120 – Welcome


A train running on a dark track. There are no passengers.

“… Cool… Iron fists… Small grains of rice…”

From noble mtl dot com

Geumdongi is asleep. This guy, who isn’t usually very active, must have been tired from walking around all day today.



I didn’t have time to look around while trying to retrieve the origami crane. Even if I had the time, I don’t have the money, so there’s nothing I can do.




More than that…

Now, for the first time since meeting the demon king, I feel awkward.

I had a brief fight with her during the day. The Demon King also showed his hostility to me and got angry, and so did I.

We have already exchanged apologies to each other, but the awkwardness and awkwardness that remains after that is a separate issue.


Yeah, actually, it wasn’t much of a problem even there.

Awkwardness usually goes away quickly after exchanging a little casual conversation. She was silently looking at the window in silence. I was looking at the angle of entry to lighten the mood while discussing the confrontation between Allosaurus and Therizinosaurus.

The problem started with her impatience as she experienced an awkward situation with her friend for the first time.

“… There, there.”


“… We had an argument earlier, didn’t we? I can’t think of anything to say right now because of that. Is that the reason for the awkward atmosphere right now? You, you too have nothing to say, so what to say… Are you thinking about it? I’ve never been like this before…”

“… No.”

This Gattrol b*tch. What if you take it out of your mouth?

The first awkward situation with her friend in her life, she was at a loss.

Damn it. If it’s later, it becomes uncontrollably awkward. It’s a bit late, but even now I have to ask as if I’m genuinely curious about dinosaurs.

“You know. I have something to ask you…”

“Ho, are you forcing yourself to talk about dinosaurs that you are not interested in? It’s like who would win in a fight between Allosaurus and Therizinosaurus…”

Wrong. Let’s pretend to sleep quickly.

“You know. I love you.”

Her expression of affection was seriously out of place.


“My, it’s because I’m awkward because of that incident, and I can’t think of anything to say. I love you so much So there’s nothing to say. It’s never that I don’t talk because I don’t like you. In case you misunderstand.”

Please stop. How much more awkward are you going to make it?

I deliberately dropped the sleeping gilt pot on the floor, but it doesn’t seem to have any intention of waking up from its deep slumber.



She’s looking out the window, and I’m not sleeping, but I’m closing my eyes.

“You know. Are you closing your eyes when you can’t sleep? Is it awkward?”

‘… Let’s ignore it.’

After that, until the train arrived, we were silent.


“You know. Are you trying to get over it because it’s awkward?”

“Close up. A little.”

Thanks to her, all of her awkward air flow was relieved.



We finally arrived at Aniriel Station. In the past, the place where our party’s accommodation was. It is 10 minutes from the station now. Because they are rich b*tches, whenever they moved, they insisted on the station area.

The light is also off in the waiting room through the window. There is no light in the station, and the darkness and cold of a winter night are thick. It was darker than the Demon King’s Castle, where little light came in.

“Put on your clothes properly. Cold.”

“Huh? I don’t feel cold even if I fall into the Antarctic sea… In the summer, I sleep inside the belly of an ice dragon.”

“…Yes. I know you’re strong But just in case, dress warmly.”


The door of the train opened. I only rode it for one day today, but it feels like I’ve spent a very long time in this.


“Wow, it’s cold. Get your hands cold already.”

“Will you put your hand inside me? It’s warm here.”

“…It’s a girl. Don’t suggest that to anyone.”

The surroundings were dark, so I couldn’t see anything.

“For now… The exit to the platform.”

“You! Who’s behind you!”

It was only then that I felt a presence behind me. It was dark, so it took a long time to identify.

Alas. Is it a raid? In such a dark place, it was a robber who could not see sneaking up on us.


As it was, I swung my elbow as hard as I could and threw the elbow backwards.


“… Ugh”

I felt the pain. It seems to have been blocked by something like a metal shield.


… Huh? Wait for a sec.

How hard is this familiar?

“… Huh?”


“Oh my!?”


“What did I say!? You said you were coming! All of you, as promised, will be tied to the railroad tracks! Come on!”

Familiar air.

Voices that make you feel annoyed just by listening to them.


The demon king shot an orb of light into the sky. The yellow light brightens the dark platform.

