Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 202: Duke's speech

What is earth shaking?

It was a modifier for the people of the Sakran Empire. The Empire, to be precise, was the Sakran. I like to use "ground shake" to describe the neat steps of the tens of thousands of soldiers when the army passed by , And a loud cry.

Just like the Boi people like to describe their mighty army as "thunderbolt", the Bain people like to describe their beautiful, "knight-like" knights who wield flag guns and even people with horses in leather armor ... once.

"Boom ——! Boom ——! Boom ———— ……"

When the "ground shakes the mountains and shakes", like the rolling and thundering movements, with the snow falling constantly, the expression of the defenders of the Blood Skeleton Valley could not help but tense up.

On the white snow, a large block of "black shadow" suddenly appeared.

Tens of thousands.

Like waves.

"Boom ——! Boom ——! Boom ———— ……"

The trembling sound, even the flag at the top of the castle, the masonry on the tower, the snow at the foot ... can clearly feel the uninterrupted shaking, as if it is enough to subvert the whole world.

"I ... I ... My Holy Cross!"

Ranmaros, as if frightened, looked at the mountains and the wild, swept from the end of the glacier wasteland, as if the army of monsters struck like a tumbling flood, terrified the Six Gods:

"This ... this is the monster army?"

"And we are the only line of defense that can resist them ?!"

"That's what happened."

Also pale, the two Earl of the White Horse Peak, Regret, blushed because of tension, and even exhaling became difficult:

"Either kill them, or ... be killed by them!"

"Boom ——! Boom ——! Boom ———— ……"

As a knight of Baine or ... as Earl of Baine, it is not that the two have not seen the formation of "tens of thousands" of troops; four or five thousand troops can cover a mountain, and the army of tens of thousands Going is endless; when the number of people exceeds 100,000 ...

That is the flood, the thunder, the power that can overthrow everything and destroy everything.

And now, in their eyes standing at the very top of the hillside of the Blood Skull Valley, the dense crowd is huddled together, almost a giant army of monsters with no space at all ...

At least 300,000!

"You said kill them ..." The loud noise almost completely overshadowed the voice of the Count of the Heart of the Lake: "I think ... it would be better to change to live, is it more realistic?"

"Why, why? Even you **** not afraid of death knows ..."

The stunned Regrell suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned back to look at the Bayern knights behind him.

Sure enough ... The soldiers who started out with Loren since the battle of the Great Green Sea are all very panicked at the moment, their cheeks are paler than the snow on the ground.


Suddenly, the sound of the sight made Regrel look away, and several of the soldiers seemed to be over panicked and fell to the ground and vomited.

Soon, like a chain reaction, the soldiers behind him fell one after another, either kneeling or lying on the war horse, their body twitching nonstop.

No, it's not good ... If you go on like this, the morale of the whole army will collapse first before the enemy really rushes to kill you!

"Boom ——! Boom ——! Boom ———— ……"

Earth shakes.

When the vocabulary is no longer an "adjective" but a simple narrative, it looks much scarier than imagined!

How to do? !

In the midst of being surrounded, I can't see any reinforcements. How can we calm down the panicked soldiers?

What should I do? !

Earl Baimafeng, clutching his sword hilt, looked anxiously at the Beyond knights who looked the same all over his face—because he knew very well that his face would never be much stronger than them.

"Boom ——! Boom ——! Boom ———— ……"

"Flag the flag officer, blow the assembly number--!"

As the six gods of Count Baimafeng had no master, a clanging voice interrupted his thinking: "The whole army is assembled-everyone is on the spot, ready to fight-!"

The surprised two turned back violently. Loren Turin, who was supposed to be in charge of the battle at the top of the horn fort, did not know when he had appeared at the forefront of the cavalry array.


The flag-bearing officer who received the order did not dare to neglect ... Soon, the loud and rhythmic horn sounded successively throughout the Blood Corps Valley formation.

