Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 242: Chunlai

"This is over, we have to get out?"

Inside the ruins of the Boundary Mountain, the Bayern knights packed their luggage in an orderly manner, burped and drank the last drop of wine in the glass, hid the cooked ham in the saddle of the saddle, and turned over with satisfaction.

After taking a hot bath, changing to a new shirt, and having a good night's sleep, the Bayern knights expressed great satisfaction-except Lan Maros, Earl of Lake City.

"There is no welcome team, no carnival dinner, no change of clothes and a girl hiding under the covers-just because of a command from the crown prince, we have to get out of it?" The disgruntled Ranmaros murmured softly:

"Holy Cross, we have just won the invasion of monsters and saved the empire! Is this also a courtesy for the hero who saved the world?"


On the side of the white horse peak, Earl Regrel stared at him: "This is a courtesy to a loyal and obedient commander of the knight-the person who won the battle of the Blood Skull Valley is not you, not me, but Lord Loren Turin. "

"Without our duke, this 10,000 can't come back alive!"

"You are unreasonable. If it weren't for Lord Duke, we wouldn't go to that place of death."

"The unreasonable person is you, you wooden head!" Regrell's expression was very tangled-on the battlefield, this guy kept calling to obey the Duke himself; but when he left the battlefield, everything was reversed. Too.

Could every cavalry commander be such a rectal man who speaks but his head, with the exception of himself?

"All in all, think about the brothers who didn't come back alive on the battlefield. Think about them, what else do you feel unsatisfactory?"

What's unsatisfactory ... Ramaloth shrugged: "No ... I'm just for Lord Duke, and then more for ourselves-we won the battle of the Valley of Blood, and ended a monster invasion. , But what did we get? "

"Prestige, respect ... and your little life!" Regrell said coldly: "This is the battle of the dignity of Bayern's reunification since the tenth generation. What else do you want?"

"Of course, when we arrive in the capital of Golovin, you may really get what you want-those panicked noble lords and young ladies, in order to get the protection of an earl with arms in his hands, I am afraid You can marry your daughter even if you do n’t have money for gifts. "

"Oh, that sounds good ... wait?"

Ramalos, who was shining in front of him, was too happy to suddenly change his expression: "What do you say, Emperor Golovin? Are we going to Emperor Capital? Are we all going to go home ?! I thought I was fighting It's over! "

Regrel silently put down his work and slowly looked back at him with a fool-like expression. His face was unbelievable:

"Tell me, are we both attending the same military meeting?"


"The Duke personally presides over the task assigned by Eckert, Earl of Fury?"

"Yes!" Ranmaros's face was inexplicable: "Are you sleepy, I was right next to you!"

"Then why do you seem to know nothing about me-I still want to ask why the guy who was shouting next to me at the time to make" Lord Rabbits look good "suddenly lost memory ?!"

"This is the case ?!"


In front of the long table, everyone's eyes invariably turned to the dark-haired wizard and the Countess of the Red Blood Castle facing Brandon.

"As for the deployment arrangements for Byrne ..." Edward hesitated for a moment before slowly speaking: "My suggestion is ... please return to the Red Blood Fort for a while."


Everyone on the scene was stunned, and even Charlotte couldn't help showing a surprised look.

As is common sense, at this time, should n’t it be possible to mobilize as much power as possible-especially now that Connor is crashing, and Brandon has no right to be loyal to him before the coronation, and East Sack is really willing to show his loyalty. The Lan, but only the knights of Byrne's thirteen collars.

"Before you speak, please allow me to explain first." Stopping Charlotte who wanted to ask, Edward continued to say, "I don't mean to ask Byrne to evacuate from this battle, even if I It ’s already impossible to think about it. "

"In short, for three reasons." Edward raised three fingers: "First, morale."

"The casualties of the Byrne Knights that have just experienced the Battle of Blood Skeleton Valley have more than half of the casualties. If they continue to fight, there is not only the risk of morale collapse, but they also urgently need to rest and restore their fighting strength."

"But in the next battle, there is no such condition at all; so withdrawing them to Red Blood Castle is the best option at present."

"Secondly, it is due to the consideration of the distribution of combat power-the 80,000 Baine Legion has been stationed in the Imperial Capital. From the strategic deployment, the strategic goal that the Empire needs to complete by Baine has been achieved, and the Principality of Baine is not required to do more. Multiple obligations

"It is not time for the final decisive battle at the moment, and the war potential of the Principality of Byron should not be squeezed too much."

"Third, it is logistics; the imperial capital is under siege, meaning that the legions outside the imperial capital will no longer be able to obtain supplies from Golovin, and the besieged elf army is bound to cut off the supply line of the West Sakran generation." Edward Yanyan Road:

"The next Bain will need to undertake more logistical tasks-barley, wheat, cured meat, alcohol, iron ingots ... Unless Bain can provide one-third to half of the war supplies, we simply cannot maintain such a A huge army. "

As the voice fell, the stunned expressions of the people all looked startled, revealing an expression of fear a little later.

Logistics ... That's right, this is the most terrible.

Once the various legions complete the assembly in the West Sackland, the total strength will exceed 200,000-even if most of them can be supplied from East Sackland and the army ’s garrison, this number is 200,000. In front of it, it was simply not enough!

In the princely kingdom, only Byrne can provide such a large amount of materials, and organize a huge transport team to transport these materials to where they are needed; otherwise, the enemy will not attack at all, and these two hundred thousand people will be able to live on their own. starve.

"In addition, I learned from the soldiers who participated in the Battle of the Blood Skull Valley that Duke Byrne defeated King Eagle, but was also injured-there is nothing else, but my suggestion is that you better return temporarily The Red Blood Fort recuperates for a while, and waits until ... "

"Thank you for your concern, but you have thought about it."

