Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 223: Ring of Burning Flame


The powerful "dawn" sword suddenly dragged a shadow, and the unpredictable eagle king could only temporarily block it with a broken Azore sword.

In the roaring metal impact, the thin and brittle blade was completely deformed; the powerful and powerful impact was only one face, knocking the eagle king out.

How is this going? !

The cold wind roared in the ear, but the eagle king didn't care about it at all. His stunned pupils stared at his eyes on the ground. The dark color seemed to be born with some kind of unknown.

Why ... Why can he get rid of the absolute suppression of his "mental state", why can he still open the first valve; his power of the void should have been completely suppressed by himself.

What happened? !

The frightened eagle king gritted his teeth, but he was too late to think, because the dark-haired wizard had rushed.


A loud noise like a sonic boom exploded in his ears. Loren Turin, who was still standing on the ground a second before, suddenly appeared within three steps of him, and no afterimages were even visible in his sight.

The expressionless dark-haired wizard waved his sword with one hand, and the arc traversed from top to bottom toward the "hovering" eagle king.


The plasma spewed, and the figure that was too late to dodge was ripped open!

With an inertial impulse, the black-haired wizard landed steadily from the air; almost at the same time as he stood firm, the figure of the eagle king appeared again in front of him without any harm.

Loren frowned slightly, and there was nothing strange about it.

This battle has changed from a simple fight to a duel between two forces of the void, in other words, as long as he cannot contain or completely destroy his force of the void, causing irreversible fatal injuries, the enemy can immediately recover .

The only price is that every "recovery" will make his consciousness eroded by the power of the void.

Well, it's the same as the enemies who almost forced themselves to the end of the road every time before.

Compared with Loren's "accustomed to", the Eagle King is completely shocked.

It is true that Loren Turin has been completely suppressed by himself, and it is not wrong; the Eagle King who controls the entire state of mind does not think that a sudden force of void can hide his eyes.

So how did he do it, and how did he open the first valve when he was almost trapped to death?

Clenching his teeth, the King Eagle's gaze dropped slightly and stopped on the scar in the heart of the exposed chest of the dark-haired wizard.

Everything ... starts with this "scar" ...

Mark of Evil God? The eagle king shook his head.

When Loren Turin appeared, the four evil spirits recognized the face of the shadow behind him; and just after the confrontation, he also noticed the serpentine rune on the wrist of the black-haired wizard.

So what ...

Just as the King of Eagles was still in shock, the dark-haired wizard who threw himself up again fell down with a sword; almost instinctively, the right hand of the King of Eagles pulled out of the pool of blood and had just broken, but now intact Azov Long knife.


The sharp blades intersect, the flashes of fire flash, and the scars on the chest of the dark-haired wizard seem to be stimulated, flashing slightly.

and many more! Is it possible that ...

The backhand stabbed the other person, who was critical to the opponent, and pushed the opponent away at a distance of ten steps.

"You, you madman, madman ..." The frightened eagle king roared in horror:

"You actually use your body to open the dream world ?!"

Looking at the eagle king with a somewhat distorted expression, Loren sneered: "Ah, did you finally find out?"

Using the body as a medium, open the dream world and then open the first valve-back in the ancient wood forest, the black-haired wizard did it once.

Unsure things, Loren will not try easily, unless necessary.

Of course, the only difference was that Asrell had overlapped his consciousness with his spiritual temple and completed it "indirectly"; nevertheless, he was almost trapped in the dream world.

The **** didn't tell the truth until he had to confront Metzka head-to-head ... of course, only part of it.

The startled Eagle King froze for a while, then suddenly hummed at Loren.

"It turned out that the original so-called" the existence of the unity of the void and matter "... is such a terrible concept, no wonder ... no wonder they will finally agree to my request." The King Eagle asked with an incredible word, slightly Shaking his head:

"Lorren Turin, if nothing else, you may be the first person in this world who is truly qualified to replace the Holy Cross and become the Lord of the Two Realms."

