Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 247: The way to West Sacran

Black Cross ... Serior? !

Staring at the eyes filled with the power of the substantive void, Loren felt a scalp tingling suddenly, and the whole body was unconsciously tense.

In the blink of an eye, everything seemed to be still.

Granular dust drifted in the air, the forest and the wilderness in the distance, the knight who whip galloped like a landscape painting, and the light and shadow of the dome became intermittent.

The surrounding demon hunters and guards looked quietly at this side, and did not reveal any unusual appearance in their expressions at all, like motionless marble sculptures.

"This is really ... it's been too long, too long."

The cold biting words sounded, with a chill that made the dark-haired wizard very familiar: "Loren Turin ... Since the last 'friendly meeting', you and we have been separated for too long."

"It's not been as long as you said." Loren smiled reluctantly. "It's only a few years. You were smiling at the time. I still remember it now!"

But obviously, Serel ... or "former Bishop Fanesis" has no sense of humor.


The "Destroyer Centurion" full of gray-blue pus in his eyes twitched constantly, making it impossible to distinguish his expression.

"The concept of time does not exist in the void, and your" being "is not bound by time and physics; what is stored in it is countless messages and emotions, and the possibility of all these condensing . "

"When you opened that door and lifted the restriction of the second valve, countless 'possibilities' were born-yes, I have made sufficient preparations to meet you, and have experienced countless possibilities before returning this world."

"Everything is for that ... maybe."

"Kill you and wipe you from this world forever ... possibly."

The deserter, whose cheeks were twitching more and more, one piece of the mouth mechanically combined.

The eyes full of unclearness and the unparalleled power of the void made the dark-haired wizard's heart tight.

Cold sweat, across the forehead.

"You are in fear." The deserter's convulsions are getting worse and worse, and his face is exposed:

"You should be afraid."

"Your thoughts, thoughts, emotions, existence, actions ... all within my expectations, you are destined to become the enemy of this world, and then fall to my feet."

"You ... are destined to fall under my feet!"

The icy words of judgment echoed in the ear of the black-haired wizard.

"Don't listen, Loren!"

Suddenly, a young and familiar voice exploded beside him, faintly anxious.

"He is trying to influence your consciousness!"

Suddenly shocked, the panic consciousness immediately became sober.

Delicate black-red dress, pale and bloodless skin, white-gold hair ... Asriel standing on his hand, blocked himself and the deserter-"Black Cross" Serel.

But this time the blond boy couldn't see any more laughs on his face. The dignified and solemn look was not like him.

"Serior, your power of the void ..." The intermittent words sounded as if the teeth of the boy were trembling: "Diapo, Lemantes, Gewait, Luton ... you ... you put them ... … "

"Ha ha."

The deserter's facial muscles showed a "smile" expression, like a puppet with a string raised.

"The betrayal deserters ... cowards ... traitors ... shameless gutters ... I remember you calling them that ..." Serel sneered:

"So I killed them all."

Understatement, as if discussing the evening weather.

The dark-haired wizard and the blond boy both caught cold.

The four evil gods ... as Asriel described it, even if it is so weak that it can only rely on some collective consciousness, such as fear, to maintain its existence, it cannot be easily erased.

"From another world ... invaders ..." the "destroyer" who raised his mouth high whispered:

"From the previous era ... betrayer ..."

"From the oldest years ... the forerunner ..."

"The existence of the three does not belong to this era and the world, with the ownership of the two worlds as the ultimate reward, and the existence of each other as a bet to start a new war."

"This magnificent and magnificent drama has finally come to the moment when it opens its curtain!"

Asriel gritted his teeth, as if struggling.

"You are also in fear, Asriel, I can smell you panic-stricken by you-look, my eyes are always on you and your puppet, no matter what you do, what you think , What I want ... I know everything. "

"Always remember, my eyes are watching you ... panic, trembling, pain ..."

"go to hell--!"

Waiting for the distorted expression of the "Destroyer" to respond, Suddenly raised his right hand and pointed his palm at the "Destroyer" face.

The green muscles and blood vessels of the face that have been twitching are completely exposed, the pores on both sides of the cheek are constantly ruptured, and gray-blue pus irresistibly flows out from the ears, mouth, nostrils and eyes. Surge, trembling.


The crisp sound of cracking, the deserter's head shattered in response to the sound, but the blood was not the blood, but the gray-blue thick slurry.

The heavy sense of oppression dissipated in an instant, but the surrounding time remained still.

A minute later, the two talents looked back slowly, looking at each other with "tacit understanding".

"He's back." Loren murmured.

Asrell, who was standing on his back, nodded slightly: "He's back."

"And it seems that compared with the last time, his connection with the void world now seems to be closer ... this is not a good sign." With his mouth gently pressed, the blond boy's eyes flashed the color of panic:

"Diabo, Lymantes, Gewait, Luton ... If even four of them were killed, then the remaining unlucky eggs might also ..."

"Wait!" Loren raised an eyebrow: "I remember you said a long time ago that the existence of evil spirits and the voids equivalent to evil spirits is impossible ..."

"It is impossible to be killed easily, yes." Asriel's expression was pale: "But they can be obliterated, suppressed, and denied by higher-level forces of the void."

"The Black Cross Serel ... He ... denies their existence, and may even turn their power into a part of themselves, or simply exile them into the void ... all possible."