Maybe it’s because the mana is weaker than in the Demon Castle, but the light is weak, but it’s enough to illuminate the surroundings.


The identity of the presence behind it was my party members.

“Kyaa! Donghaa!! Demon King!! This cute viking is the devil right!? Ehehehehe!!”

“It’s real! Really here! Curry!!”

“Look at that! Didn’t I say I would come! Ahahahahaha!”

“Yuria, when are you? He said he would never come! You said you would get plastic surgery and become a dark elf! I’ll make an appointment for surgery tomorrow, so you know!”

All the party members are screaming with their nose dripping, probably because it’s cold. Be dirty


‘… Am I crazy?’

Why are they happy?

They surrounded me and hugged me tightly, as if they were friends from my hometown who met the demon king after 20 years.

I didn’t want to change to Wheelwind like last time.

“It must be cold. You guys!”

‘It’s frozen solid. Body.’

Wow, it’s cold. b*tches like frozen sliced pork belly… We were warm on the train a while ago. Who is looking at whom and saying that it will be cold?

If it’s cold, don’t step out of the house.

“Guys! The Mawang and Dongha bodies are so warm. Request a party soon!”

“Request a party!”

“Demon King. Can I stick my hand under my clothes?”

“Kee hee hee. No. My friend told me not to let him put his hand inside me.”

-Duk, Duk

Towards the girls who greeted him, the demon king shed tears again. They told me not to cry outside, so I hurriedly wiped my tears with my forearm.

“… Kishish*t. I miss you.”

The four pat the demon king’s head with a warm smile.

“… Dongha.”

Rebecca, Dorothy, and Yuria squeaking over the demon king. Nine from among them called me.

“Thank you for coming… For trusting us.”


“… hehehe. Can’t answer I’ve been thinking about it, we just won’t interfere with your travels.”


“Think of it as a bodyguard or means of transportation. I won’t go out with you, I’ll stay out of sight. You don’t want to come to our dorm… I’ve also booked a hotel for you today.”


“… Thanks for coming. You’ll hate us so much It’s good to see your face again too.”

“The hotel room is uncomfortable.”

“… Huh?”

“I brought a board game. It serves six.”


“If you don’t want to, don’t.”

Nine stands in a daze for a while, then smiles with all her crooked teeth exposed.

“Dongha. Can I hug you now?”

“Can you do it? Go away.”

At that time, the demon king, who had been surrounded by the three and touched without knowing what to do, heard our conversation and screamed.

“Oh, don’t hold me!”

As expected, his ears are extremely bright.

“Ahahahahaha! But at the critical moment, we will be missing!”

“An important moment?”

“Hee hee. No. Guys. It’s cold, let’s go back now! To our lodgings.”



On the way home. The demon king’s gaze goes to the taiyaki shop on the side of the road. But knowing that I spent all my money to get the paper crane back, I quickly withdraw my gaze. It’s an adult-like behavior, afraid that I’ll be sorry for not being able to buy it for you.

“Give me this.”

Catching that fleeting glance, YuRia goes and sweeps the taiyaki.

“Oh no! It’s so precious, I can’t take it. I can’t eat.”

“hahahaha! Here’s a handkerchief. Wipe the dripping saliva first.”

Taiyaki bread packed in an envelope as big as the Devil’s Viking helmet.

“So much… thank you… I’ll only eat one a day.”

“This poor demon king. No need for that! When I finish, I will buy you another one!”

I felt sorry for her, so I brushed her off and forced her to eat one. After taking a bite, the Demon King enjoys eating Taiyaki as it is.

“Yum, yum”

She was poor enough to bet her canned beans on her arm wrestling bet. In the hands of the Demon King, who was looking for the remaining scent in the ketchup container he had eaten, there are now so many taiyaki bread that he has to hold it with both hands.

When I looked around her, everyone, like me, was looking at the corner of her mouth where Taiyaki was entering.

“Kkereureu. It looks delicious. Just one.”

“… Ah yes! Sorry. I was too greedy for my subject.”

The Demon King cringes at the word “Only one” And puts his hand in the envelope and rummages through it. He picks up the one that looks the biggest and hands all the Taiyaki bags to Dorothy.

“… No, I didn’t mean just one… I meant one.”


