Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 282: Thunder

"Azure elf warrior, come out!"

"For His Majesty the Eagle King —————— !!!!!!"

The loud cry shouted around the high ground.

Along with the roar resounding through the battlefield, there was a whole dense line of black spots filling the horizon.

The next second, this black line swept down from above the highlands, and covered the entire front of the highlands in an instant overlay; under the noon day of the day, flashing lights flickered like a galaxy surging on the earth.

Only thousands of Azores long knives can show such a magnificent scene in the sun-and only the Azores elves can simultaneously take out thousands of mirror-like blades and thousands Thousands of warriors who know how to wield such a sharp blade.

After "swelling down" the slopes of the highlands, more than ten thousand elf warriors quickly spread to the wings of the battlefield, and the flickering river turned into a narrow "thin line" in a blink of an eye. The depth of a column of famous warriors.

"My Holy Cross, they are ..."

Stared at Nolan Odd on the battlefield with a look of amazement in his expression.

"Is this going to be desperate?"

Grand Duke Elmans holding his breath, his face was also dignified to the extreme: "If the front is spread as far as possible, it can indeed offset the pressure of the Bayern Knights to charge against the wall-heavy cavalry, unable to sweep the loose formation like the Hussars. Bingxian. "

"Expanding the front to the extreme, it is indeed able to directly surround the Baine Corps, which is almost the same in strength, but is good at dense square array." Grand Duke Arles said in a deep voice:

"With the combat power of the Baine Legion, this battle is almost impossible to lose, but in any case ..."

"In any case, the thousands of Bain elite fighting will definitely suffer heavy casualties!"

Suddenly interrupted Grand Duke Elleman turned to look at his side and remained silent. Brandon said nothing: "Please order Grand Duke Salika Jonah ambushing on the flank and let the cavalry sweep the battlefield!"

"The most important thing at the moment is to sweep the stubborn enemy as soon as possible and end the battle; don't care about your commitment to the enemy, Your Highness!"

In his speech, the Azore elf warrior in front of the front had completed the rectification, and took a step toward the black lion's golden lion war banner.

A series of Bayern flags on the battlefield extend from the gentle slopes of the highlands to the front of the Bayern formation. It is like a corridor connecting the two, leading the enemy forward.

The only one-handed chief wizard of the Imperial Court, Anson Zade, raised the battle flag and walked at the forefront of the center of the whole queue; and the blindfolded elf girl waving the ancient sword followed him side by side.

"Boom ——————, Boom ————————, Boom ——————————"

The cluttered footsteps slowly approached. Although it was far less tidy and extraordinary than the Empire's army, when the picture scrolls of more than 10,000 elf warriors raised their swords, they were still quite shocking.

"I said, you warm-hearted grandpas ..."

Brandon, who was always silent, suddenly said lazily: "Even Loren Turin, who is going to meet the enemy, hasn't spoken yet. What did you panic first?"

"His Royal Highness, we ..."

"We ... are waiting here, I know my Duke Byrne, he is not a face-saver-since he insists on giving us a show, then enjoy this grand show."

Stealed Brandon Elmans, staring at the battlefield, staring at the silver light drawn by thousands of samurai swords, and crossed the first black lion battle flag.

"The Jiao lightsaber entered the final debugging stage and entered the final countdown!"

The stubborn little wizard shouted loudly.

Jiaoguangsajian II-This is the name Ai Yin gave them, because one of her most satisfied "Zichen · Haoyue Yao" was rejected by Isaac plus all the staff, so the angry little wizard simply started Such a name without beauty.

That's right, just like the original name of "Jiaoguang spear type 1" was originally called "Zhuangguang · Dragon Gun"; although ... she secretly engraved the name she wanted on the molds of the two weapons.

Behind her, thirty mystical wizards and nearly sixty alchemists from the Bain Wizards ’Union and the Nine Stars Magic Tower are currently carrying out final commissioning work around five launchers.

