Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 191: new plan

"Shall I go?"

In the iron windows of the floating city of the Horn Castle, the shocked female elf warrior Alexandra almost tried her best to suppress the consternation in her heart and stared at Lusien in front of her:

"You, you are ... Is this going to secretly release me?"

The gray pupil paused, and seemed to be surprised by the attitude of the other party. He nodded a second later and said that was the case.

So Alexandra said the second question that was almost nonsense, but she wanted to ask.


"Because I may no longer be able to fulfill my previous promises." The reason is complicated, but Lucien explained as simple as possible: "Master Loren ... Because of certain things, I decided not to tolerate the captives of the Azores; As his escort, I must carry out all his orders. "

"If you stay here again, the only ending is death."

When the gray pupil in front of him said so coldly, the female elf couldn't help shivering.

After all, the glorious death of the war and the execution by the enemy when they can't resist are two completely different situations.

"But ... let me go, doesn't it also violate your master's order?" Alessandra, still worried, still stared at Lucien's face, hoping to get an answer:

"What's more, here is the strongest fortress of your empire, what can I do to escape?"

These are two questions, and Lucien decided to answer her first.

"The army led by your majesty the eagle king is now on the glacier wasteland outside the fortress; just a few days ago, they just wiped out the last scouting team of the empire." The gray pupil said in a deep voice: " The emperor in the fortress is now preparing to fight back with my master and another duke. "

"So the fortress will be chaotic tonight, and it is your last chance to leave; of course, I do n’t mean that you can run very easily, even if you are not found, there is a trench outside the gate of the fortress, refusing horses, pits ... in short Countless traps. "

"But at least I kept my promise-after getting the samurai way, I will give you freedom."

Alexandra's expression shivered slightly.

Unexpectedly ... this human, he actually kept his promise; she was originally prepared that the other party would threaten and lure, and then she would rather prepare to die.

The opposite Lu Sien waited silently, but a somewhat impatient expression appeared on his face.

After a moment of hesitation, Alexandra still raised her head tentatively and asked quietly, "Then ... how should you explain to your master?"

"It's very simple, I told him all." Gray pupil younger replied indifferently.

"What, what ?!"

Alexandra was completely shocked.

"Yes, I told him that it was all arranged by me-you were the bait I put out to attract the elvish army in the glacier wasteland." Lucien shrugged: "So he agreed, Because he and the emperor really need this information right now. "

"So it turns out ..."

The stunned female elf's expression suddenly angered: "So instead of letting me go, you want to use me ?! I ..."

"Whether it is used or not, depends on what you think." Lucien interrupted her unkindly:

"I will send two demon hunters to follow you; you can try to get rid of them, or kill them--although I think you, the latter thing, can't do it for the time being."

"But this is an opportunity anyway, try it or not. You ... I've unlocked your shackles, and I won't close the door; I have to go ... only tonight."

After talking, the gray pupil turned his head away and left the keys of the shackles and the bars behind him.

There was only Alexandra herself in the cell, staring blankly at the Boundary Mountains rising out of the iron windows, and the stars flashing freely.

Want ...?

This is definitely a trap, they want to use themselves to find clues about His Majesty's army; but in any case it is an opportunity; if they do not leave after tonight, then there will be no value for them.

That way ... I'm dead.

Death ... or the fear that life and death are controlled by others, without any resistance, has caused Alexandra into a huge contradiction.

But if he survives, it should be more beneficial to His Majesty the Eagle King ... right?

At this moment, the chief deputy of the governor's court lit up, as if thinking of the key to the problem.

That's right, I have a lot of information about the imperial army-the enemy's strength, the next deployment, the defense system of the fortress, and their private plans ... These should be very useful to Your Majesty.

I didn't want to escape for the sake of my life, I was for the loyalty to His Majesty the King of the Eagles, and for the sake of the life and death of the Azores!

Taking a deep breath, trembling Alexandra struggled to get up and picked up the cell key on the ground.

At this moment, Alexandra had no fear in her heart; at this moment, there was only one thing left in her mind.

Find your majesty the eagle, collect all the intelligence you have collected, as well as the process and results of the battle of Ebden, you must let your majesty know!


"Did you make it?"

At the top of the quiet floating city tower, Dalton Kander stared at the gray pupil who came up from the stairs and asked with a blank expression.

"She had just crossed the walls of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain a minute ago, and now she is probably trying to get around the trenches and pits?"

Lussin replied: "I have sent four demon hunters to track-two light and two dark, will not lose."

"What about intelligence?"

"What has been revealed has been revealed-the system layout of the fortress, the strength of the troops, and the subsequent deployment, there is no problem."

"Tell her?"

"Say, but I only told her that there will be two followers."

"Can it be found?"

"If you cooperate well, you won't; if there is an accident, there is a remedy."


"It has been checked twice, and all have been carried out according to the original plan.

Dalton nodded slightly, his deep eyes looked at the glacier wilderness immersed in the darkness in the distance, and silently turned and walked down the stairs.

"Master Dalton!"

Seeing the other party about to leave, Lucien kept holding his words in his heart and couldn't help shouting at the other party, asking with a tangled expression:

"Why can you guess that Alexandra will definitely leave ?!"

Dalton stopped and looked back silently, glancing at Lucien:

"because I know."

This incomprehensible "answer" made the expression of the gray pupil more tangled.

"When there is a chance to survive, no one wants to be killed-even if they know it is a trap, they will take the initiative to jump in in order to win a glimmer of hope for survival."

After meeting Rut Infinite, Dalton Kander ’s biggest change was the willingness to explain the reasons to others patiently: "If we do n’t explain to her, she might still hesitate; but when we showdown After that, there were only two choices left for her. "

"Dead or alive; she doesn't want to die, so she will definitely choose the latter."