How did this guy feel emotion at once?

Loren raised his eyebrows and looked at the eagle king who was confused but had a sudden expression:

"But for this reason, I, Lord of the Azores ... must kill you!"

At the next moment, the eagle king wielding a long sword took the initiative to attack, and the sharp blades approached the black wizard.


Blades meet!

Even if he snatched a fatal blow on the occasion of a thousand shots, there was still a blood stain on the chest of the black-haired wizard; as long as one inch deeper, he was afraid that he would be ripped on the spot.

Here is the "Mental State" of the Eagle King, in other words, the absolute home court; as long as it causes fatal injury to Loren, the power of the void will definitely appear weak for a moment; then he will be able to completely seal Loren again;

Conversely, Loren in "away game" can't count on how much effect his high-level curse can cause. The only thing that can absolutely damage the King of Eagles is the Mithril weapon and the purest power of the void.

From the moment of the confrontation, they knew each other that they wanted to get rid of each other, only to fight close to each other!

Slash! Cross! pounce! Raid! dodge!

Revolving around the figure of the dark-haired wizard, the eagle king showed for the first time his swordsmanship as the master of the Azores, and the speed of horror.

Among the Azore elf warriors who have played against Loren so far, the blind elf girl is the fastest, and the first skill should be Midel in the Wuyue court.

The two elf warriors almost surpassed the dark-haired wizards in their respective areas of expertise. In the end, they were basically in areas where they were not good. Or they were calculated, and the mistakes led to the final failure; single swordsmanship, Loren was not their opponent at all.

If you compare skill and speed, the King of Eagles in front of me may still be above them!

The agile pace leaps up and down, as if flying between the flowers and bushes; the long sword in his hand is sometimes slashed and swept, and sometimes he quickly parries the spikes; often only in the interlaced figure, has gone through a round of life and death;

The most important thing is that even if he is caught by the black-haired wizard, he can react quickly and adapt to the "two-handed sword" that Loren learned from Lucien at a very fast speed.

The speed of this "learning" is simply terrifying-even Loren, it took a long time to master this special skill in the case of Lucien's hands-on teaching.


The blaze of the sharp blade rubbing light illuminates a dark "state of mind" for a moment.

"Amazed, Loren Turin-the eagle king hiding behind the army of hundreds of thousands of monsters in your eyes, is actually so good at swordsmanship."

The moment the two sharp blades collided, the Eagle King took the initiative to look at the expressionless black-haired wizard and smiled at him with a long knife in his hand: "In the eyes of an imperial man, should this be incredible?"

Perhaps he realized that he was unable to kill the other party and would not be killed by the other party for a while. The Eagle King, like Middlel, who had played with Loren, began to talk and laugh.

"But ... this is the destiny of the Azore eagle king; with the four courts guarding the guards, the 80,000 warriors and millions of bravery, and the billions of people-if not the first warrior, it is not enough to convince the crowd.

"The Azore family also relies on top and excellent samurai heirs from generation to generation, in order to control the power of the elf family from beginning to end, and finally to name the family as the country name; let every elf be the title of" Azoel " Feel extremely honored! "

The long knife flashed through the fire, just like the light tracing in front of the dark-haired wizard's line of sight; under the strengthening of "beyond perception", Loren saw three knife lights hitting him at the same time.

Too fast, it's too fast!

The kind of close-knit fighting, life-long tension and extreme oppression, after a battle with the Valkyrie Brunhild a few years ago ... Lorren has never encountered a similar opponent.

It's really weird ... obviously all the mental power, attention and physical strength are squeezed to the end, the tight heart string does not dare to relax for a moment, or even pause for a thousandth of a second, you may be dead on the spot, but ... …

There is no trace of fear in myself now.

The sweaty body constantly conveyed the emotion called "excitement" to the consciousness; a certain desire derived from instinct was being inspired by the powerful enemy in front of him.

