Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 256: Attack, attack!

To the south of the imperial capital, in the blockade area, on the banks of the gems, on Empire Avenue.

Only after personally trying it out can you understand how terrible and troublesome it is to manage a large territory and an army of tens of thousands of people.

Although he was given the power of the elven prince, it did not mean that the chief wizard of the imperial court, Anson Zade, could immediately instruct the tens of thousands of elven warrior armies — on the contrary, this was at best a start.

He must personally meet with each warrior leader, reorganize them after taking oath of allegiance, assign tasks, hand in hand to explain the work, send messengers to send letters and supervise the progress of the task, and then ... repeat the above content for almost one Thousands of times.

Basically this is what he has done in the past few days and nights.

What he did was just a small thing that seemed to be trivial, such as "bring all the weights and captives, converge according to the designated route, and then advance", and did not even involve any part related to the battle, and gave the samurai leaders The great degree of freedom still makes him busy to find North.

With a wand snatched from a noble manor, sweaty Anson Zade raised his tired gaze, and some scalp looked numbly around the dense Azore warriors on the move.

In the past he would be proud of such a large army, or at least feel safe; but now he can only feel trouble, trouble, countless troubles.

It sucks, it **** ... why did His Royal Highness Rodria Azore always look relaxed and comfortable when he commanded the army, and became messy when he changed himself?

Taking a deep breath, Anson Zade sighed helplessly.

The blindfolded elf girl right behind Anson Zade, struggling with a long knife like a cane, was a bit struggling: "The squadron was completely dragged at the end of the team, and there were captives-just now a warrior leader said that there are almost Two or three thousand captives were at the back of the line, and there were signs of escape. "

"It seems that our plan is still too ideal. With so many troops retreating on a large scale, the problem is more than expected."

"This is not ideal, not at all!"

Anson Zade was very weak to refute: "This army also has these warriors. They used to cross the Empire's defense line in just five days, and they fought against the two Empire troops in three days. , Occupying more than half of the territory of West Sakland! "

"If they can do so many things in ten days, then there is no reason why they ca n’t retreat to the designated area within four days to regroup their defenses-so there must be something wrong, something wrong, something should n’t be this It looks like! "

"So it's not the warriors' fault, but Anson's lack of ability?"

"I ... I ... bleak!"

Silent Anson Zade opened his mouth and found that he couldn't refute it at all; he stomped hard and accelerated his pace.

"Anson ... still unwilling to admit his mistakes and deficiencies as always."

The blindfolded elf girl, who didn't change her face, said to herself: "When this happens, when will the only eldest son of the Zade family grow up?"

As he said, Lolly Zade followed his bragging brother step by step.

The next second, the blindfolded elf girl suddenly stopped and turned her right hand behind the knife.


With a sharp anger, the elven wizard who had not recovered from the shame turned back instinctively, and saw the elven girl standing in the same place as the enemy.


"There is a voice ... approaching from the back of the line." Lori Zade's face sank like water, although she could still see her serious expression with blindfolded eyes: "It's not easy to judge from a long distance, but ... it should be an imperial cavalry . "

Cavalry ... Bane Knight? !

Anson, whose face changed, had no doubt at all, raised his wand in his right hand, and a bunch of "Jiaoguang Sword" exploded in the air.

"The whole army ... established on the spot--!"

The moment the command was given, the entire marching team was quiet.

"The former team changed to the rear team, expanded into a line, gathered the line, and prepared to defend against the enemy!" The rushed Anson did not wait for the last sentence to finish, and immediately issued another order:

"Send a commander to contact the rear and figure out the situation!"

Before he finished speaking, dozens of elf warriors ran towards the rear of the entire marching team.

At the same time, the entire elf warrior army began to gather the front at the same time-although that was said, but in fact, only the thousands in the front could actually get orders from Ansen, and the back row of the team was still moving slowly. It wasn't until the sound of the eagle's horn sounded that it accelerated.

Unlike the close formation of the Imperials, the Azores ’fighting style led to their fronts being very loose, so the length of the entire marching team was about one and a half times that of the imperials of the same strength. The most direct consequence is that the speed of the news is very high slow.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, Anson Zade, who had already collected a third of his troops, finally got accurate information from the rear.

And it's the worst, the result he doesn't want to see.

"Loren Turin, Duke of Bain, raided the rear corps of the march. After defeating the elf warriors who guarded the corps, he captured more than a thousand prisoners. Now he is organizing the army ... is he still attacking?"

"The army in the back row is organizing defenses, and they have not been breached by them yet ..."

Looking at the shocked and angry Anson Zade, the breathless elf warrior also had a trace of unwillingness on his face: "There are many enemy cavalry, and the whole body of leather armor, spears and long knives can cause damage to them ... very little ! "

Anson, who was so watery, raised his right hand and signaled that the other party did not need to continue.

"Lorren Turin ... he came to you, to be more precise, it should have come to us, more than 20,000 elf warriors."

The blindfolded elf **** the side whispered: "It's only a matter of time before he breaks through and rushes here ... Do you want to fight?"

Anson gritted his teeth, shaking his wand's palm slightly.

The situation is completely different from what was expected.

He guessed that the other party would launch a raid while he was retreating, but he did not expect that the other party was not at the time of his departure or the time on the way, but he was about to merge with His Royal Highness Rodria At the time, attack from the last side of the team and make yourself caught off guard.

If the judgment is good, there should be a day or so between himself and His Royal Highness.

But the current situation is very detrimental to himself.

On the wide avenue is simply a natural excellent battlefield for heavy cavalry; the Baien knights can fully charge as much as possible, destroying the blocked elf warriors layer by layer, and killing them straight in front of them.

