Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 199: "lively"

"An enemy is attacking!"

Accompanied by the eagle roar of the Azores, the warlike Dress looked at the dark wilderness, and the high sword was striding on the city wall:

"Raise the flares of fire, the whole army prepares for war!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of already-prepared stone-throwing machines roared "creaking" and threw the flaming stone cannon into the sky.

Through the "light source" in the sky and the beacon on the outpost, the soldiers in the fortress finally saw their enemy, the army of Azores elves.

Between the cold wind and ice fog at night, a series of Azores pennants hunted; the 40,000 Azores under the banner projected weapons on the fortress based on the mountains on both sides. Beyond the attack range, the "arc formation" besieged the front of the fortress.

In other words, it is likely that the Rangers they sent out are already full-not only that, but they are also likely to get the accurate information about the deployment of the fortress and the base of the Blood Skull from the scouts.

"Mingzhangqiguan raised the flag, and the trumpeter played the assembly number!"

The black-faced Dracis turned his head sharply and looked at the pale soldiers behind him: "In a quarter of an hour, all the crossbows were on the city wall, and the heavy soldiers were preparing for the battle. glory!"

"For the glory of Sackland!"

The excited Herald soldier rushed out before he had finished speaking.

In the loud horn, the entire fortress began to function like a huge war machine-as the empire's strongest "north gate", the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain had an unmatched power for any fortress.

The rails and zip lines paved on the city wall can easily transport any large equipment needed-from fixed ballistas to wooden boxes filled with military supplies-quickly to the city wall, while changing their positions according to the needs of the battlefield, Focus on it.

Together with her well-connected stairwells and passages, she can concentrate the most troops to the required position in the shortest time;

Even if an unexpected city gate is breached, the gate can be blocked with the protection and track systems on both sides to create a "urn city", and at the same time, a wooden barrel filled with asphalt and ignition agent can be dropped to blow the enemy into the sky.

"The 1st, 2nd and 4th Infantry Banner Regiment is in place-!!!!!!"

"The 3rd, 5th and 8th Infantry Banner Regiment is in place !!!!!!"

There was a cry of exhaustion under the wall.

"The Ranger Legion is in place, waiting for the order-!!!!!!"

"The projectile army is all in place, please give the order-!!!!!!"

The continuous shouts exploded with the flags, and in the blink of an eye, the walls were already running fast or gathering.

"How about Boe's Hussars, why didn't you see them ?!" Dresis shouted angrily, sweeping the flag below:

"Not yet?"

"The messenger has been dispatched, and Salika Jonah just assembled the whole army to inspire before the war!" The herald replied in a hurry.

"Send someone to rush again-the enemy arrived first, the front is not stable, and the cavalry charge must be able to deter the army and make them guilty-tell Grand Duke Boye that she will not wait if she can't catch me!"


The red-faced messenger had just turned around and had not run down the stairs. He saw a slim figure walking towards the city wall, and stopped quickly: "Report! Grand Duke Salika Jonah has ... "

"Don't howl!"

An impatient scimitar maid drove away the messenger and walked directly to Dresis while staring at the flags connected to the outside of the city wall:

"Where did this bunch of rabbit lords come from, why is there no news from Loren over there?"

"I don't know, but the enemy has come, we can't sit still." Dresis turned her head and looked at her with a deep voice:

"Let your hussars-I will send you a thousand more cavalry, try to break through the enemy array, and order a small cavalry to go to the Blood Skeleton Valley to order Duke Byrne back to pinch the Azores!"

"Wait, do you want the cavalry to launch a single charge without the cooperation of the infantry?" Sallyka said with a sullen face: "The enemies outside the city are already ready to attack the city, once they press up ..."

"They can't overwhelm!" Dresis immediately snatched: "The ballistas and stone throwers in the fortress are ready-just give a signal when retreating, and you will be able to cooperate with you for the first time!"

"What if the enemy's elite attacked the city wall?"

