110 – Bullying Class (2)

Until now, I have been protecting the Demon King from being stained with evil. He built a fence around her so that all kinds of obscenities pushed by Nine and Geumdong would not come over, and even the cursed voices of her intruders remained inside her and kept beside her so that they would not bother her.

Outside the tower, I, like everyone else in this world, lived with a rag in my mouth, and at some point I started to watch my mouth.

… So.

Trying to change her Demon King doesn’t mean turning her into her own heinous villain. In the first place, the Demon King is not even a vessel for that in terms of personality. Because she’s ridiculously good.

‘…That’s the problem. That is.’

I saw the Demon King.

Pure white, soft skin, bare feet. A pretty face with impressive shiny ruby eyes, shiny black hair, and a black dress with no outer covering like other demons. The only demon-like horn here.

The perfect girl to look down on. This is why most of the uninvited guests will curse in your face as soon as they come in and start a fight.

‘Just to the point where I won’t be easily beaten by others. It’s okay if it’s just that much.’

Yes. Like me…

Just enough that a bad person like me can’t approach.


Now I am training to speak harshly. Because the tone of voice has a huge influence on the mood of a person.

“Then let’s change the accent first. You’re too high pitched Strong people usually have low-pitched voices.”

“Hmmm. Okay. You mean to talk like Captain Hook?”

The demon king clears his throat and clears her throat, clearing her voice.

“Exactly. Now tell strangers that you’re a hook-handed pirate.”

“Kee hee hee. I’m a hook hand pirate. This is my friend origami crane.”

“… Hey. Are you kidding me?. He’s only a pirate in words and doesn’t look like a pirate at all. And there is no pirate in this world who eats paper cranes and friends. When intruders come, remove them from the neck of the paper crane. You might look stupid.”

The demon king, who recently learned the meaning of Chinta, was in extreme denial.

Should I give up changing my accent? It came to the conclusion that it was impossible to create a sense of intimidation in the devil’s round, bouncy and lively voice.

‘No. No, wait.’

Why did you forget at some point? Come to think of it, when I first came, the Demon King spoke in a more chilly and haughty tone. It seems that he was very callous to the humans who attacked him while giving off a cold atmosphere, and his expression was always dry.

… Then the puppet swindler was thinking of cheating on the old scary demon king. You’re a guy with more guts than you think.

“Hey. You, but why did you suddenly become cute at some point?”


“…Look at that. Even now. I didn’t talk like I do before. Say it like you used to.”

When I asked the demon king, the demon king tilted his head.

“… Huh? As before.”

“Like you told me. ‘Are you the last one? Come here’ or ‘Hey, don’t step on the carpet’. ‘You… do you want to die? See your feet? Like stepping on the carpet harder. You did well.”

“… My, when did I say something so scary?”

“Sure! Of course! He hasn’t been able to play games, and whenever he has a chance, Mr. Lee! You kicked me while doing it.”

From noble mtl dot com

Geumdong also helped.

She, who has an incredibly good memory, shook her arm in denial as her cheeks turned red. You did It must have been.

Since when did she become a cute girl who thinks about making a new game every day as her face changes round and round when she bashes?


Looks like she can’t be cold again like she used to.

If you can’t change the accent, try changing the words you say roughly.

“Now, look carefully at what Geumdong is doing. Hmmm. ‘There, a strange-looking wad of cotton. If you quietly leave your wallet, I will save you.’ What should I say? Gilt bronze. Show me an example.”

“You seem like a bully who knows how cool it is to pick a fight with a passer-by. Get out of sight before you get slashed. Mosol eunuch porter bastard bastard.”

“Great example. By the way, gold-dong? Why do you think your personal feelings are so mixed up?”

I grabbed Geumdong by the collar.

“Oh, you should.”

“… That’s it. Now it’s your turn Let’s try… Uh.”

The Demon King is rigid.

“Why is that?”

“… I’m going to say something bad, right?”

“… Uh. Because it’s practice.”

“… Ah, yes. A little scared.”

It’s practice, but it seems like he’s nervous about hearing bad words. Even if she was cursed by intruders every day, she couldn’t get used to this situation.

… But I have to… What can I say…

After thinking about it for a while.

“This carrot demon. The star-shaped omelet you made this morning. Why didn’t it taste so good?”


-Koo Goong

“… Huh?”

Carefully selected, it’s a very bad word, but her expression is that she got hit by a pot of sansevieria that fell from the third floor.

“… Oh, no. I thought about it in my own way… Is this something that would shock me…?”

“The omelet is not tasty… Dongha… You are a real devil. As expected, he is a professor in the bullying class.”

“… No, no. Actually, it was delicious. You ate them all!”

“… Whimper, umm, it’s all over.”

The demon king got up from his chair and brought a toaster that was broken somewhere.


– Boom!

Then, turning her backflip and turning into bread, she slipped into the machine and did not come out. In the end, it only springs up after receiving the promise to make an omelet for me tomorrow.

She returned to human form, she said. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t want to hear any bad words from me.


You can’t change her.

So, she turned to an infusion-type education rather than an understanding and application-oriented education.

“No. 68. ”


“This time it’s my turn! No. 29. !”




“Good job. Here is the promised item.”