Finally ... whether it ’s the knights of Byrne, the hussars of Poe, or the "black walls" of the empire-in the face of the upcoming war, they can still hold their arms and shields in their hands and control their uneasy mounts. Focus your eyes on the enemy.

Although they are really scared.

"Boom ——! Boom ——! Boom ———— ……"

There was a greater shock than before, with the icy scream of tens of thousands of carrion demons.

But on the battlefield, the eyes of all Blood Corps defenders focused on the figure of a black lion flag waving in front of the gentle **** of the Blood Skull Valley.


The loud voice echoed between the valleys—if you do n’t think about the possibility of triggering an avalanche, it would be a good way to pass the voice of the dark-haired wizard to the ears of every knight and soldier.

"A **** battle is in front of you-at such a moment of life and death, I really don't want to talk to you any more; you are here to stand, it is enough to explain everything!"

Sinking down, the dark-haired wizard at this moment was extremely calm. With the enhanced vision of "beyond perception", he stared at the pair of eyes, or the eyes of consternation, fear, restlessness and excitement.

He knew what these people were afraid of, or what he wanted to hear.

He also knows that these people are not afraid of death at all-willing to stand here, the moment they see the monster army they have not collapsed, it proves that they really have the courage to fight to death ... no matter what.

In addition to their physical instincts, their fear is just because of one thing ... meaningless.

Fear of meaninglessness, fear of failure, fear of being a family or something else-for ordinary people who live in poverty and have little entertainment, honor and faith, dignity ... Sometimes it is really more important than living.

"This is a war that we may have only once in our life, but for us it is no different from any war-the winner lives, the loser dies."

"So do n’t have any superfluous thoughts. We are proud Bayerns, Sakrans, and Bois-and most importantly, we are Empires; we stand on the battlefield that once protected the Empire and fight the enemy , There is nothing to be afraid of. "

"Because if we are our ancestors, our fathers can protect us with their flesh and blood and let us spend our lives in peace and ease. There is no reason why we cannot do it, and there is no reason why we cannot do better than them."

The calm words made the warriors who were still panicking listen carefully. It was not because Loren ’s voice was loud enough, but only when he calmed down, they could listen to the roar of the mountain and shake it. To what his Duke is saying.

"Because of this, comrades, robes, compatriots-fear is inevitable, but we need not be nervous; for the comrades beside us will protect us with their shields and weapons in their hands and their flesh and blood. . "

"I, Loren Turin, will protect you with my own flesh and blood!"

The voice of the dark-haired wizard continued to ring above the Valley of Blood Skeleton, and he could see those who were also nervous, worried, and calmly watching him—Ain, Lussien, Dalton; and Charlotte not here, Isaac, Peter Fassa ...

"We are standing here, not fighting for the Holy Cross, or even for glory-we do our best to fight for those who live and those who believe that we can go back alive!"

"So please hold on to the shields and weapons in your hands, follow the instructions of the commander next to you, follow every order, fulfill your obligations, and complete the duties that belong to you;"

"I ca n’t assure you that victory will win us; but the earth we should defend has been guarded, the battle we are fighting is facing; when everything that can be prepared has been prepared, what reason should we doubt ourselves What about? "

"We are fighting **** with our enemies here because we believe we can win-we firmly believe that with our courage, faith, and unity, we can defeat our enemies!"

"So ... thirty years later, when the story of the Battle of the Blood Skeleton circulated in front of every fireplace on the empire ground, spreading among our enemies in horror and resentment, we can be generous and impressed Proud to say ... "

"That battle ... I am worthy of heart!"

The calm words echoed in the Valley of Blood.

The horrified and cold eyes became fiery again.

"Boom ——! Boom ——! Boom ———— ……"

Thunderous thunderous sounds rolled over, finally calming down, and the restoring troops of the Blood Skeleton Valley, who had recovered their morale, became restless again, and their eyes "unconsciously" looked at the "torrent" of black pressure.