At that time, you will have to face the same situation again as in the battle of Ebden ... No, it is even more terrifying than that time. This time you will face no longer the exhausted wizard, but a fully armed, beside you. Duke Byrne of countless guards.

So ... must we fight? !

You ... really have the courage to make up your mind to fight against Loren Turin? !

The trembling elf boy, the cold sweat on his forehead continually slipped down like raindrops, wetting the lapel.


The little white hand held his wet shoulder.


"Nothing to fear, I'm right behind you." Lori Zade lowered her voice and said softly: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, Anson."

"I don't ..." The elf boy wanted to justify something.

"Leave it to me here."

Before he finished speaking, the blindfolded elf girl stepped forward and blocked Anson behind him: "Give me the command of the army, and then you rush to the siege camp as soon as possible to send His Royal Highness to send troops to the surroundings. Lun Turin. "

"If you are the only one at Anson ’s speed, you should be able to get there without using it for a long time-before that, I will try to hold the Duke Byrne as far as possible, block him here, and leave the rest to you. Handle, please! "

"Go, don't worry or guilt, this is the best choice right now."

The words fell, and there was a little more determination on Lori Zade's face.

But Anson had no idea of ​​retreating at all.

"No ... no, I can't leave this monster to the elder sister alone."

The slightly stunned Lolly Zade looked back slightly: "Anson, it's not your awkwardness and arrogance now ..."

"I'm not arrogant!" The grumpy elf boy stole:

"I just had enough!"

"I'm tired of being counted by the other party at every step. I'm tired of being played by the **** guy as a dumb idiot again and again, tired of falling into his trap again and again!"

"This time, will it be the same this time? Has he already guessed that I dare not confront him at all, so use this method to provoke me?"

"Or did he guess my plan long ago, so arrogantly felt that if I made me realize that he was seen through, he would immediately run away?"

"Ridiculous, it's ridiculous; there are more than a thousand cavalrymen on my side, but I have more than 20,000 elf warriors on a side-by-side comparison of twenty-one battles. Why should I be the one who fled the desert, the one who ran out of fear Shouldn't it be him? "

Listening to Anson's restless self-talk, the blindfolded elf girl opened her mouth and stopped talking.

"So I won't run this time, and I won't let the monster feel as good as I want-I'm going to fight him head to head, even if I have to pay more!" Anson Zade roared:

"The whole army-array, prepare for battle!"

"It's here that we meet the Duke of the Empire, Loren Turin, who once shamed the Azores in Ebden!"

"In the name of the eagle king, in the name of the great righteous life of Azores, I assure you that today, next year, will be the sacrifice day of Loren Turin!"


Empire Avenue, the rear line of the Azores army.

The spacious Empire Avenue was covered with corpses, and there were Empires and Azores; the Rangers and Knights who had just defeated the Azores ’army, put down their saddles and cleaned the battlefield with the help of very few survivors , Clean up the corpses to make way for the warhorse.

"Frankly speaking, Duke, this is not the time to clean the battlefield." The rushed White Horse Peak Earl Regrell followed behind Loren with his eyes always on the knights who were cleaning the battlefield:

"The only thing that has just been defeated by us is the Azore elves escorting the heavy armies and being dragged to the rear of the army, which is less than one-twentieth at best; if we continue to waste our time cleaning the battlefield, twenty Nineteenths of all elves will run away! "

"19 of 20?"

The black-haired wizard who stopped, looked at Rigelrel with some surprise and amusement: "You mean that they will choose to run away from us instead of turning their heads to fight us when they get the news of our raid. ——We are faced with an army of elves and samurai of about 20,000 people. ”

"Quantity doesn't mean everything." Regrel frowned: "We have more than a thousand elite knights, with the open Empire Avenue in front of us, no amount of troops can stop the wall-mounted charge of the knight of Baine-time is the fighter. Is the key to whether we can win. "

"If you continue to spend so much, wait until the enemy meets the headquarters of the siege camp, or thoroughly organizes the defensive front, we really have no chance at all!"

"Yes, time is the fighter." Loren nodded. "That's why we have to wait."

Regrel's brow furrowed even harder: "I don't understand, do you mean ..."

"If the little prince is in charge of this army, I will probably accept your suggestion ... No, if it is him, I should have taken advantage of this gap to go to the capital."

Loren shrugged: "But now the reaction of the enemy tells me-no matter who is the commander in charge of the army opposite him, he is definitely not the roderia Azore who fought with us in Ebden!"

"In the past few days, I have dealt with this elf for almost seven or eight days. This is a guy who is easily anxious, but sometimes very stubborn; so if he knows that the person who attacked him is me, then definitely not Run away, but turn around and fight me. "

"So I'm fighting for a little time to judge ~ ~ bet on whether he really will be so desperate-if it is, ah ... we can not only defeat him, maybe we will have the chance to wipe out he!"

Regrel was completely shocked.

For the first time, he discovered that he didn't even understand the Lord Duke in front of him-God knows how many bold and extreme plans are in his mind? !

More than a thousand knights, as well as reinforcements who don't know when they will arrive, is he going to rely on these to wipe out 20,000 elves? !

Asking yourself, Regrel believes that if you change to encounter such a battle, you must first consider retreating-this is the normal commander ’s thinking, and the victory or defeat is not important at all. The preservation of the army ’s organizational system and combat effectiveness is The most critical ...

"Duke, the Azore elves have started attacking!" A demon hunter who hurried back to the newspaper interrupted Regrel's thinking.

"Subordinate assembly!" Loren's face smiled happily:

"The target is straight ahead, the whole army charges!" ()

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