Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 286: Army promotion

Although the scheduled opening time is two months later, at the end of the spring, they will gather with the remnant army led by Severin de Salion, and then start the final battle with the Azores before the arrival of summer and winter. Brandon waited for more than a month, and immediately ordered the opening.

This move not only shocked the Grand Duke and Knights in the barracks, but also shocked the nobles of the imperial capital-they were even prepared to wait for the Lord to come and demand the succession to the throne, but the other party ignored it. !

Of course, this is actually not very accurate, because Brandon did bring a thousand elite soldiers into the Imperial City and the Sky Vault, and smashed the door of the Imperial Parliament.

First, nobles throughout the city donated half of their cash assets to reward all the soldiers participating in the battle;

Secondly, all the traitors who tried to "rebelliously" during the period when Loren Turin was "Guardian of Golovin"-the guy who was disliked by Brandon-deprived him of his title and confiscated his property;

Thirdly, during the war, the Imperial Parliament should cease its power, and only retain officials such as tax officials, administrators and judges to dissolve the Parliament;

Fourth, during the war, the empire will unconditionally requisition a supply of materials, and the issue of compensation will be considered after the end of the war ...

The imperial council, which was as dead as a grave, looked at Brandon de Salion, surrounded by a group of soldiers, and gave it to them like an emperor.

Waiting until Brandon was completely refreshed, but did not ask the parliament to immediately hold him a coronation ceremony as they imagined; when the words changed, Brandon promised to put the matter on hold for a while, even suggesting that the parliament "if conditions are favorable, he can Consider giving way. "

The news like the amnesty made the whole parliament cry with joy, and he just clenched his teeth to accept all the conditions of Brandon in exchange for this "death sentence to death probation".

The Minister of the Seal of the Mine, who was in charge of announcing all this, Metner Leopold, after reading the last sentence, dropped the badge, ring and pendant that symbolized the status of the Minister of the Seal of the Palm, and turned away from his grave and grave The same imperial council.

No one knows where he went, and Brandon doesn't even care-just as he doesn't care what the Holy Cross Church is doing to keep the door closed and keep it secret.

Brandon only cares about one thing, that is, whether the soldiers are loyal enough to him.

When the news of the Imperial Parliament came, almost the entire barracks were a disappointed cry and howling. The angry officers "requested" Brandon under the threat of death by the soldiers, did the Imperial Parliament refuse to crown him?

As long as Brandon dares to nod, tomorrow there will be no living people in the aristocracy of the imperial capital; but he ca n’t shake his head, because that is equivalent to words and no faith, no one can say what this mad soldier can do. .

The riots are all light ... and if this group of soldiers rebelled under the Imperial City, even if Brandon could suppress it, he would have depended on Connor Yuwei, and his reputation and prestige as the heir to the throne would have to be lost. net.

So Brandon nodded without hesitation, and then explained why.

In short, the battle is not over yet, and Connold ’s body is not cold—although he died in the Broken Mountain in the winter, it must have been cold for a long time—even if he is to be crowned, he should not wait until the end of the war to be reasonable.

In order to make up for his previous commitment, Brandon is preparing to organize a large-scale reward in the military barracks. All the troops who arrive in Sacran have their share-of course, all the expenses (buying money) are borne by the royal capital nobles.

The officers who awakened (escape from death) immediately understood Brandon ’s thoughts, and could not wait for the soldiers to understand; at the same time, in order to express their apologies, they handed over some “instigators” (leading trouble) It was given to His Highness Brandon and executed in public in the barracks.

For a time, the army barracks up and down, inside and outside the imperial city, they are all excited, and they are ready to fight against the fleeing Azores.

But Brandon ’s reasoning is still sober, at least Loren told him exactly-although he won the battle of defending the imperial capital, in fact two times, there was no The main force caused substantial damage, and the opponent's fighting will was very tenacious and could not be easily defeated.

And if the news that the northern night watchman brought back from Eboden is correct, there should be at least one Azore elder reinforcements arriving in Eboden, and a support army is about to arrive.