At this moment, a long dragon roar made the horrible loud noise of the monster army "stop abruptly".

The defending soldiers of Blood Skull Valley looked up-the crimson dragon Grum with open wings torn the lead-gray clouds and swooped down towards the black "torrent".


After the thunder, the golden red rain fell!

From the end of the east to the west, the flaming pillar of fire traverses the whole valley of blood skeletons with the wings of the dragon wings-countless carrion demons who are still running towards the top of the hillside are crushed in the flames, melting like ice and snow ,evaporation.

The dark smoke, together with the flames, rose into the sky below the Valley of Blood Skeleton, covering the sky!

"My comrades--!"

The loud cry of the dark-haired wizard sounded in the explosion of flames:

"I believe you-heroes from Byrne, Poi and Sacran, you will pass this ultimate test to prove yourself, defend everything we cherish, be prepared to sacrifice everything, and are willing to Dedicate yourself to the final victory! "

"But as I said, today we don't fight for glory and faith, but we have a clear conscience!"

"Loyalty, glory, tenacity, unyielding-the lofty qualities radiated from you make me determined to believe in you and place the hope of victory on you, not on myself; I will be the future of Bain, Empire Your future rests on you. "

"Boom ——! Boom ——! Boom ———— ……"

Among the flames and thick smoke, the corpses of torrents “surging” almost extinguished the burning dragon with melted “corpses” and continued to advance toward the highlands of the Valley of Blood.

"We will converge with His Majesty the Emperor who came up to assist us, and will kill the eagle king of the Azores in the glacier wasteland-and then drive south, will set foot on our land, plunder our wealth, and slaughter our people. Of the Azores will be killed! "

"Therefore, I also hope that you can believe me and put your hopes on me." The dark-haired wizard shouted:

"I believe I can protect you, I can work with you to win the battle of the invasion of monsters written in history, I believe I can bring you victory, and wait until we win ..."

"Trust me ... I can take you home!"

"Winning this battle, I will take you home!"

At the next moment, the dark-haired wizard turned his horse's head and threw the black lion flag in his hand as a shooting gun, which was firmly inserted on a raised rock under the gentle **** of Blood Skeleton:

"Array! Meet the enemy--!"

"Long live Loren Turin--!"

The sudden cry made the Earl of the White Horse Peak, who was still immersed in the speech of the black wizard, swiftly turn his head back to look at the Lanmaros with the sword crying beside him, but the other party was still laughing without conscience. Once shouted:

"Long live Loren Turin-! Hahahahahahaha ..."

Soon ... the slogan sounded like an infectious disease, spreading throughout the guards of the Blood Skeleton Valley, and the waves of drinking were one after another, and finally merged into one:

"Long live Loren Turin —— !!!!!!!!!"

"Long live Loren Turin —————— !!!!!!”

"Long live the Empire—! Long live Loren Turin ——— !!!!!!”

The loud cry reverberated under the sky, firmly pressing the "momentum" of the army of monsters over.

too weird.

Obviously just telling the truth, the enemy who is obviously enough to kill everyone is in front of him ~ ~ Obviously the body is still trembling ... but the face of thousands of defenders in the Blood Skull Valley can no longer be found. Fear a little bit.

"Probably ... is this a hero?"

Gently put down the bugle in his hand, and the flag officer, Glenwell, Earl of Stormburger, smiled and stood on the hill, watching the figure holding the flag high.

Nothing is promised, nothing is changed, nothing is told ... but it seems to promise the whole world, tell you the truth of changing the world, and make everything you are doing meaningful.

For this "meaning", all people are willing to dedicate everything to him. At his feet, he only hopes that what he has done is in that "meaning" ... it is useful, it is also meaningful".

Hero ... hehe.

Raising his head, glancing at the dome of Glenwell's eyes, a faint light flashed:

"Black Duke Roland Turin," Sage "Brandon I ... I can finally understand what kind of people you are."

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