Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 229: worth it

For a moment, Loren suddenly remembered his first step into the cellar, where he met Asriel ...

At that time, the first time I faced "magic", "void" and "evil god", I faced a force that I had heard but never saw;

On that day, Asriel said his true identity and told himself "you are different";

On that day, in order to live and revenge, he accepted Asriel ’s mutually beneficial "friendship";

That day ... traveling into this world itself, we really stepped into the door of this world; leaving a mark as an inseparable part of it.


The roar of the thunder echoed in his ears, but Loren's thoughts seemed to become clearer than before; the dark pupil flashed a strange light, feeling the tyrannical power.

His eyes can even tell exactly who these "powers" belong to, and why they have become what they are now.

Desperate to save the patients, but in the end they can only watch the "dead corpse" who spread the plague and even die from the disease;

Rescue people by killing them, and they are regarded as executioners and bloodthirsty demons.

"Unbelievers" who have been punished to death by people who are unwilling to face the reality;

The "ender" who believes that human nature is evil and sees through desire and weariness ...

They all tried to save something, but in the end they all failed without exception; from the power of the void that was arbitrarily spreading around, Loren could deeply feel the despair in it.

In addition to the complete despair, they had nothing left but their ideals.

And the puppet used by the desperate them ... Loren slowly raised his head and glanced at the eagle king in front of him, frowning slightly.

The other party's emotions and void responses at the moment accurately say ... a little like yourself, and some like Lucien; the same anxiety but desperately restrained to keep calm, the same hope and even the miracle of victory.

Even a little bit of hope is held tightly to fight for the bright future indicated by that hope.

He wants to win, he wants to end all this, and he can pay any price for this;

It's a pity ... me too.

Probably this is the biggest misfortune in this world.

Loren couldn't help but sigh.


The deafening thunder exploded again, and the black mist boiling and rolling in the state of mind was accompanied by fighting, screaming, crying, and cursing hurricanes into the dome, converging toward the spiral storm center.

Almost at the same time, the eagle king wielding his long sword began to hold his head unnaturally, gradually occupying the black line of the whole body, growing at a rate visible to the naked eye; the black line climbing from the four evil spirit marks completely dyed his eyes. black.

A slight twitch, a trembling body, seems to have been completely controlled by these forces-even the long knife in his hand is also integrated into the palm by the dense black thread.

Loren's complexion changed slightly-this guy ... the speed at which his spiritual palace was eroded by the power of the void had reached a level visible to the naked eye.

I am afraid that within five minutes, his state of mind and spiritual palace will be completely occupied, distorted, and destroyed by the power of the void ... Finally, even the flesh will be controlled and become a monster like "Evil God's Body".

"If you get strength, you have to pay the price." Yun Danfeng's smiling Eagle King is full of madness that has been desperate:

"But to kill you, I am willing to pay the price-this is the final decision between you and me, go to die, Loren Turin-!"

Accompanied by a decisive roar, Azore cut his sword.

In the roaring storm, a purple thunder came down.


A thunderous thunder echoed over the Valley of Blood Skeleton.

Surrounded by frightened soldiers, Count Glenwell of Stormburgh overlooked the valley, his expression completely dull.

"This ... I'm not dreaming? Is this ..."

Dalton Kander, who was silent on the side, was as calm as ever, but his expression was slightly stiff; only the face of the little wizard had a faint expression of joy.

"What the **** is going on!"

The bottom of the valley of blood skeletons roaring in the violent wind, Ramalose lying on his horse, shouting at the opposite Lusien:

"Aren't you the Captain Hunter of the Duke, you should be familiar with this kind of thing, right?"

"I said no need to ask, I don't know anything!" The gray pupil who gritted his teeth tightly shivered with excitement, too:

"I only know that whatever it is, it must be related to Lord Loren!"

"Then do you still know?" Ramallos could not help refuting.

"I said two!" Earl Regrell, the shuddering White Horse Peak, twitched his mouth: "Is the content of the quarrel, is it the focus now ?!"

"Then what is the point?"

The two asked in unison.

"Focus ..."

Regeler twitched his lips stiffly, turned his head stiffly, and turned his gaze towards the roaring gust of wind, hundreds of carrion devils that had just been split into a scum by a thunderstorm.

"The point is that no matter who releases this thing, let's protect ourselves from being chopped to death!"


The moment the words fell, another purple lightning fell from the sky, demonizing the carrion in the three people's vision into ashes.

Even far more than that-the entire valley, and even the entire valley of blood skeletons have been completely covered by the rolling spiral clouds, and turned into an abyss **** ravaged by the storm!

One, two, one hundred, one thousand ... Innumerable purple lightning from the rolling black clouds, like a storm, continued to fall down, in the army of monsters "in the wind and waves", wanton destruction, ravaged.

The screams of ice crackling echoed in the valley, even if the pieces were blown into pieces by thunder and lightning, the carrion demons still stood still.

Only the deep, horrified, ice-cracking screams rang over the ears of the gray pupils again and again, and were soon covered by the deafening thunder.


Another flash of lightning struck down, accompanied by the violent cold wind, igniting a fire in the valley; the turbulent fire soon followed the wind, and then began to burst out of control, spreading throughout the valley.

The gray-eyed boy with wide-eyed eyes was surprised to find that the burning flames only spread among the carrion demons; where there are no monsters, the flames will soon be blown out and melted by ice and snow.

But the monsters in the whole valley fell into flames.


"how could this be……"

In the gloomy state of mind, the lost King of Eagles murmured in a low voice.