I returned home after a long time.

It was a hellish place. I’ll get you back on my feet

“Dongha. Do you want to take a bath first? Shall I heat the water?”

“… Uh.”

It means to heat up the bath water. Why does it sound so awkward That was my original role.

‘…I would be a b*tch if the temperature wasn’t right.’


– Dongha!

I heard Nine calling from inside the bathroom.


-The bath water doesn’t fit? Come in and check it out.

“Just turn on the hot water.”

-I don’t know how to turn on the water? Come in and play

“Put your hand on the faucet and turn it counterclockwise.”

-… I can’t find where the faucet is? Come in and find me

“1.2 M vertically from the shower…”

-Just come in.


“Nine. Can I just smash a nose bone with my fist?”


“I remembered the old days.”

Nine decided to take the bath water. In the meantime, sit on the sofa and wait. The Demon King is looking around the room I will share with Dorothy and Rebecca.

There was a familiar piece of paper under the sofa. It resembles the paper that Yuria was forced to sign in the past.


The moment I lifted the paper.

“… Whoa! Don’t look at that! I must have cleaned it up earlier!”

Yuria, who was sitting next to me, rushed at me and stopped me. Blushing at her, he immediately takes her paper.

“Are you still killing the Dark Elves these days?”

“… Not anymore. I don’t do that.”

Following Yuria’s gaze, the socks the demon king gave her are hanging on her wall.

“Then what is that paper hiding? Show me.”

“This is not enough. It’s not even finished yet. … I’d rather show you something else…”

“Don’t talk like that while twisting your body. Because it’s gross.”

Yuria put on her embarrassing face and ran away with all the wads of paper on her table.

Actually, I already saw the title. It was a written signature that read .

It would seem hypocritical.

They themselves once attacked the tower and attacked the demons ahead of anyone else. After living with the demon king for about a month, you have now come and changed your mind.

Since Yuria is also not proud, she must have been trying to hide it.

Besides, something like this. Even if I did, it wouldn’t have any effect.

Still, I heard that the hearts of the party members were sincere. I hate them and leave Margot, so I can definitely be a good friend to the Demon King.


After washing, I was going to go to my room, which they had cleaned up.

But why is something so empty?

“Ah. Mr. Dongha? Are you going to sleep?”

I ran into Dorothy in front of the bathroom, having washed up some time ago.


“By the way, there was a doll I hadn’t seen before in the bathroom… Is it the Devil?”

“… A doll?”

-Jerking, squirming

When I opened the door and went in, Geumdong was pretending to be a doll in front of the women’s bath.

“… What are you doing?”



“… Sheesh. I got hit today.”

Juseomjuseom Geumdong gets up and goes out of the bathroom. Could it be that she has been pretending to be a doll from a while ago until now in order to look for an opportunity?

… Before Geumdong gets his hands on the crime, I should introduce him.


The room used to be very dirty.

Party members deliberately soiled it.

Once, he threw food that was similar to Surströmming into my room and went there.

-I can’t help it! I can’t use this room for a while.

After that, don’t you come to their room and ask them to sleep? Dreary years.

‘It’s been a while since I’ve slept alone.’

Because the Demon King was always by his side. The Demon King is now sleeping in the next room. She said she couldn’t sleep without her…


I put up the blanket and cut the pillow.

‘… This is the first time both of them are asleep.’

Because they’ve been always on guard, one of them is awake. Mainly the devil.

I was lying down facing the front and turned my head to the right. This is where her room is.

‘… I miss you already.’

When I think of the demon king, my heart beats again, and I can’t seem to sleep.

Let’s go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day too.

‘This pillow. It’s really soft to the touch.’

It is a softness that is different from my pillow in the castle of the devil. I lay down on the bed and buried my face in the pillow.



I sat on the bed and looked down at the pillow.


The pillow spoke.



“In situ.”


The transformation was released and the Demon King appeared.

… Since when have you been like this?

“… No, that’s… Me, I can’t sleep without you…”


“… I know. Sorry. I’ll go back.”

After being discovered, he pulled and hugged the demon king who was about to leave with his mouth sticking out. Didn’t let it go all night.

We closed our eyes while hugging each other, and soon fell asleep.

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