Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 236: I used you ... 1 more time.

"Cappa ..."

At the top of the empty tower, there was a thin applause.

"It is worthy of being one of the best warriors among the Azores, and the chief adjutant of the court-overwhelming the array of knights and my personal soldiers is really amazing."

A tall figure in a military uniform turned away from the big cloak and slowly turned around; a pair of red pupils on the young but already vicissitudes of his face were hot like a fire, and his eyes swept like a spear and sword.

The scared elf warrior stood staggering in place, trying his best to calm down any breath that could not be smooth, staring nervously at the man in front of him and the figure in a certain memory.

Eckhart ... No, it was Connold de Salion. The aura and look of the two of them was so similar, and there was hardly any difference except the age.

Alexandra was in a complex mood, staring at the man whose life and death were between her thoughts like a frightened bunny.

"Wondering why do I know your identity ... There is nothing to be confused. Of course I know you." Connor calmly said: "Of course, I will know her name. The murderer who killed my father."

"I know better that you have taken the Iron Crown from his hands-the one inherited from the hand of Queen Brunnhard of the first generation, and symbolizes the treasure of imperial power."

"So ... do you still think I know you exist, is it a weird thing?"

Taking a deep breath, the nervous elf warrior instinctively clenched the handle of the knife, which had become sticky with blood.

"You ..." The dry throat made it difficult for Alexandra to speak: "Always thinking about how to avenge me?"

"Want to kill you is certain, but revenge? Never did." Connor said lightly:

"Otherwise, when Duke Byrne brings you to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, I can ask you directly to him, he will not give it, so why not wait until now?"

The elf warrior was startled.

"In a sense, I even need to thank you ... no." Connor suddenly shook his head, and then turned his words: "It should be my father Eckhart, and the entire DeSales family, Sacran ... Empire ... Thank you all. "

"Thank me?"

"Yes, because of you, the gap between the original empire and the Principalities was forgotten; because of you, I can stand in the way of reconstituting the Sword Knights and integrate the power of the whole empire; because of you, the dragon family We easily accepted our request and provided assistance in accordance with the agreement since the thirteenth generation ... "

"Thank you all for the elves raid the capitals of the Principalities, assassinate the Duke and their relatives, cut off the head of the Empire Emperor, and take away the Iron Crown ..."

"Thank you, for making the empire unprecedentedly strong, let us have sufficient reasons and incentives to truly gather the power of the entire empire under the banner of the Royal Palace of Dessaion, under the banner of the Sky Vault; let every unwilling noble, also We must unswervingly become a part of the empire's fighting power and contribute everything to them. "

"It's you ..." Connor's voice grew louder and full of power:

"Personally created an unprecedented, powerful Sacrament Empire, so ..."

"How can I not thank you?"

Like falling ice cave!

The roaring cold wind made the elf warrior cold, and her heart almost stopped beating.

"You, you mean ..." Alexandra shuddered even her teeth: "Everything we did-the assassination plan, the landing battle of Ebden, the raid of the Boundary Mountain, the deep forest of Lotel ... … "

"All in your expectations ?!"

Connold looked indifferently at the extreme elf warrior in front of him, and the afterglow of his eyes swept under the tower.

The frontier mountain defender, whose front line collapsed, was still clenching his teeth, but there have been calls for defeat across the board, and several key nodes have been violently defeated by the elf warriors who furiously fight.

Only a few hundred men are under the leadership of the vows knights and flag-bearing officers, forming a shield wall under the city wall and the gate and gritting their teeth, trying to save the decadent situation ...

As for the swaying legionnaires, they have been completely submerged in front of the almost endless army of elves; now elf warriors have begun to try to circumvent the few hundred-man defenses left, ready to climb the walls by hand.

The emperor's eyes showed a flash of regret.

Hold on, hold on for a little longer ... five more minutes is enough.

When he turned his gaze, Alexandra on the opposite side was still immersed in shock and could not extricate herself ... This was just a fuse, which made her desperately clenched her teeth to this moment and lost her motivation to live.

The blurred vision can no longer see the figure in front of him, tears mixed with blood overflowing from the eye socket, shaking hands can't even hold the knife handle.

I did my best to complete the mission, put down the life and forget the battle, put down the dignity of the warrior to perform the assassination ... In the end, it was all within the enemy's expectations, and was perfectly utilized.

Self ... was used, just a **** in the eyes of the enemy;

Not only did everything he did not help the life and death of the Azores and His Majesty the Eagle King, but it made the enemy stronger than before;


The exhausted Alexandra fell to her knees, her heavy head drooping heavily.

If you think about it for a while, you will understand that it is not the enemy ’s plan to appear here.

Why didn't they kill themselves ... Why would they take themselves to the Fortress of Forbidden Mountains ... Why would they let themselves go ... Why let themselves know everything in the fortress ... Why, why, why ...

Because everything is in their plan ... they are to lure the army of His Majesty the King to the exact location of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain ...

Because they are their bait, they are used again;

The only difference is that this time I should have been aware of it, even my own heart ... I know it, but I am not willing to believe it.

"Ah ah ah--!!!!"

A hoarse, heartbreaking scream reverberates above the tower, and the tragic voice reveals not only despair but also a strong heart.

"Despair, cry, scream ... because this is what you deserve."

Taking a steady footstep, Connor, who looked like ice, stepped closer to the dying elf warrior, looking down at her like a god:

"When you speak loudly in your mouth, you must remember when you burn and kill again; the hopelessness of despair and the unwillingness of lack of dedication are your rewards!"

"It's the end you will definitely welcome!"


