108 – Exercise

“But why are you exercising all of a sudden?”

The demon king, who was hiding behind a wall and glancing at me while I was doing push-ups, asked me. He often hides like that these days. Of course, she is mistaken that she is completely covering up.

‘… I’m embarrassed to be honest.’

A weak person like me doing sports because he wants to protect the demon lord.

I just want to comfort her self that I am protecting her.

“To defeat the demon king.”

“… You traitor! I even made an omelet this morning! I also erased the dinosaur I drew on my face with crayons yesterday morning!”

“Somebody said scribble on your face when you sleep. This damn Purin b*tch. You shouldn’t have drawn it in the first place.”

The Demon King, who was wary of me, started applying buffs to her body again. I said I was lying before applying the Hell’s Beast buff to my cheeks. She almost couldn’t touch her today.

“I just… Want to count.”

“Huh? Are you still very strong?”

“… Not iron fists or chess. I mean, I want to be strong in real life.”

“Oh, are you going to hang out? Fighting is bad.”

It was not persuasive when she said that every day was a long day and broke die dai with intruders. But. In her case, she doesn’t fight because she wants to.

“Then can I tell you something? How to get stronger?”

“… Will you tell me? Are you planning on giving me some magic lessons?”


Well, there could be no better instructor than this. It’s about taking lessons one-on-one from the strongest woman in the world.

But it is impossible.

After entering this world, right after I knew that the way back was to defeat the demon lord.

The first thing I did was find a way to become stronger. However, no matter what, there was no chance for those who did not receive magical power. There was a time when I worked hard and went to expensive academies at night, but everyone who taught me told me to quit early because I had no talent.

If you were born as an E-class hunter, there is no such thing as reawakening. In my case, it’s not a hunter or anything.

‘…If it had been that way, I wouldn’t have joined the party of nine.’

“Let me teach you! As an expert, I think you have a knack for it! I didn’t even get hit in 3 days and woke up, and I’m slightly better at iron fists than me…”

“Not a little.”

“Be quiet. Anyway, you’re good at chess, and you beat Ryuk in the pepper field the first time you saw him, right? Huh. You definitely have the qualities to become strong.”

It’s hard to believe if it’s a quality that looks like that.

“… That’s it. It won’t happen anyway.”

“No. Let’s do it. Shall we start with the Meteor Drive first? Or for ice?”

… Go away. Because it’s coming


“The monthly lecture fee is a ticket to the Golden Candy Room 10 times and writing an additional children’s book.”

“Anyone want?! Can I not take the lecture?”

“Umm. It has already been paid.”

“Go away. Then I will refund you.”

“If you want a refund, you only get 10% back, is that okay?”

It’s an academy run like a neighborhood bully’s gym. There seems to be a fitness magazine somewhere around the house.

Caught by her demon lord’s intimidation, I finally decided to take her lessons. Besides, she threatened that if she didn’t learn, she wouldn’t even let me see him from today, so she couldn’t help it.

“What kind of magic did you learn at the academy before?”

“Nothing was properly cooked. It’s because I couldn’t even radiate the most basic of magical powers as I learned.”

“Magical release? Why are you learning that?”

Black magic slowly comes out around the demon king. Magic has the property of becoming darker as its power increases. It’s really absurd that even I, a high magician, can routinely shed a black aura that can be discerned with the naked eye.

“… I can’t do what you’re doing right now. Ordinary people.”

“Then, would you like to start by gathering mana with your fingertips?”

The demon king shows a demonstration. She closed her eyes and stretched out her hand.

“Now, imagine all the ketchup in the world being sucked into this fingertip.”


Then, the atmosphere around her turns black, and black energy begins to gather in her hands. It’s like a black beard.

“How is it? How do you feel?”

“… They don’t come at all.”

… Ketchup is gathering in your hands. It is truly her imagination. Maybe the secret to being strong is because he ate a lot of ketchup. She thought about it for a moment, then reached out and focused as she told her to.

A long time has passed.

As expected. Can not be done. Not to mention mana, it doesn’t even blow wind.

“I don’t think so.”

I’m sorry to her for explaining it diligently, but it’s not possible. Earthlings who are good at games, going to the same world as in the game and eating everything by themselves is something that only comes out in cartoons.

“… I said no.”

“Umm, not yet. A little more.”

However, it was the same no matter how much time passed.

I feel like I keep betraying her expectations, so I feel uncomfortable. In the meantime, I was always a person with a lot of talent to her.

“… No way. Let’s stop. You can feel it too Not a drop of magic power flows through my body.”

“That goes for the other kids too. They are just like you.”

I will. Because she has so much explosive magical power, her human magical power must all look the same.

No matter how much I concentrated, the mana never radiated from me.

“Wow! Not so good!”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t…”

“hehehe, no! Everyone is like that at first! Of course I didn’t.”

He’s a little rough today.

“If this is difficult, shall we try something a little easier? Now, draw a circle with your right hand and a triangle with your left hand. At the same time”

What she said was what she had learned at the academy before. The more active the left and right brains are, the better you can control the magic flowing through your body.

“No. It’s a circle circle.”

“That’s a triangle triangle.”

It’s been a while since the demon king’s personality that sees the end once he starts is revealed. Another eternity passes, and when her fingers start to cramp, she finally gets permission to succeed.