As the "Jiaoguang Sword II" born on the basis of the samples developed by Isaac, no matter the range or power has a greater degree of shrinkage-the two-kilometer range is shortened to only 1,500 steps The precision range is only a thousand steps; and the power is much worse than the original, which is almost equivalent to the gap between Milassis' Dragon Fire and the "Turin Fire" released by Loren Quan's full strength.

The advantage gained in exchange for this is that the cost is greatly reduced and the requirement for the power of the void is reduced, which is reduced to only six mystic specialties, and twelve alchemists can complete all the operations, without External energy supply.

Compared to the original core of a floating city, dozens of wizards plus a dwarf craftsman and a wizard who opened the first valve can complete the basic operation of the "Jiaoguang Sword I", which is simply called "People First" "the design of.

"One thousand steps, the target has entered the limit range!"

"The magic circle starts, and finally counts down--! Five, four, three, two, one ..."

"The launcher is activated, and the magic circle begins to recharge the" light sword "!"

"Adjust the angle, prepare the firing hand, aim!"

"Ready to go, all are on standby--!"

As a demon hunter who also served as the flag officer raised the signal flag, the entire projected weapon position instantly returned to tranquility, and all eyes turned to the petite back in the robe and the bright golden hair.

Through the observation mirror, the azure blue eyes firmly locked the figure waving the battle flag and walking in front of the elf army:




When the elf boy noticed the fluctuations in the void reaction, the five beams of light had risen parallel from the end of the horizon, just like a dazzling meteor, dive down in the direction of the Azoreian army.

From the distance, I am afraid that it is not a thousand steps ... No, I am afraid that it will be farther.

The colors of fear filled Anson ’s pupils, and his heart beat faster-could it be said that His Royal Highness Launcher ... No, the launcher is far from this range, and the Void response is not the same, this ...

"Anson ?!"

"Relax, my elder sister." Despite the nervousness, the elf boy still persuaded: "Even if the enemy's weapon can really be so far, such a distance is impossible to aim at ..."

'S voice was not falling, as if suddenly flashing, the elven boy's eyes were flooded with white; the dazzling light made him unable to close his eyes.

"Boom ———————————— !!!!!!”

The violent explosion, like the dazzling white light, flashed by.

There was no vibration, no roar, no thunderous endless loud noises and screams one after another; except for a moment of tinnitus, everything seemed to have happened quickly.

When the elven boy with tinnitus opened his eyes again, he was stunned.

I saw five lines juxtaposed in a row, very flat "straight line".

Leveled to nothing, the ground seemed to be wiped out—the grass, the rocks, the dirt, and the elf warrior standing on top of it, there was nothing left.

Even a little bit of scum and slurry water, there is no left.

Only the Azore's long knife, which was dyed black and still smoking, was scattered on the ground.

This is ...

My bright lightsaber ... My ... The original curse?

Lorren Turin ... He actually used my curse to deal with me?


The cry of the blindfolded elf girl sounded again, this time with a faint voice in her voice.

"Sister Sister ?!" The awakened Anson Zade suddenly raised his head and instantly regained his reason: "Trumpeter!"

"Uh ... in, in!"

"Blow trumpet, blow trumpet!"

"But, but ..."

"No, blow into the bugle, immediately!"

"Follow the order!"

The sound of an eagle-like horn sounded again, and the elf samurai wielding a long sword quickly recovered its formation and continued to move forward.

What if even the front is spread out? The projectile weapon on the opposite side has been able to hit the skirmish line with a precision of a thousand steps, and avoiding is meaningless.

Want to defeat the enemy, only step forward!

For a moment, almost immediately after the last loud noise, the second round of "Meteor" had already fallen from the sky and swooped in the direction of Anson Zade.

"Boom ———————————— !!!!!!”

Another round of "uniform" loud noise, even the interval between front and back cannot be heard-this proves that the opponent's projection weapon can even tacitly complete a gapless volley, and it can do so in both the launch angle and the aiming position Exactly.

What exactly did they do ... ah? !

The eyes of the elf boy stopped on the black lion battle flag that stretched like a promenade all over the battlefield-the bright colors were so striking on the flat battlefield.

