Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 280: Blade Contract

Highland fortress, Azores camp, early in the morning.

The thick sea of ​​mist filled the highlands, and the weak Anson Zade sat cross-legged under the flagpole, staring trancelessly at the Gems River in the distance. The scene of the battle a few days ago seemed like it had just happened. , Flashing back and forth in his mind.

The dragon descending from the sky, the burning river water, struggling with fire like ants, the wailing elf warrior, hundreds and thousands, hundreds and thousands ...

Clenched his teeth, the eyes of the elf boy shaking in the cold wind closed tightly.

It's all me ... it's all because of me ... because I'm the one who ended up like this ... otherwise, at least ...

Slowly opened her eyes, and the blindfolded elf girl reflected in her pupils was kneeling on her side, looking at herself carefully, as if she was worried about her appearance.

"Sister Sister, how long have you ...?"

The awakened Anson Zade blurted out.

"It didn't take long, just to see you here, so wait a moment." The blindfolded elf girl shook her head, and the tender voice softly said: "Ansen was ... for a night, and went back to the camp to sleep a little Later."


The soaked smock, the hair tips that are exposed, and the water marks on the side ... If you did n’t stay in this dense fog for more than an hour, you would n’t become this look.

Sister Sister ... I am still not good at lying as always.

The elven boy couldn't help but chuckle.

"What's wrong?" Lolly Zade asked when he heard laughter.

"Nothing, just suddenly remembered some happy things in the past, can't help but ..."

"Yeah, yeah, this time I have to think about something happy to get rid of my worries." The babble elf girl nodded in agreement: "When I am tired, I can't help but think of the past. What about time to practice with Anson. "

"The years are like a shuttle, and in the blink of an eye, the flowers are gorgeous yesterday-memory, life, and it is because of this beginning and end that it seems precious."

Looked at Lori Zade who tried to console himself, and there was a little more gratitude in the elven boy's smile.

That ’s right, if it ’s not because of yourself, the elder sister will not be reduced to such a point, she can do it with her strength ...

"But!" Lori Zade suddenly said:

"For Lori, if you can't meet the ending with Anson, then no matter how beautiful the memory is, it seems that there will always be some regrets left."


Resistant to the urge to cry, a smile squeezed from the face of the elf boy: "So ... here, will it be our end?"

"I don't know ... Idiot Anson always seems to forget that people are invisible." The smiling blindfolded elf girl shook her head: "Highlands, plains, hills, rivers, foggy seas ... These colorful pictures, to Luo Li is the same. "

"Yeah, I almost forgot." His face was slightly dark, and Anson Zade changed the subject: "So, what kind of scene is the most perfect scene for my sister?"

"The most perfect ending ..."

The elf girl raised her head slightly, and the index finger of her right hand gently touched under the corner of her lips: "It is already spring in front of your eyes. If it is a sign, it will not be long before the peach blossoms bloom."

"Peach Blossom ... Speaking of which, the peach blossom in my hometown always blooms later than elsewhere."

"Yeah, yeah." The elf girl nodded.

Remembered the scenery of his childhood hometown, smiling Anson, could not help but reveal a long sigh.

For every elf warrior, they are because their hometown is invaded and destroyed by monsters and evil spirits from the void, fighting to save the life and death of the Azore elves the way.

Unlike the “empire people” who were almost slaves in the era of the dragon kingdom, the Azores have more bloodlines from the dragon kingdom. These bloodlines give the Azores the natural qualification to contact the power of the void.

But this is not a blessing, this is a curse.

This innate "talent" is like the five senses of the Azores, even if they can still use this power without even knowing it, and they will use the power of the void and do not control it. The remnants of the power of the void create attraction from the void.

Vampires, ghouls, ogres ... and even the body of evil gods, all monsters that are distorted by the force of the void are born in this way.

Since ancient times wielded long swords, the elf warriors who fought against various monsters did not know that the source of the monsters they beheaded was their own.

The warrior way born from spiritual practice gave the Azore elf warriors more power than in the past; and only a few elf warriors were aware of the monsters they faced after this power was born It is also more powerful than in the past.

Everything until the arrival of the man.

Harlem van Ashamai.

For the wizards of the Azores, it was a blessed day; for the entire race of the Azores, it was a day that could never be mentioned and cursed forever.

The man who gave himself wisdom and blood brings magic.

Alchemy, spells, ancient runes ... For the first time, the Azores knew how powerful their inherent power was.

But they do n’t know how heavy the consequences of this powerful force are;

When they know ... too late, everything is too late.

The homeland of the Azores, the fertile land that is separated from the empire by the misty sea has been completely eroded and destroyed by the power of the void, and has become an abyss **** raged by monsters.

And the source of this evil power-according to the king of eagles, on the land of the Sacrament Empire.

Only by eradicating the empire and uprooting all their beliefs, magic, and everything related to it, can the future of the Azores be exchanged.

Fight for life and death, fight for justice ... Every Azore elf stepping on the battlefield is like this.


If His Majesty the Eagle King stands here, An Sen really wants to ask him this sentence ... is this true?

Even after eradicating everything from the Empire and the "holy cross" evil **** they believed in, and then inheriting the legacy of the ancient dragon kingdom ... the curse carried by the Azore elves will still not disappear.

In doing so, at most it just starts a new reincarnation. The Azores who have magic and samurai way, maybe only one or two hundred years will turn this land into a monster to resist the ravages of such monsters. Such a rescue ... fundamentally It cannot be called "the great right to save life and death."

Anson Zade, who has studied the power of the void for many years, does not think that the Azores, who were destined to bear the curse from the beginning, can end their fate through a war ... It is better to say that it is because of this. It is destiny.