"Impossible!" Dresis said coldly: "How tight the forefront defense of the fortress is, and no enemy can climb the city without any damage until the deployment is fully understood ..."


Almost while he was still talking, Sallyka, with her eyes wide open, suddenly shoved him to the ground, and the "iron rider" long knife in her waist came out of her sheath.

The fire touched by the blade exploded in the air, and an Azore elf warrior who had just climbed the wall was repelled, but still standing steadily on the edge of the wall stack, coldly looking down at the majestic female scimitar.

"Enemies! Enemies! Enemies ..."

The shouting soldier suddenly shouted and stopped, covering the wound that suddenly emerged from his neck and twitched and collapsed to the ground.

The next second, the wall that was still dead, burst into countless shouts.

Faced with the Azore elf warriors who do n’t know where to come out, and when they do n’t know when to appear, the guards on the city walls and the newly-arrived crossbowmen hurried to form a simple formation of three or five people or a dozen people. , Finally did not let the defense line collapse immediately.

"Damn, where did these bunches of rabbits come from ?!"

The scolding Sallyka covered Dresis's retreat towards the stairs while reluctantly parrying the elf warrior who was still tempting and attacking.

"It should be the elf who was released by Loren Turin and told them the defense deployment of the fortress."

The gloomy Dracis gritted his teeth, clutching the flag of the dead heralding soldier in his hand: "I have long reminded your majesty that this plan is very dangerous. In case of failure, the defense of the fortress will be fully exposed ..."

"Don't pull it off, it's all about this time!"

Salika, who hit the air again, could not help spraying his face: "Straight, what should I do?"

"No change, follow the original plan!" Dracis roared with hoarse as he looked at the legionnaires who were catching up against the city wall below:

"Go take your hussars to harass the enemy, and then let a team of cavalry break out to go to the Blood Skull Valley to subpoena, and I will let the projection army cover you!"

"Is it all right?" Salika looked at him angrily: "I'm a little too afraid to believe you!"

"Excuting an order--!"

A fierce Dresis pushed Salika down the stairs and raised the battle flag against the soldiers who had rushed up:

"Sacran, follow me-drive the enemy down the wall!"

As the words fell, one hundred team after another poured into the promenade between the wall stacks like a "black wall". With a loud stepping sound, they collided with the single elf warriors.

Looking at the "exciting" scene on the city wall, Salika Jonah squeezed down and hurriedly hurriedly hurried to the already assembled cavalry under the city gate.


"The chief deputy of the governor's court, Lord Alexandra and the commando have attacked the city wall."

In the blizzard, the guard behind the elf warrior surrounded by countless flags was utterly respectful and said to him: "She did not lie-with this opportunity, we may be able to win the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain in one fell swoop."

"Do not."

Looking at the distant shouts of killing sounds, the raging fortress of the Boundary Mountain, the elf warrior said indifferently.

"Do not?"

The guard's expression was very confused.

"Yes, I said no-we will only test today to confirm the strength and preparedness of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, while ensuring that their army cannot break through our siege and allow the army of the Blood Skeleton Valley to come and join them in time." The elf warrior looks serious:

"This is the strongest stronghold of the empire, we cannot expect to be able to take it with a sneak attack, nor can we pin our hopes on the enemy's cowardice and stupidity!"

"The other party is a great country that shares the same with Azores-we must maintain absolute respect for the enemy!"

"But this is a great opportunity!" The guard frowned. "The enemy did not expect that we would be able to arrive in a day, and cleared all their sent rangers, and escaped the surveillance of the Blood Skull Valley."

"The soldiers are very fast, and we now have the absolute initiative in this battle; now is the moment when they are most slack in their defense. If we cannot take advantage of the offensive now, we will be at a disadvantage.

"If the enemy returns to God and starts to send the empire after the fortress to support it, wouldn't it ..."

"If that were the case, the two defense lines of the enemy's deep forest and Ebden would become very weak because they were not supported!"