If the strength of each support army is around 100,000, then the Azores army in Ebden will reach a horror figure of 300,000, so ... be safe, be safe.

Build a fortified march fortress and build a stable logistics supply line step by step. According to Connold's plan during his lifetime, the most elite 200,000 troops from all over the empire were dropped on the battlefield of Ebden.

"Then ... the soldiers are divided into two ways, this is our plan."

Smiling and looking at the different generals and grand dukes around the map table, Brandon standing upright with his sword spurs: "The old rabbit with long ears who escapes faster than the rabbit must think we will be eager to wait with him The decisive battle, as soon as possible, go north as soon as possible ... so we must not obey his will. "

"He should still have at least 50,000 to 60,000 main forces in his hand, and the established system still has no damage. With the long ears that have arrived in Ebden, there are almost a hundred thousand elf warriors. This is his The hole card is also his weakness. "

"Guarding such a large army, and having just experienced a fiasco, he can come up with the heels of the fiasco just under the capital city. He must be eager to fight a victory to save the army, otherwise what will he win us?"

"and so……"

Slightly frowned Julie Wiltz raised his gaze and looked at Brandon: "Should we fight steadily now and kill the enemy's fighting spirit?"

"That's half right, but not exactly."

With a sly grin, Brandon picked up a cavalry chess piece from the map table and glanced at the golden sword of the Malaysian horse.

"My dear Miss Selika Jonah, for more than three years with us, I will give you the merits of the first battle-I need to explain to you again. Details? "

Throwing the glass, the maternal grandfather under the eye-catcher grabbed the **** from Brandon's hand, and "bang!" Fell on the map table:

"Not needed!"

On the eighth day of the draw, 40,000 elite Poe Hach cavalry were divided into ten teams, marching northwards from the east and the west of the two Sacklands, and poured into the battlefield of Ebden, sweeping around the northern plains with a thunderbolt. .

Azores elf warriors who have never fought with so many cavalrymen, for the first time, experienced what a storm in the Great Green Sea of ​​Poi was like:

The fierce hussars didn't confront them at all, but with speed and flexibility, the scimitar and the crossbow attacked from all directions, and they quickly evacuated at the end of the blow, never entangled with the samurai.

Facing the extremely mobile maneuver, attacking the swept hussars everywhere, the elf warrior can only start to shrink the defense line, stationed in the strong fortress, and never take the initiative to attack.

On the twelfth day, Salika Jonah organized nearly 10,000 hussars and the most elite silver armoured cavalry, and struck a Azore elf fortress with heavy casualties.

At this point, the Azore elves contracted across the board, the hussars sweeping the entire line scattered throughout the northern land, sweeping the supply line of the Azore elves, raiding the small-scale elf warrior team, attacking the rear ... At the same time, a large cavalry team was organized The rear line army ensures the communication line and communication.

"Then ... Dear Commander Dresis."

Brandon turned his head sharply and looked at the deputy commander of the Silent Mountain Fortress: "The Empire Corps will be handed over to you-go north along Empire Avenue and join the army of Uncle Severin de Salion, re-start Establish a blockade; of course ... this time it is no longer a defense, but an offensive blockade. "

Dresis narrowed her eyes.

"I am very grateful to you for my newcomer, His Royal Highness, but ... you are the commander of their allegiance." Dresis whispered: "Since you are ready to let these people work for you, you should stand side by side with them. Together, cheer for victory with them under the banner. "

"Like ... Emperor Connold, your brother."

Faced with this "slightly disguised" cynicism, Brandon smiled.

"You're right, Brother Connold, who fought alongside the soldiers at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, was an example of my life-but this time it was a little special." The red pupil turned slightly, Brandon Looking at Nolan Odd hiding aside:

"Because this time I'm going north with my new friend, Grand Duke Arles. By the way, let's take a good look at the difference between the customs and customs of Arles and our Sacramento gangsters."