Loren, who remained silent all of a sudden, interrupted him: "I was wounded, but I wasn't able to hold the sword."

"Not to mention ... there are eighty thousand benefactors in the imperial capital of Golovin. I am their duke and I cannot leave them alone."

Edward's expression sighed slightly: "You mean ..."

"The imperial capital, Golovin, will not let the Azore elves take a half step-give it to me." The dark-haired wizard spoke lightly, and couldn't help laughing lightly:

"Besides ... someone has to tell the adults in the Vault of Heaven what happened in the north."

There was a smirk on the face of the maternal granddaughter, and Dracis' face on the side was ugly.

Indifferent Edward stared at Loren with a thoughtful expression.

Emperor Gongwei ... It seems to be a highly prestigious choice, but it is actually a hot potato; guarding the city means not only facing the Azores outside, but also the sky palace and empire inside the city. The nobles deal with each other.

Even in the time of the Black Duke, the imperial nobles had no good feelings for the Bayerns, let alone the present.

Besides, there is the Yuqian Cabinet in the Sky Dome, there is the Church of the Holy Cross, there is a second heir to the empire, Her Royal Highness Princess Fitlonai de Salion ... How to deal with the relationship with them, I am afraid than to hold The emperor is not difficult to fall.

So the night watchman is really curious. What exactly caused Loren to stand up voluntarily to take over this option that was absolutely unfavorable to him?

Is it really just because of the 80,000 Baine Legion stationed in the Imperial City?

"The Duke is willing to take on this burden. Of course, it is the best." After a short pause, Edward did not continue to investigate:

"But ... as we said earlier, the most critical task for Byrne right now is to protect the rear supply line; if there is no Duke himself sitting in town, such a huge number may be ..."

"Please don't worry about this. Byrne will resolutely fulfill his promise."

Without waiting for Loren to speak, Charlotte on the side stepped forward and slightly raised his head: "During the Duke's absence, I will stay at the Red Blood Fort Round Table Council and be responsible for all logistical issues-in the name of the Turin family, I will You promise that the Thirteen Leaders of Bain will do their utmost to provide logistical assistance to the Imperial Army. "

With generous speech, the table was quiet for a moment.

People with different expressions cast their gazes, constantly looking back and forth between Charlotte and Loren-among them Salika's expression was particularly wonderful, and her shiny eyes seemed to see the Holy Cross coming.

"Me, I mean of course in the name of the Duke and the Round Table Council, not me personally!" The cramped Charlotte looked a little annoyed:

"During the Duke's expedition, the left-behind Earl formed a round-table council to select the regents. This is a long tradition that has existed since the time of the knight king of the ancient kingdom.

"I see, so be it."

Ignoring Charlotte's gaze to kill, Edward, the night watchman, interrupted and said: "You, we have only three months in this battle of the imperial capital of Golovin-intelligence from the west, Lotel's The grain storage is on the verge of running out. If you do n’t get any assistance within three months, you will definitely fall. "

"Three months ... We will defend the imperial capital, defeat the Azores' invading army, and open up the traffic line to Lotel!"

"The future of the empire, the life and death of millions and even tens of millions of human beings ... is on everyone's shoulders!"


"So ... what we have to do next is to guard the Imperial Capital."

In front of the floating city, Dalton Kander with his hands on his back slightly supervised while supervising the maintenance of the floating city by craftsmen and alchemists:

"No problem, the detailed plan can be arranged after arriving in Golovin-in addition, I will collect as much information as possible about the capital of Golovin on the way to Golovin, which may be of value to you."

"You don't seem to be surprised at all, mentor." Loren's expression was quite unexpected: "I thought, you would at least ask me why?"

Dalton just shook his head.

"The dialogue between the tutor and the apprentice only asks why, you are the Duke, and the decisions you make will not and should not be questioned."

"But ... I still have some suggestions."

"please say."

"This trip to the imperial capital, don't let Ayn and Isaac cooperate-if you have any plans, just when I haven't said this." Dalton said in a deep voice:

"The battle of Golovin, you need sufficient intelligence and talents who can coordinate the relationship between the parties. They will only become your cumbersome. The head of the Union Chamber of Commerce, Jord, and the Bishop Weber are more suitable."

"In addition, Glenwell, Earl of Stormburgh, I found him very competent in the role of" Minister of Foreign Affairs ", let him go to coordinate with the army of Elleman and Arles-in addition, Isaac told me you There have been some new developments in the new weapons entrusted to him. Let him go back and finish his work, which should help you more. "

New weapons ... Loren immediately popped up in his mind and almost asked for his own thing in Ebden.

So far, the research and development of "Jiaoguang Sword" has remained at a relatively preliminary stage-miniaturization has been completed, but the failure rate and cost are still high, and it is still not a weapon that can be put into actual combat.

So far, Loren has never planned to put this thing on the battlefield. Even if he trains a group of wizard apprentices who use this weapon, it is only part of the research and development process. I once felt that I would never see mass-produced finished products in my lifetime.

But listening to the mentor of Dalton, it seems that this thing has recently made new progress?

The dark-haired wizard nodded, but his eyes turned to the ruins beside him and the barracks behind him.

The ice and snow piled on it gradually solidified and melted, and the dripping ice water turned into a pool of ponds, which made the otherwise neat campsite muddy. The soldiers' boots had no color except the snow. mud.

The lead-gray clouds drifted away under the austerity of the scorching sun, revealing a clear blue sky-that was a scene that could not be seen in the severed mountains during the severe winter. Is clear.

In this muddy pond under the clear sky, a delicate sprout shoots through the soil and grows **** the edge of Loren's boots, conveying an important message of the material world.

Severe winter is already yesterday.

Spring has returned.

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