“Yes! That’s it! A perfect circle and an equilateral triangle!”


What makes you so happy? It’s been a long time since she’s been caught and tormented by her.

“Now, let’s draw a satellite with the left hand and a kraken with the right hand. I’ll try first…”

“Go away.”


I gave up on magic. However, the Demon King still did not give up on the inferior cadet. She promised me to make the Meteor Drive ready for use within three months.

… It’d be faster for Geumdong to become a human after eating mugwort and garlic.

Now, first of all, I chose a different method.

“What are you looking for?”

The demon king asked me as I was rummaging through the warehouse.

“I’m going to do some strength training. Do you have any weights?”


I drew a picture and showed the demon king weights. In this warehouse, she herself does not know where she is used, and there are many things that she only keeps in her storage, so she does not know just in case.

“I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this before.”

“Is that so? I can’t help it.”

“Ah, will you be me?”


The Devil Do Somersault Fung! With a sound, it changed to the weight I drew earlier.

-Now carry me and exercise. It’s the same weight as mine.

The weight speaks. Oh my god. It’s the first time I’ve received such care.

“Thank you.”

The Demon King… No, with both hands holding her barbell, lay down on a wooden bench that had been rolling around in her shed. Lie on an unsupported bench. Arching moderately, she pinned her shoulder blades to the bench and raised her bar over her chest.

‘… The grip… can I hold it here?’

The barbell begins to wriggle as he moves his palm holding the bar back and forth.

“Kee hee hee. Tickle!”

“Hey. Don’t dream If you drop it, you will get hurt.”

“Oh, are you touching it?”


“… Demon King. Where am I touching right now?”

“Kee hee hee. I’m not going to teach you.”

… No way.

“Tell me quickly.”


He sure doesn’t know anything, so it would be right to just say it.

“Huh? Your face suddenly turned red.”

Even if it turns into a barbell, it looks like it still has eyes.

“Because of exercise. Because of exercise.”

“Uh-huh! I haven’t heard one yet, you weakling!”

… This bastard is real.

They make fun of people all day long.

I’ll show you what it’s like to be teased. Originally, in war, if you fire cannons on the other side, it is natural to respond with missiles on the other side.

“Stop it. Hey, is this too heavy for me to lift?”

Pretend you can’t lift the barbell with a grunt.

“… What, what? Can’t you hear me?”

“Wow, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of something this heavy. I hit up to 85 on the bench… Are you sure you weigh 90kg?”

“What are you talking about?! What kind of Apatosaurus am I? It can’t be that heavy.”

The rod of the barbell begins to get damp. She’s breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Ugh, that dog is heavy. It’s like lifting a battleship. Is it heavier than Rebecca?”

“Lies! It is a lie…! Listen quickly! I mean lift it up!”

“Does that make sense? How do you lift this heavy thing?”

Actually, it’s not heavy at all. Even if I lift it, I can’t even exercise. Just the usual demon king weight.

But you should never listen.

“Ughhhhh… So heavy…My arm tendons are about to burst.”

“My, drop me off! Just put it down quickly! I won’t!”


Is Babel struggling? Hit It’s the first time I’ve seen such a cute weight.

– Boom!

Smoke burst out and he returned to his original form. Her handle was the flesh of her pure white forearm. It was also a misunderstanding.

“I’m back as the 90kg demon.”

“… Yikes, great! If you want it that way, I will really become 90 kg!”

She held her arm in my hand, then she yanked her hand away, then laid me on top of her and hugged me tightly. And she uses her magic to gradually lift her weight.

“Oh, okay, okay. It’s a joke. Sorry. Stop getting heavy.”

“Umm, no matter how much I am, I can’t forgive you this time.”

“It’s getting heavier… Hey. Look at me! Will be crushed! Salty like tomatoes!”

“… Ok. Then give me ten compliments instead.”

“It’s a compliment… Uhm… You won’t be blown away by the wind because you weigh 90kg?”

“Oh, goodbye.”

-Koo Woo-wook


How can I stop teasing people when their reactions are so hyeja? Even though the line of fire was right in front of me, I couldn’t stop. If he died here, the cause of death would be poisoning.


Because she touches her body … I feel that she is a woman too.

-Kung, Kung, Kung

“Oh, okay. I’m really not kidding anymore. Sorry! Come down!”

“Umm. It’s already too late. Are you scared? Do you think it will crush you? Do you think it will burst red? Like the Spanish Tomato Festival!”

How do you know about the Spanish Tomato Festival?

‘… No. Rather.’

Something else is the problem, man.

“Hey, stop! You’ve held up well until now. Huh?”

“Then who wants to hold on so tight and tease me? I can’t stand it any longer.”

– Took

I looked back to where the falling sound came from. In front of the door that was open at some point, Geum-dong, who had dropped the biscuits on the plate, was looking at us.

“… I heard a noise in the warehouse, so I came here… Dongha. He acted like a eunuch and eventually got eaten. Like Del Monte tomato juice.”

“Even if it’s a misunderstanding, wouldn’t you believe it anyway?”

“Of course. Call it at the first birthday party.”

From noble mtl dot com

Geumdong put down the cookie and left the room.

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