Zhou Tianze graduated first

    The three little guys ran very fast, and ran out of it the moment the door opened.

    Then, like three depth charges, she threw herself into Mu Qing's arms.

    "Mom, I miss you so much." An An hugged Mu Qing and said sweetly.

    "How much do you think?" Mu Qing followed An An's words and asked.

    An An raised her eyes to look at her mother, her big bright eyes with long eyelashes fluttered, like two beautiful black butterflies.

    "I really want to, I can't even eat."

    When An An said this, Kangkang next to him laughed.

    "Mom, sister lied to you!"

    "She ate too much of her classmates' biscuits and fruits in the morning, so she couldn't eat at noon."

    Mu Qing looked up at Yuanyuan after hearing Kangkang's words.

    Yuanyuan is the boss and has a strong sense of responsibility. His words are more convincing than Kangkang and Anan.

    "Yuanyuan, is that what Kangkang said?"

    "Yeah." Yuan Yuan nodded.

    "Sister is so cute, many children like to play with her."

    "Oh, so that's the case, Mom knows." Mu Qing said softly.

    Just right, at this time, Yuanyuan and their teacher came over to Mu Qing.

    "An An mother, where are you."

    "I have a situation here that I would like to share with you."

    "Children are not allowed to bring snacks to kindergarten."

    "Today, An'an received a lot of snacks. I think she is very popular."

    "However, at noon, she didn't eat much."

    "On my side, I have already told the children that from tomorrow you can no longer bring snacks to the kindergarten. Those who are disobedient will be confiscated."

    "I hope you can go back and explain to An'an."

    "A reasonable diet will be healthier for her."

    "Teacher, I wrote down everything you said." Mu Qing replied politely.

    "When I go back, I will talk to An'an well. I'm sorry to bother you."

    "Nothing, this is what we should do."

    "We are very happy that the parents understand our work."

    "Teacher, you have worked hard."

    "Come on, Yuanyuan, Kangkang, Anan, goodbye to the teacher."

    Mu Qing called three little guys.

    "Goodbye, teacher."

    "Teacher. See you tomorrow..."

    "Goodbye, teacher."

    The three little guys waved goodbye to the teacher obediently.

    Then, Mu Qing took them back.

    On the way back, Mu Qing taught An An well.

    For example, it is wrong to just eat snacks and not eat like today.

    An An replied with a full mouth, and she really never did it again.

    The three little guys went to kindergarten for a few days, and they quickly became familiar with them.

    They also know that Mu Qing is busy.

    Usually Grandma Qiao, Ma Wu, or Zhou Shuisheng, whoever has time will go.

    In an instant, Zhou Tianze's three-month study was over.

    Actually, he only took the course for two and a half months.

    However, under the influence of Mu Qing secretly putting a memory potion, coupled with her usual strict supervision and Zhou Tianze's own efforts.

    This time, Zhou Tianze actually gave him the first place in the test.

    Zhou Tianze came first in the exam, which made everyone look up.

    If you say that he is the first, everyone can accept it.

    After all, this child is strong and smart, and runs very fast.

    However, you said that the first place in this study is really beyond everyone's expectations.

    After hearing this, Zhou Shuisheng couldn't help feeling even more.

    "My son, what kind of luck did you have."

    "I have watched you for more than 20 years since I was a child, and I did not see that you are a reading material."

    "Haha..." When Zhou Shuisheng said this, Grandma Qiao couldn't help laughing.

    "Comrade Zhou, how can someone say that about their son."

    "It's a good thing to take the first place, you should be happy."

    "I'm happy, isn't this too happy!" Zhou Shuisheng laughed.

    "I didn't expect that these two children in my family could have cultural achievements. I was surprised, what a surprise."

    "Dad, my wife taught me well."

    Whenever, Zhou Tianze can think of his daughter-in-law.

    "Tianhui and I were taught by your daughter-in-law."

    "Yes, yes, yes, thanks to Xiaoqing's cleverness, I took you two stupid birds away first."

    "Dad—" Zhou Tianze was upset.

    "I am your son, when did I become a fool?"


    As soon as Zhou Tianze said this, everyone at the scene laughed without face.

    Not to mention, this is quite apt!

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