My body is fanatical, excited, intense ... I can't wait for the restlessness, eager to enjoy the thrill of "killing".


The slashing "Dawn" big sword and the long sword intersect, and they are stopped by death; the eagle king with the corner of his mouth has turned to the right, ready to deflect the big sword's attack to the side.

After all, even if Loren can wield this Mithril two-handed sword with one hand, he can't really do what he wants. Moreover, even if it is a fist that is thrown out, it is not easy to stop immediately.

At this moment, the dark-haired wizard suddenly stepped forward; his left hand, which clasped the "bright silver", was released, and he firmly grasped the end of the sword's hilt.

The eagle king stunned.

The deflected big sword stopped abruptly.

Soon, the explosive power called terror came from the sharp blade through his hands, just like the flood that broke the embankment.

"Gella ... Gila ..."

That's the bones of the forearm, the sound of cracking!

The dark-haired wizard who seized the opportunity did not hesitate, and the elbows exposed by the green muscles once again exploded with the strength of the whole body, striving forward with full force.


The eagle king's arms were broken together, as if two pieces of minced meat were dragged down from his shoulders.

Long knife, blown into the air!

The Eagle King who grabbed at that moment did not hesitate to retreat, and the sword wind that was chopped head-on took only a few hairs.

The eagle king, who was tortured by severe pain, had a difficult smile on the corner of his mouth, and still had a slightly convulsive smile.

In just a few moments, the cross-section of the wound has grown new arms, and even the long sleeves of the robe have returned to their original shape.

The frowning black-haired wizard was not eager to attack immediately.

"Beautiful slashing ... No warrior has injured me for many years. The last time this was done was the chief warrior of the court, Eugen."

Gasping softly, the eagle king, who raised his corner of his mouth, caught the Azor's long sword that fell from the air with his new arm:

"But the guy relied on the power of the power of the void ... I heard that he died in your hands, didn't he?"

The black-haired wizard said nothing, it was considered the default.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately ... a powerful warrior like him is extremely rare even in the four courts; if it is not too arrogant, always defying my orders, maybe he can live longer." Wang sighed softly, his expression slightly unbearable:

"However, letting him die under your sword may also be called a good thing-after all, for a samurai, there is no more glorious ending than death under the sword of an enemy."

The expressionless dark-haired wizard, clasping the hilt in both hands, laid the sword behind him.

His eyes stared at the eagle king who was approaching him step by step.

"Do you know, in fact, at the beginning, I was planning to make friends with you." As if completely unaware of the murderous eyes, the eagle king was still talking to himself:

"When I learned that a human ... No, it should be a stranger from another world, when you actually banished the" Black Cross "to the void world, you can't imagine how happy I am."

"My ambition tells me that a great opportunity and plan is before me and before all the Azores."

The left hand wearing the "caster" was slowly and firmly clenched, and the vigorous force of the void began to gather in the palm of the hand, turning into a small fiery red rune;

The next second, the rune shattered, and all the power poured into the body of the "Dawn" sword.

"That terrible enemy that has been lurking for many years has been driven back into the void world; all I have to do is march into the Sakran Empire, destroy the traces of the Holy Cross in this world, and find the two dragon kingdoms lost The Holy Grail ... "

There are still ten steps away ... The dark-haired wizard is silently counting ~ ~ The "dawn" sword in his hand is shaking violently, so that he needs to clenched his hands so that he won't let go; Yin Jian's body gradually turned red, and a trembling whisper was heard.

"I ... can lead the Azores to recapture the material world from the step by step of being invaded by the void world, or even reverse invasion, usurping the accumulation of the Holy Cross for many years ..."

"Give me ... the will of the Azores ... to this world!"

"Thank you for everything, Loren Turin!"

Three steps!

With an unprecedented momentum, Loren rushed into the three steps of the eagle king, and the golden-red sword slashed head to head.

"Fire of Turin-!!!!!!"

. m.

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