The Azores who inherited the heritage of the dragon kingdom, there are only two roads to go from beginning to end-either desperately resist the power of the void and usher in destruction; or actively embrace the power of the void and end up with the dragon kingdom.

So what ...


The blindfolded elf girl who noticed Anson's mood swings, gently pressed his brother's arm and snuggled him against his shoulder.

"It's okay, everything will pass, everything will be fine." Laughing, Lori Zade said softly: "The prosperous and blooming days are known to have withered seasons; when the wind and snow are gone, it will be another season. Gorgeous. "

Depressed all the troubles, Anson indulged in the fairy girl's poetry, a natural smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Until a burst of footsteps, break this rare calm.

"Master Zade!"

An elf warrior knelt in front of the two on one knee, and Bi Gongbi respectfully said: "From the direction of the siege position, a team of emissaries of the Empire came ... Do you want to meet them?"

Took a deep breath of thick mist filled with water vapor, and the expression of the elf boy became cold again:

"Let them come."

Elf warrior bowed and saluted, turned away.

A quarter of an hour later, in the misty sea of ​​fog, a team of torches appeared outside the camp of the Azore elves, and accompanied by a group of elf warriors, they walked into the barracks.

Is headed by Lucien.

Scanned the surrounding Azore warriors, the gray pupils could not even see a little bit of anger, fear, or even any emotion from their expressions and eyes.

It seems that the self and the hunters and baine knights standing behind them are not their enemies, but a group of other people who have nothing to do with them.

No, they know they are their enemy, but they don't care anymore.

After more than ten days of dead battles, time and again fiasco, uninterrupted casualties, no hope of reinforcements coming, and helplessness in the use of food ... not to mention a group of Azore elves in a foreign land, even if Switching to an army of the Empire, I am afraid it should have collapsed long ago.

Is just a group of desperate walking dead waiting for his death ... as Lord Loren described it.

Lusien couldn't even think of it, if in the same situation, he was surrounded by enemies, playing all the food, Lord Loren ... would he come to save himself?

But this thought just flashed in his mind ... Replaced by Lord Loren, he would not let himself fall under this terrible situation.

But even if it is true, you should be willing to do it, after all ...

"Welcome all of you, the enemies of the Azores."

Slightly frowned elf boy looked at Lu Sien in front of him, said indifferently: "I don't know your intentions, is there anything we can help?"

"If it is an invitation to fight, please be free-we are here, you are under the mountain; if you want to kill us, please be free!"

Didn't wait for the gray pupil to speak, Anson stole.

Raised his eyebrows, and Lucien didn't want to fight with the elven boy, turning his eyes to Lolly Zade.

"Under the order of Lord Loren Turin, come to fulfill a promise with Lord Lori Zad."

"committed to?"

Without waiting for the other party to react, the expressionless Lucien stepped forward, pulled a long knife from under the cloak, and threw it at the blindfolded elf girl standing beside Anson.


Loli Zade, who raised her right hand, held it firmly. When the palm touched the handle of the knife, she froze for a moment: "This is ..."

"The famous knife passed down through the generations of the Zade family-when the last time you confronted the Duke, it was left as a testimony to the Duke."

"Master Duke believes that it is time to fulfill the agreement between the two parties."

"Tomorrow noon, if Lori and Anson Zade decide to fulfill this agreement, then please go down the mountain, the Duke will erect the black lion's battle flag under the mountain, waiting for the two drivers to come."

"If you don't ... then the empire will launch its final attack before the evening, completely occupying the empire territory captured by you, when the dragon roars ..."

"It's your death."

In the sea of ​​mist, the barracks of the Azores were dead.

Warriors without glaring eyes, no angry quarrels, verbal abuse, roaring, and brave warriors who ca n’t wait to go to the battlefield ... The barracks filled with elves and warriors stood quietly like a grave.

The ultimatum news seems to have been agreed upon, which is not enough to make them fuss.

Waiting for a minute, Lucien no longer speaks, slightly nodding, and then turns away with the knights and demon hunters, and simply does not bother to see the brother Zade behind him.

For him, it was already two bodies.

"Wait a minute."

Talking with the sound, several elf warriors blocked the way of Lu Sien and his party.

Glanced at Lori Zade on his side, and the indifferent elven boy turned his eyes and slowly walked towards Lusien:

"Please tell His Excellency Loren Turin, Duke of Byrne, I and my sister, accept his invitation-we will go to the appointed place at noon tomorrow, but ..."

Ansen remarked: "We will not be the only one confronting him ~ ~ and all the elf warriors who will not obey your empire, will participate in this showdown!

"We will fight with the Lord until the last moment, until the last Azore Elf warrior falls down-when the blood of the warrior spills over the earth, this is the end of the duel!"

The elf boy said in a deep voice, his eyes staring at Lucien.

Looking back to his gaze, a moment later, he solemnly nodded his head: "Understood, I will completely rephrase this sentence to Lord Loren."

The voice fell, and the elven boy waved his hand and let Lucien leave.

Looking back, Lori Zade was already standing beside him, holding the long sword passed down from generation to generation of the Zade family.

"Anson, you really ..."

"Ah ... yes, my elder sister." The elf boy nodded, and his expression was very calm: "This should ... is our end."

"The day of prosperity and bloom is known to have withered season; when the wind and snow are gone, it is another season of gorgeousness ... Tomorrow is the moment of our withering."

Noticed that the elf boy on his side was in a stable mood, and Lori Zade no longer persuaded him.

"If possible, I want to see the peach blossoms in my hometown again."

"There will be, there must be." Anson turned his head to look at the blindfolded elf girl and cut the railroad:

"By the noon of tomorrow, the flowers must be gorgeous!"

:. :

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