"No! No no no ... Your Royal Highness, I really feel that Arles's customs and customs are nothing to understand!" Nolan Oder, who looked surprised, quickly refused:

"Our gang of bosses have no experience of receiving the royal family, and your presence may only make them feel the mistrust from the sky dome and ..."

"I know, I know, but ... I still want to do this."

With his head tilted, Brandon, with a spring breeze, smiled and interrupted: "Because I think if the Arles warriors really feel that they are loyal servants of the empire, they should not refuse to entertain a crown prince plus a dragon ... Right, eh? "

Didn't even take a second, the astonished Nolan Odd immediately bowed with respect and saluted, with a little more loyalty in his eyes:

"Then your Highness, please don't make a contract, otherwise tens of thousands of Arles loyal men will cry for it."


On the twenty-second day of the promotion, the 100,000 Sacran regiment entered the north in two ways; the main army all the way along the Jewel River, trying to complete the meeting with Severin de Salion under the cover of the hussars.

The other way is to enter the territory of Ebden from East Saklan, establish a frontier position, and also cooperate with the hussars to enter a confrontation with the elves' fortress.

At the same time, the Arles immediately followed under the "guard" of the dragon Milassis, and also marched north along the Jewel River; cooperated with the main forces of the Sacran Army, they were able to fight Ebden as much as possible. Unfold the three sides.

"As for the two princes of loyal Bayern and Elleman ..."

Brandon with his arms on his hips turned his eyes to the front: "I want to give you a copy, you will never refuse a mission that you can't refuse."

"Go to Lotel and assist your mutual friend Grand Prix of Ruttel, Ruflin Frid, defeat the Azore elves in the deep forest, and then take the archers of Lotel and join my army in Ebden Converge. "

"Time is running out, I allow you to set off before the official opening, requisition everything you want to requisition, bring all the manpower and carriage you need; the time limit is the Midsummer Festival, before the Midsummer Festival, I will use Lotel to win, Ya The news of the fiasco of the Saul Elf inspired the army and launched the final decisive battle against the Bunny Lords! "

"Follow the order!"

The voice didn't fall, and Yuli Wiltz agreed firmly, and the dark-haired wizard on the side bowed slightly.

"Very good, even if you don't want to do this." Brandon shrugged: "Because helping friends is justified, right?"

On the 20th day of the promotion, the Baine-Ellerman Regiment entered Lotel and marched in the direction of Fort Eagle, capital of the principality of Lothal. On the 22nd, the vanguard troops first arrived at Fort Eagle.

At this time, the front of the deep forest has fallen. ~ The battlefield has spread to the central area of ​​Lotel. The Azores and the ogres driven by them have poured into the mountains, hills and remote wilderness farms. , Raging everywhere, ravaging the Lothal countryside.

On the twenty-first day, Loren and Yuli Wiltz first launched a fierce battle with a thousands of Azore elf troops at the junction of Lotel and Sacran-Lotai who retreated to Eagle Hunt The Uyghur army has lost control of the transportation lines in the northern and eastern parts of the Principality, resulting in the elven army of Eboden and Lotel beginning to try to penetrate each other's areas and establish a solid relationship.

The situation on the battlefield of Theil has seriously exceeded everyone's expectations; only the second day after the defeat of the Azore Sentinel, the rear of the army was attacked by ogres; the casualties were not heavy, but they lost a lot Precious materials and livestock, which cannot be replenished in the mountains of Lotel.

Ogres lurking in the forest, elf warriors hiding on the roadside waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack, the battlefield has already spread from the middle of Lotel to most of the territory, lost the Lotel army of the deep forest, and has maintained the minimum backline security. Nothing can be done, enough to prove the serious situation of casualties.

After a brief exchange, Loren and Duke Ellerman unanimously decided to slow down the march and try their best to maintain their combat power, and then went to Eagle Hunter Castle to meet Ruwin Frid.

On the twenty-third day, the main force of Byrne-Elman ’s army arrived at Eagle Citadel, and Lotel immediately sent an army to greet him outside the city.

But the person who came to greet them greatly exceeded their expectations.

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