So it turns out ...

Lorren Turin, did he actually use his battle flag as a target for projecting weapons? !

"This is really ... unexpected."

The dumbfounded Nolan Odd, but he couldn't help but grinned: "I already knew that this generation of Duke Byrne is not an old-fashioned guy ... I didn't expect it to be played ?!"

"Yes, no matter which family's coat of arms is definitely designed with the eye-catching as the first standard, in order to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy on the battlefield-but on the other hand, such a goal is simply a perfect target. ! "

"If I were you, I wouldn't care about such trivial things." Julie Wiltz snorted, somewhat viciously against Duke Arles:

"The range is extremely long and powerful, the projection weapon controlled by the wizard with the power of the void; the shooter who can accurately aim at a thousand steps ... these are what Loren Turin wants to show, unlike the past. Traditional strength! "

"Expanding the battle beyond five hundred steps, greater deterrence, and more powerful projective weapons ... This is a change, a change that is no less than a bow and arrow from a gun, meaning that past experience will not Try again for future wars. "

Finally, Julie Wiltz, who sneered again, turned his gaze back to the battlefield, and the dignity in his eyes remained.

But ... these are not enough,

Powerful and accurate projectile weapons, against the dense formation may be an absolute weapon, but for the narrow and thin scattered line of Azore elves, the damage can not be enough to defeat the powerful elf warrior.

If according to his understanding, after a round of long-range projection, Byrne should dispatch elite ranger knights and hussars to sweep the line, forcing the elf warrior to gather; then the task of breaking the array will be handed over to the Brian knight. The phalanx and the infantry are responsible for finishing.

This is the traditional way of fighting by the Byrne Legion ... but obviously, this is not what Loren wants to show them.

So, Loren Turin ...

What do you really want to show us?

"Boom ———————————— !!!!!!”

Is another round of loud noise, five white lights neatly swept across the line of soldiers advancing from the Azore elves-only the burning or smoky, dark Azorian sword.

The elf warriors who held up their long swords walked through the fallen land without changing their colors, and quickly reformed their formations, filled the gaps, and continued to press against the positions of the Byrne Legion.

Five hundred steps, very close.

Anson Zade has even been able to see the soldiers in the front row of the Baine Legion unfolding their fronts, trying to pull the line enough to be side by side with the elf warriors, erecting the shield, and setting up a spear on the shield. Weapons.

What is that, a new type of heavy crossbow?

Almost as soon as the queue entered the five hundred infantry line, the five meteors swooped toward the Azores again.

This is really ...

"Do n’t look down upon me too much!"

At the moment of screaming, the elf teenager who dropped the battle flag in his hand dragged the pendant from his neck, flicked a silver beam to the sky, and flew towards the "meteor" that fell from the sky.

"Boom ———————————— !!!!!!”

In the roaring loud sound ~ ~ The beams meet in the air, burst, and the brilliant "fireworks" bloom in a flash, disappearing without a trace.

Blocked by the Azore elf warriors, there was only the thin crossbow line of the Baien Legion.

But such a thin, only two-tiered crossbowmen front, want to block the elves and samurai charge is really wishful thinking!

"Azores elf warriors--" Anson Zade surrounded the whole body with a silver beam and roared again:

"Draw a knife-"

"Meet the enemy-!"

"For His Majesty the Eagle King —————— !!!!!!"

The next second, the roaring Azore elf warriors took their steps, and the whole battle line rushed towards the Bain Legion at the same time.

In the roar of Zhentian, the sound of sprinting steps was like an unstoppable momentum like a rolling wave, which shocked the hearts of every soldier of the Baine Legion.

"Finally come ..."

Feeling the murderous energy coming from the face, Karl Colin, who was standing in the front row with a "Jiaoguang spear", was not nervous, but his expression was more and more excited.

"Shooting Army-"

Tightly holding the "Jiaoguang spear" in his arms, the roaring Hunter almost cheek was completely attached to the simple sight setting on the bronze tube:

"Ready to meet the enemy-!"

:. :

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