"I do n’t know how he did it--if it ’s to be compared, it ’s very close to the power of the Holy Cross--but he, Serel ... did, it not only did it but it seemed far beyond what we can imagine Level. "

For the first time, Asriel's expression became very terrified, it was that kind of helpless fear.

Even when Silver Helmet faced Serel for the first time and almost disappeared, his face did not show such an expression.

"Dear Loren, we must grasp the power to confront it as soon as possible."

After a long silence, Asriel ’s voice twitched slightly again: “Just opening the second valve ... Even if it ’s you, it ’s still not enough, but the help that Asriel can provide for you is just that. That's it. "

"I will do my best to help you master the changes brought about by the second valve, but you must find a way to find a higher level of opportunity, you must open the third valve-only open the third valve, we In order to win a chance, but ... "

"This is also in Cerior's plan." Loren said lightly:


The fair-haired blonde boy nodded slightly.

"Sériel does not lie-there is no concept of time in the void, only emotions and messages; in other words, as long as he is strong enough, he can use the existing messages to build a 'non-existent world' and constantly simulate the imagination The situation in is like ... "

Asriel suddenly smiled: "Loren, who was an apprentice, mastered the first high-level spell with the help of Asriel."

The dark-haired wizard twitched his lips, remembering some unpleasant memories.

The world of dreams, the burning black sun, the one who can't kill himself ... thanks to him.

"I used my power of the void to cut off some of the links between Loren and Séior-more precisely a part of the memory, so that at least I can ensure that my dear Loren will no longer be found by this stalker. . "

Although using a joke, the expression of the blond teenager is still very dignified: "But ... this guy is the 'Black Cross' Séior, the ghost knows that there is no other way than this way, so caution is a must of."


"Yes, memory is also a part of the message, and it will contain some very strong emotions-the stronger the emotion, the more complete the message is preserved." Asriel added:

"Serior probably used this method to directly find Loren's void reaction and project a part of his power onto this poor ghost ... It's really an unabashed threat."


The stunned Loren just thought for a moment, and then understood what Asreel meant.

Although I do n’t know where this guy came from, but since the four evil spirits all died in his hands, it proves that Serel must be still in the northern glacier wasteland at this moment.

A half-empire distance and a broken mountain range separating the north and the south, just by virtue of a section of memory and a weak void reaction, I immediately felt my existence ...

This is a threat, and it is an undisguised threat-with actual actions to prove how terrible he is.

...... With only one thought, the whole world will usher in an unprecedented end; from glacier wasteland to misty sea, land and sea. All creatures in the sky dome disappear in an instant ...

Such enemies, powers ... how can we compete with them?


When the evening came, the demon hunters and the Bayern knights who rushed to the port finally returned, and the servant hunters drove back and forth, bringing the latest information.

The content reported is basically consistent with Loren's initial guess.

Almost as soon as the "encounter battle" broke out between the Bain army and thousands of rebels, an elf army had launched a surprise attack on the furnace town.

There are not many troops, only a thousand or two thousand elf warriors; but these legionnaires who have been defeated from the Eboden line have no morale. They just dispersed the birds and beasts on the spot when they heard the news of the "elves coming".

He did not even encounter any decent resistance, and the elves did not organize any decent attacks, swaggering through the city gate, and occupied the furnace town.

The funny scene is not like a war, but a parade on both sides.

The few soldiers who were stationed in the Wizarding Academy in Furnace Town finally resisted a bit-but they did not dare to burn the supplies and ordnance in the city on the grounds that they were "fearing that the elves would not grab anything and would fight." Time is more cruel. "

So the elves who were unable to break through the gate of the college quickly built the torsion trebuchet and the siege ladder with the materials at hand, and captured the furnace school in the furnace of the furnace in one fell swoop, and slaughtered all the imperial soldiers in it. .

As for the wizards in the academy ... According to the information sent by the demon hunters, they were not found. They should have escaped before then, or they were robbed by the rebels and deserters.

As for what happened in the middle of the process, no one knows-maybe the wizards have resisted, or because the blood of the Sacras at the same time made them trust the rebels and deserters so much that they gave up resistance.

But in any case, the result is already the case.

The demon hunters who boldly dived into the castle before breaking the city also found many tools and materials of alchemists, many of which are more cherished metals, and were thrown to the ground by the rebels as garbage.

Judging from this point, I am afraid that the wizards are more likely to be completely destroyed ...

The news made Loren silent for a while, and finally decided not to let the little wizard and Isaac know about it before things leaked.

Needless to say, Ayin ~ ~ Isaac ... This arrogant man still regrets the "Earthquake Magic Array" of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain-he always feels that Connor's death, and he is also Part of the responsibility.

At the same time, Lucien and Earl Ragre, the Count of White Horse Peak, have teamed up to capture the port-it is no surprise that all the ships were destroyed by the rebels and deserters and used to repair the house and their " Castle hall ".

But this is only a superficial reason. According to the information sent by the demon hunters, the reason for doing so is to avoid any contact with the other side of the Jewel River; at present, the entire West Sacran, especially around the hinterland of the imperial capital, has been completely destroyed by Azores Elves occupy.

This kind of ostrich thought of "hiding your head, the enemy can't find it" really makes people wonder what to say; but because they demolished all the boats, they finally avoided the Bayerns from being very bad at them. Fighting on the surface.

On the night of the first month of the Chinese New Year, Loren Turin, the Duke of Byrne, formally bid farewell to East Sakland and set foot on the land of West Sackland.

Golovin ... is already in sight.

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