With a loose palm, the long knife fell to the ground.

The dark-haired wizard silently stood up slowly, and scattered the thin mist that surrounded him.

"Why, tell me why this is ..." The eagle king staring at Loren raised his head hard, his body trembling with the black thread:

"Why ... you have come to this world for a few years, a stranger in a different area ..."

"How many times have you experienced life and death, how many painful struggles have you made, what hard choices have you made, how many close friends and friends have you sacrificed, and how many times have you paid ..."

"And I ... the eagle king of the Azores ... I struggled hard, fighting with the void almost all my life, paying all the price I could pay for the life and death of the elves, and even gamble with my soul and body ..."

"Why ... the people who won the future ... it's you, and the imperial people who bow down before the Holy Cross ?!"

"Why! I will be the one abandoned among you and me!"

"Why! The Azores who inherited more of the legacy of the ancient dragon kingdom will be the one abandoned!"

"It's not fair! Not fair!"

Breathing desperately, striking the eagle king with a trembling body, a sorrowful roar.

The dark-haired wizard looked at him with a complex expression.

The moment when the purple lightning fell, it wasn't you who blocked the thunder, but the black mist that filled your mind ... At the moment of a thousand attacks, she stopped the last blow of the eagle king.

Although Loren was ready to dodge at that moment, it showed one thing-the four evil gods who supported the eagle king, chose to abandon him at the last moment.

Loren has no evidence, but he vaguely feels that this may be related to a blonde teenager.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

Just as the atmosphere fell into silence, the trembling eagle king suddenly began to howl hysterically.

Ok? !

The awakened dark-haired wizard looked up, and the twitching eagle king was already kneeling on the ground, his face twisted and turned howling into screams, as if there was some force tearing his flesh and internal organs.

Wait, skin and offal ...

Loren noticed something faintly, his dilated pupil focused on the eagle king's stiff and twisted face; I saw that the fine "black lines" were shrinking continuously; and whenever they contracted, they would be in the eagle king Left a bloodstain on his body.

Cheeks, jaw, tip of nose, neck ...

Auricles, lips, mouth, nostrils, eyes ...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!"

The hoarse and shattered shouts, and the use of "screams" to describe them are too pale-in less than a minute, the eagle king in front of him has completely become a "blood man"!

The trembling body, the wailing sounds more and more hoarse, more and more sad; in the end, the rest can no longer distinguish the tone and the voice, as if it is just the resonance of the chest cavity.

And those "black lines" are still relentlessly twitching, depriving the power of the void that did not belong to him, and re-converging into the four evil spirit marks on the chest, neck and arms.

"Zi ..."

The four marks gradually dissipated from the body of the eagle king like a hot red iron, leaving only the ugly scar and the skin that was crumpled into a rotten flesh.

The power that belongs to the evil **** is completely disappeared from the body of the eagle king, and is deprived of everything.

The **** eagle king finally no longer trembled, just sat there kneeling motionless.

Like a dark-haired wizard who suddenly remembered something, he picked up the "Dawn" sword that he had thrown away and threw it away from the side. He stood in front of him with the sword and waited silently.

Five minutes later, the Eagle King finally opened his eyes slowly.

"I lost……"

With a low sigh, no trace of resentment was felt, but there was a slack relief.

He slowly raised his head, his calm gaze resembled a clear spring, and there was no trace of unwillingness and tyranny, just a peaceful examination of his opponent.

"Congratulations, Lord Loren Turin, although I don't know how you let the four evil gods abandon me, and in what way did you open the second valve and have the power to exceed me, but ..."

"To win is to win; in this matchup, you are the last winner; the power of future and choice belongs to you."

"I, Lord of the Azores ... may be gambled to lose!"

The eagle king who knelt on the ground with a long sigh of relief bent down.

The dark-haired wizard took a deep breath and greeted the gaze of the eagle king: "You know ... I want more than just you admit defeat."

"What you want is to take me as a captive and force the army of Azore elves to surrender to you ... is it?" The eagle king smiled quietly: "Sorry, I can't do this-the incapable defeat of the eagle king I lost my throne the moment I failed, and they are no longer their commanders. "

"Even if you hang me on the city wall, only the bows and swords of the warriors will answer you; you can't force the elves to bend their knees by" persuading ", not to mention your monarch, the emperor of the Empire allow."

"If he doesn't kill the last elf, he won't be reconciled ... right?"

Loren was silent.

Despite this, he went to a place where he did not think there was anything wrong-you were the one who initiated the war, you were the first to slaughter, and you were the one who wanted to invade.

In this case, why should the empire not use reciprocal harm, even if it is a way of life to "repay" your aggressors?

"So sorry, this hard-won victory for you, all I can get is my head ~ ~ Eagle King smiled slightly:" Of course, the price paid is also very heavy. "

"The four evil spirits told me that although the Black Cross Serel was exiled, it was far from the extent of his power loss-you opened the second valve and liberated your vision; such a huge force of void was suddenly born, Enough to open the way for him to enter this world! "

"You defeated a strong enemy, but you have to face a stronger one ... is it worth it?"

Is it worth it ... If he was asked by him like this before, Loren might be speechless, but now ...

"worth it."

Looking at his "smiling" expression, the dark-haired wizard said coldly: "For me, it is the same for you or for the" Black Cross "Séior, if any of you wins, you will definitely take my Existence is completely erased from this world; "

"To me, you are no different, they are all enemies of my being."

"So ... what's not worth it?"

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