"But that doesn't make sense!" Lucien continued to ask: "I ... I'm not saying how brave she is, but she's really not afraid of death!"

"Not afraid of dying, and wanting to die or not to die are two very different concepts." Dalton Kant shook his head: "What is the purpose of the Azore elves in launching this war?"

"Uh ... for the sake of life and death?"

It took a lot of effort before Lucien recalled this sentence from his mind.

"In other words, whether it is survival or death is also a very important thing in the eyes of the Azores-at this point, they are no different from humans." Dalton said softly:

"So the same principle as for humans is as common to elves at this point; as long as there is still the possibility of continuing to live, as long as they have not lost the desire to survive, they will ensure that they are still alive regardless of the consequences."

"The reason-since she knew it was a trap, what other reason would she obey our ideas?"

Lucien still didn't understand.


Dalton Kander's eyes narrowed and he thought of something, his expression was a bit dazed: "Lucien ... Humans, no matter how they hide their emotions, all nineteen tenths of what we do are done by the body. The resulting desires and emotions are made. "

"The reason that is placed on it is actually very limited in its changes; and its most frequently used role is to provide a motivation or excuse for behavior."

"So the reason for this kind of thing is to use it to deceive others or deceive yourself afterwards; as long as you confirm that a person's thoughts still conform to the normal thinking of a natural person, they have not fallen into a state of mental disorder ..."

"The reason ... not important at all."

After that, Dalton ignored whether the grey pupil really understood, and turned and left to walk down the stairs; after a full minute, the pensive Lucien recovered and kept up.

In the "Castle Hall" of the floating city, the dark-haired wizard is also preparing for the final preparations before departure.

"Because His Majesty Connold must be stationed in the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, I will be solely responsible for all deployment of this war."

Before the round table, Loren glanced at all the generals and commanders around him: "If you have any needs and difficulties, please speak up now."

At the other end of the round table, everyone looked at each other.

The first to speak was Ayton Grenwell, Earl of Stormwind.

"What is the purpose of this battle, is it just to build a solid outpost and barracks near the Valley of Blood Skeletons?"

"Yes ... nor." Loren nodded: "We need to build two to three camps in the Blood Skull Valley that can accommodate at least 3,000 people and war horses, cooperate with the Horn Castle Floating City to complete a large-scale investigation, and determine the Azore The location of the elven army. "

"Of course, this will certainly attract the attention of the enemy, so we must be prepared to resist the siege of the enemy; even when necessary, help the Boundary Mountain Fortress to share some of the pressure to ensure that the fortress will not fall."

"How many troops do we have?"

This is what Eckert, Earl of Red Blood Castle is most concerned about: "Except for the five thousand troops of Byrne, the floating city and the red dragon Grum, how much force can you get from the fortress?"

"Emperor Connold will provide us with two thousand legionnaire soldiers, and so is the Grand Duke Salika Jonah, two thousand hussars." Loren said in a deep voice:

"Of course, the price is that the wizards and alchemists we bring must leave a considerable part to help the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, continue to strengthen the defense, and provide logistics and medical support during the war."

Earl Eckert nodded slowly, expressing no objection to the decision.

"That is to say, there are nearly ten thousand troops dispatched this time, of which seven thousand are cavalry?" Ramaloth, Earl of Lake City, frowned slightly: "And still in the Valley of Blood Skeleton where no supplies can be obtained at all-like this Is n’t our logistics dangerous? "

"The weight of grain and grass, the floating city may be able to reserve the amount of the army's persistence for a month." Loren continued: "The Boundary Mountain Fortress will form a five-hundred-member squadron, using sledges and carriages to carry supplies every day. Provide us with a resupply, the time is set every evening. "

The expressions of the people stunned slightly, and then understood that this was a trap, enticing the elves to attack.

If they succeed, they will mistakenly think that the camp will break the grain;

If it fails ... the army of the Blood Skull Valley can complete the previous mission, and obtain the intelligence of the Eagle King army from the captives.

"Uh ... I have a question." Lucien, who just walked in, tried to raise his right hand to look at the black-haired wizard: "If you remember correctly, you need a large number of wizards and dwarf craftsmen to cooperate to fully run the floating city. To complete; lend the wizards to the fortress, so how do we start the floating city? "

"This one……"

"This is not a problem at all, okay?"

Without waiting for Loren to finish, Isaac had already stole: "There are myself and Ai ... Ain Rand is there, as long as there are seven or eight potatoes-I mean the wizard, it is enough, it is not necessary at all. Multiplayer! "

But the dark-haired wizard looked at him and shook his head.

"No, Isaac, you must stay at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain."


"This is Connor's request ~ ~ But ... I think so too." Loren looked at Isaac calmly: "Because the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain can't be lost, you can leave me. More at ease. "

"But what can I do if I leave this ghost place?" Isaac didn't understand at all: "That bunch of potatoes ... I mean alchemist, and I don't even understand what I said; Poy's granddaughter? Stronger than the female monkey A little bit; the captain of the cavalry fortress? If he can still eat and drink, I wonder if he is a living person, and Emperor Connaughter ... "

"It's Lena De Salion's cousin!" Loren stared at him: "In other words, it's your big cousin-and gave you the title of knight, under pressure to let Lina marry you Benefactor! "

After being silent for ten seconds, Isaac finally deflated: "Okay, I get it-on Lena's face, I will try to help him defend the city."

"Thank you." With a sigh, Loren turned his gaze to everyone present:

"Then next, let me arrange your tasks ..."

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