Under the system of "paramilitary management" of the dwarves, the Supreme King must maintain absolute power to overwhelm all city-states and maintain the unity of the kingdom; once there are any signs of weakness, rebellion will occur.

The Supreme King who cannot be rebelled immediately has the potential to be subverted or turned into a puppet.

Therefore, the rebellion did not surprise the counts of the Round Table Parliament. What really made them incredible was that the other party actually admitted that this was absolutely unprecedented in the past!

As for the dwarf ’s support for the centaur ... Although the other party did not make it clear, it is basically equivalent to admitting that it is a good thing for the rebellious dwarves ... Even if the Supreme King is "good face", there is no reason to blame the traitors.

However, this also shows from the side, how great the rebellion suffered by the High King right now; once Byrne blocks it from the north, the High King will be the result of two-line battles.

The Centaur tribe funded by the dwarves, the rebellious city-state, the supreme king messenger who accidentally visited ...

Everything makes sense.

Such a result is almost explosive for everyone, and the look of sudden enlightenment is almost written on their faces.

But after knowing the truth, the question came back again ... what should I do?

The rebellion of the Dwarf Kingdom is directly related to the Centaur War, but now Baine has expedition to the Great Green Sea, it is really too good for him to take care; Territory.

However, if the Supreme King can not be helped to settle the rebellion as soon as possible, the centaur can still get a steady stream of logistics, and the situation in the Great Green Sea battlefield will not be relieved in any way.

There was a silence in the empty round table hall.

"Dear Igor Messenger, may I ..."

After a while, Ayton Glenwell spoke. It seemed that he was paused for a long time because of the wording: "We know that this is the internal affairs of the Yunling Kingdom, and Bain will not intervene in this matter. ,but……"

"As you know, war will inevitably bring more turbulence, especially in trade-we must understand the details to ensure that our businessmen will not suffer losses or cause the problem of slow sales of goods."

The Earl of Stormwind smiled slightly and looked up to Igor: "Will you please tell us what kind of goods are the most in short supply in the cloud peak right now?"

Charlotte and Gareth, the Earl of Rainbow Bridge, looked at Ayton Grenwell at the same time, nodding in sympathy.

He was in this big circle, and he was actually asking one thing-if Byrne would provide assistance to the Supreme King to help him rebel as soon as possible, what should he provide.

The dwarf messenger's expression was in a trance, and apparently he also heard his meaning: "Uh, this ... It is reasonable to protect the interests of businessmen, and you should do it-obviously the Kingdom of Yunling will not allow Bain to interfere in our internal affairs, but Protecting the smooth flow of business is what we should all do. "

"As you know, the Yunling Kingdom is full of mountains and the plains are mostly in the south ... Because of this turmoil, the food price of Yunfeng Peak has increased; if your businessmen can carry enough food, I assure you that their The carriage will be full of gold and return. "

"Of course, the Kingdom of Yunling is a proud and independent kingdom and will never accept any form of interference by Bain!"

"Then I will represent the Merchant of Stormwind for the time being and thank you." Ayton smiled slightly, and nodded humbly at the dwarf messenger, looking back to Charlotte:

"It seems that this year's thirteen collar farms will have a good year."

The countess hummed and nodded solemnly.


"Do you really want to give food to the dwarves?"

In the empty round table hall, Charles stood behind the tired Charlotte and couldn't help asking.

The countess frowned slightly and turned to look at her housekeeper: "Do you disagree?"

"It's not a question of disagreement-we don't know whether the dwarf rebelled. These are just his words." Charles couldn't help but say:

"What if he is deceiving us? If all this is the plan of the Dwarf Supreme King, let Baine evacuate his granaries ... when wars, food is more important than gold."

"Relax, you won't get there." Charlotte chuckled and waved his hand at Charles: "I and Ayton had discussed this time. The food to support the dwarves will only come out of Fort Storm. The Chamber of Commerce is responsible for escorting. "

"Wait until Xiaoyuede's eyeliner reaches the peak of the cloud, we can figure out their true situation and then decide on the next plan."

Looking at Charlotte with a chest in his mouth and a corner of his mouth that could not help but **** up proudly, Charles hesitated for a long time and said lightly:

"Then ... where is the Duke?"

"Duke?" Charlotte froze: "Loren ... what's wrong with him?"

"Negotiations with the dwarf messengers, announced that the thirteen Bayern leaders have entered a state of full preparations, and provided assistance to Yunding Peak, these ..."

Charleston paused and said in a huff: "Don't you think you should ask the Duke?"

"But he is now in the Great Green Sea, and he is not even in Qiancheng City-even if we can find him, when will his echo be dragged?"

Charlotte looked confused, but she reacted in the next second, staring at her housekeeper dignifiedly: "Charles ... Did you hear anything?"

"I didn't hear anything, just worried."

"Worried?" The countess raised her eyebrows. "You worry that I'm doing too much, will Loren doubt me?"

"No, this shouldn't be." Looking back at what Little Jord said before, the Redblood Butler couldn't help but sigh: "What I'm worried about is ... what would other people think?"

"To the nobles who benefited from your decision ~ ~ merchants and farmers, when this war is over, are they cheering for the Duke's victory, or are you grateful for your decision?"

For a long time.

"I got it." Charlotte murmured in his chest, his voice hoarse: "Go down, Charles."


"I said ... I got it." She bit her lower lip tightly and slowly raised her head:

"I know exactly what to do!" ...

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