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, the elf warrior shook his head:

"The imperial people now have done their utmost to resist our offensive, and their strength is stretched. They will never dare to invest too much force in this fortress that is destined to be unable to deploy a large army-that is a waste of strength, and it will cause great Burden of consumption. "

"So, the only reinforcement the enemy can count on is the army of fewer than 10,000 people stationed in the Blood Skull Valley, but with a large number of cavalry troops-Suddenly encountered a surprise attack, they will definitely try to contact the Blood Skull Valley to attack us."

"And all we have to do is to lock them up, and we can't let them go with one soldier and one soldier; use the most fierce offensive to defeat their morale and military spirit and make the enemy chill!"

Breathing the icy cold, the elf warrior clasped the handle of his waist: "To the two-winged Thousands, prepare to respond to the retreat of the commando on the city wall; if necessary, a tentative attack can be launched."

At the next moment, a thunderous roar of war suddenly came from the direction of the fortress.

The sound of horseshoes trembling in the earth, mixed with roars that exploded from countless throats; thousands of cavalry rushed from the gates on both sides of the fortress like a continuous flood of water, rushing towards the army of Azores Come.

"The enemy tried to break through!"

In spite of his composure, the pierced cavalry, when the deafening sound filled his mind, the guard's face still showed a pale expression:

"Sir, they are planning to forcibly crush our army, trying to cut off the reinforcements of the commando!"

"Yes, I saw it-they are looking for their own way."

The elf warrior said coldly: "Order the army, withdraw one hundred steps, and the spearman goes forward-if the enemy is ready to break through, annihilate them, if only to destroy our formation, send archers to fight back."


Looking at the **** who was leaving quickly, the elf warrior squeezing his mouth stared at the "torrent" running wildly, no more words.

On the battlefield full of tremors and roars, the elf warriors under the triangle flag straightly and straightly retreated, and the spearman who was originally at the end of the queue turned to the front of the array.

Soon, at the command of the leaders of the teams, the elf warriors holding four-foot lances lifted the tip of the gun flat in the first three rows, aiming at the incoming cavalry, and the rear row raised the tip of the gun in order to maintain the formation.

From a distance, it looks like an open "iron fan surface".

Seeing the enemies that had completed their defense in an instant, the four thousand hurried cavalry who rushed out of the fortress not only flinched, but accelerated the speed of the charge, screaming with horror and howling.

Seeing the moment when the "torrent" and the phalanx were about to touch, the roaring hussars suddenly turned their direction and completed the "bending action" at an unimaginable speed, and they "scratched" within a distance of less than 20 steps from both sides. "In the past.

And this is not just one, but a series of actions performed by hundreds of hussars one after another-from a distance, it looks like a surging torrent has "lived" to become a crawling python.

"Puff puff--!"

Just when the hussars "hurriedly turned", they did not forget to raise their throwing guns and throw them over; a black shadow blew out the blood one by one in the neat and tight square of the Azores elves fog.

There are constant elf warriors falling down painfully ~ ~ But the formation did not show any confusion-the elf archers who raised long bows walked from the gap of the phalanx to the front, aiming at the cavalry They raised their bows to shoot.

Nearly at the same time, the hussars who threw their guns also picked up their short bows from the battle horse and aimed at the elf army behind them to start shooting.


Blood light bloomed in the queues on both sides, and the hit hussars and elf warriors fell simultaneously.

Noting that the enemies were starting to fight back, the hussars did not hesitate and immediately spread to the surroundings. Three or five groups swam outside the pike phalanx, constantly testing the weak joints of the elves' front.

The roar of the long sword waving, the pull of the bow of the war bow, the hissing of the war horse ... The sound of chaos mingled in the air above the battlefield in an instant.

Watching the robes beside him fall one by one, the elder warriors' mourning was mixed with uncontrollable anger, clenched their teeth and raised the war bow and lance, and kept retreating in the command.

The place where Tie Qi swept was full of blood.

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