"You said you want to go back ?!"

Among the retreating teams south of the Boundary Mountain, the surprised Dracis frowned, staring at the Bain sorcerer who was "seeking trouble for himself", and flatly refused:

"This is not possible. I promised Your Majesty to send you safely to His Highness Brandon's reinforcement camp, but I can't let you go for now."

"You guys ... why wouldn't it make sense ?!" Isaac, whose eyes widened, was anxiously worried than him: "I told you that I'm not going to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, I'm going to the blood skeleton Gu finds Loren, cousin ... Your Majesty Connold has already promised me, he promised it himself! "

Hearing the word "Your Majesty", Dressis's expression immediately became serious: "You mean, this is His Majesty's personal promise to you?"

"Yes, that's it! Okay, can you let me go now?"

"No, because if it is His Majesty's promise, then it will no longer be a simple matter. We must get the most direct metric instruments, at least the letterhead with His Majesty's seal to recognize them." Dresis said coldly:

"If there is, I can let you go now, no ... then it is a serious crime for you to open your mouth and hurt your majesty's credibility!"

"Metric documents ... he promised casually, how can there be that kind of thing? Do you have?"

"I don't need it." Dresis was unimpressed: "Your Majesty gave me the military command, and I was the deputy commander of the fortress-even if there is no military command, I have the power to decide before the battle."

"You guy ... I've never seen someone as stubborn and unreasonable as you!"

The tangled face of Isaac's face, anxious, had the urge to rush up and tear off Dresis.

Of course, this is absolutely impossible-although Isaac will never admit it.

But just a second later, Isaac suddenly changed his face suddenly, turned around silently and drilled back into the compartment. With a snap, the door was closed and even the latch was locked.

How is this going?

Although impatient with wizards, Dresis also understands that these guys know a lot of knowledge that ordinary people don't understand, and this knowledge is sometimes important ... especially when their response is particularly large.

"Isaac ... Your Excellency?"

"Don't talk, don't ask anything, I'm not going!" A panicked voice came from inside the car: "Go and go, hurry, the faster the better, the farther the better, best tonight We will be able to go to the Gem River, and it does n’t matter which town you want! "

"Ah ... not in town, don't stop where there is a house, just find an empty place! All in all, in short, in a word ... I will not go back to the Fortress of Mountain Boundary, forget This matter! "

"Isaac, Your Excellency Isaac?" Dresis, who noticed something was wrong, knocked on the door of the carriage several times: "Is there something wrong with the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, or ... ah! It's impossible ..."

"Don't ask, just run as soon as you ask, and it'll be too late!" Isaac's voice was already a little more crying, panicked and full of panic:

"Run as fast as you can, and as far as you can. Don't look back anyway, otherwise we will all be finished!"



With a loud noise, the Azore elves formally broke through the gates of the inner castle, and the fanatical elf warriors poured into the walls and towers like a torrent of torrents.

Wailing, screaming, roaring, crying ... All the sounds were drowned by the roar of the fanatical Azore Elf warrior.

Time should be almost up.

Connold's eyes gradually became cold, and his right hand held the sword hilt tightly around his waist.


Long sword out of the sheath.

Alexandra shivered when she heard the sound, as if she woke up from a nightmare.

Is this ... finally going to end my life?

The elf warrior couldn't help but think that at this moment, she couldn't feel the fear at all, and even relaxed with a long sigh of relief, as if waiting for this moment for a long time.

Yes, in any case, he broke the inner fortress of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain and rushed to the front of the emperor; in this case, he died in the hands of the emperor, and there is no place to be ashamed and humiliated.

Not to mention his dignity has long been ...

"Clang!" The sound was crisp and strong, and the sword fell to the ground.

Staring at the weapon on the ground that is the same as the ordinary soldier's weapon, Alexandra raised her head in amazement, and found Connold looking down at her as well.

"This, this is ..."

"Compensation ... just be it." The Emperor of the Empire said in a deep voice: "It is because you have paid so much for the compensation you deserve-since I will die in the hands of the Azores tonight anyway, it would be better In your hands. "

"In this way, your shame among the elves can be scrubbed and reused; one day even if the empire wins, you will be a little scared because you have killed two generations of emperors."

"If you want, you can take my heart."

The sweet words full of temptation echoed in the ears of elf warriors; the missing eyes stared at the long sword before him, and the unstoppable blood and tears dripped on the mirror-like sword.


The sword penetrated Connold's chest, and the elvish warrior who stood up tremblingly bowed her head, crying silently.

"You, you used me again ... right?"

"Yeah." Connor's icy words sounded:

"Alessandro ... you were used again by me."

If you want to open a magic array that is enough to destroy the earthquake of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, in addition to triggering, you need a certain amount of void force guidance to fully activate.

Connor placed the trigger under the breastplate at the heart position ~ ~ so all he needed was a person with the power of the void, thrusting the Mithril Sword into a key position.

At that moment, Connor finally understood why his father was so decisive in the face of death-yes, when your life and death became an obstacle to ambition, abandon it ... it can only be done in the blink of an eye Decide.

Life and death is really insignificant compared with everything that comes afterwards.

"Alessandra, congratulations ..." Connold's face, for the first time with a smile of delight: "Your sword has opened the magic circle that destroyed this fortress-half a minute later, the whole The mountain surrounding the fortress will become ruins. "

"You, started the first step of destroying the Azores with your own hands. The empire will win, DeSalle ... will win!"

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah !!!!!!"

The moment when the scream sounded, violent shaking came from the deepest part of the bottom of the tower.

The roar of cracking drowned everything.

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