The devil munches the caramel I gave him deliciously.

… After all, Dorothy gave it to me.

I was supposed to do this a long time ago. She was so brilliant that she could memorize all 95 of her codes of conduct after one look.

As long as she is here, it is expected that the chances of her being caught will be significantly reduced as she lives.

“… By the way. Hey.”

After eating all the caramel, the demon king carefully floats his luck.

“…Why are you suddenly teaching me this? You just have to stay with me and let me know.”


The Demon King’s question was sharp.

“… hehehe. You act like you are about to leave.”


“… Hey. Dongha. Why don’t you talk Hey. Anxious.”

“… What’s wrong? Huh? Why?”

… She’s right.

If she never leaves, if she stays like this and lives here, she won’t have to learn these things.

Because I will be by her side 24 hours a day.

“… That’s right. Now I’m leaving… Not! Travel. I’m talking travel!!!”

And Mr.

Be afraid. They were suddenly in a good mood, so I played a joke. Scary to say anything, the demon king’s sadness was about to fill up, so he hurriedly corrected it.

“… Hey, travel?”


The sadness that soared at once subsided.

Yes. It is a trip.

At Christmas, Dorothy sent an invitation and schedule guide. She decided to go on a trip to her private villa. The place is . It is a quiet island village on the outskirts where half-elves live. It is said that the festival is also held this time.

There is no way the demon king will take on his true identity.

Because half elves all have a single horn growing on the left or right side of their heads.

“… Ah, yes. Travel…?”

The demon king seemed to hesitate.

Are you anxious?

Actually, the vicious acts of the past party members remain in my head, and I still have resentment toward them.

But I don’t think they will betray me. Since they left without erasing their memories, if they set their minds to it, it will be over if they tell someone the danger of the demon king, whether it’s the Black Dragon, Chilsung, or the Kingdom’s army, and attack in droves.

The reason why they don’t attack this tower is because they judged that the demon lord was not a threat. The only ones who come here are the Munchkins who want to kill the Demon King out of personal hatred.

It’s been a long chat, but I don’t think my party members will betray me anyway. Wouldn’t be noticed otherwise.

… Of course, it may not be a comfortable trip. Anyway, until I join Dorothyne, I have to hide well under the hood.


In fact, the biggest reason to go on this trip was to find a clue to return.

There is a great library, Hamohamo, which contains books containing the knowledge of elves accumulated from ancient times. It’s a place I couldn’t go even if I wanted to go when I was outside in the past. This is because Urupu, which is almost cut off from this rotten world, has a very difficult entry procedure.

‘… I deliberately set up an appointment here. Dorothy.’

She knew I wanted to go here. Is it apologetic for not helping me get to this place when I was rough in the past?

…If it’s here, even the demon lord might be able to live comfortably without standing out.

Above all is her journey with her.

It was fun to boil a bowl of ramen in a pot with holes and share it.

I’m sure, I’m sure it will be the same this time too.

“Have you tried cotton candy?”

“…Cotton candy?”

As expected, the Demon King didn’t even know what cotton candy was. He told her It is said that the sugar is wrapped like a thread, and when you put it in your mouth, it melts gently with a sweet taste.

“That’s a lie. Tell them there is a robot that cleans itself.”

It actually exists.

“I will take the train on the way. It moves with magical power, do you know how fast it is? Five times faster than an ostrich?”

“…How fast is that?”

“How many pretty girls! What an elf girl Elf girl! I sneaked into the bathroom basket and…”

“… Hmm, I’m prettier.”

Tension rose as Geumdong and I talked to the demon king about the culture of the outside world. Of course, it’s a sh*tty place from the outside, but the island atmosphere of Urupu is very different from the outside, so you can expect it.

The Demon King, who was listening, starts fluttering at our words.

“There are no stars in the outside world, but since we are having a festival… You will be able to see the fireworks.”

“What? Fireworks?! I know that!”

It is said that it came out of a fairy tale book that the demon king used to read. Colorful lights lit up the night sky. The Demon King fell into the story.

“…Yes. There are also fireworks.”

To talk excitedly before doing something.

This has always been the role of the Demon King, but today I and Geumdong took over. Geumdong doesn’t know the details, but he seems to believe in my judgment and agree with me.

The Demon King asks for the departure date of the trip.

“… hehehe. I’ll prepare a chocolate ketchup bean sandwich.”

A terrible combination of food.

She also agreed to her departure.

“… Kee hee hee. I’m looking forward to the trip… That’s why you took class today as a bully.”

The demon king pulled my cheek and said.


That’s right. I’m afraid you’ll go out and get hit by some weird guy. There are too many strange people in the outside world compared to you who are clean.

Of course, I will stick with her throughout her trip. However, for unavoidable reasons, I might fall for a while.

That’s why she gave her a manual that won’t make a fuss for her, and won’t hurt her. For her poor human relations.

“…Something like that.”

“Huh? What else could be the reason?”

I hope that someday, when I go back to Earth, you won’t live at a loss.

“It’s a secret.”

“… uuu, are you leaving too?!”

“Okay. Then what should I do?”

#17. It is when you are subjected to unreasonable threats.

“… I want to go back into the toaster.”




… That’s wrong.

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