Our whole family listens to you

     Jiang Yansong's eyes lit up when he heard this.

    "Girl, you are the first in the country!"

    "Your brain is so flexible."

    "You got the No. 1 exam in the country, how did you apply for a university of science and technology? You can apply to Kyoto No. 1 University!"

    "The first grade in the country. That's not just a random choice from any school."

    "I think technology can change life and the future. I choose it very well." Mu Qing explained with a smile.

    "I like the professional course in it, it's stronger."

    "Then what major did you apply for?" Jiang Yansong listened and became interested.

    "Information and Computer Science."

    "This..." Jiang Yansong's voice elongated.

     "Girl, it seems that you need to take more supplements in the future. Computers are not so easy to learn."

    "Mr. Jiang, don't worry, my hair won't fall out." Mu Qing laughed and joked.

    "You girl, really... Then I'll wait for you to change your life and future. I'm optimistic about you."

    "Thank you. I will try my best." Mu Qing replied with a smile.

    Afterwards, Chen Siyuan took out what Jiang Yansong asked him to find.

    "Sir, this is the book you asked me to look for."

    "It may have been lost when I moved, so it was broken a lot."

    "Really? Show me quickly."

    Jiang Yansong was a little anxious when he heard this.

    He hurriedly took the cloth bag from Chen Siyuan's hand.

    Then carefully took out the book inside.

    It is a collection of Tagore's birds.

    The book is very old, but it can be seen that it is very well preserved.

    Jiang Yansong raised his hand gently and smoothed the folds on it.

    Then, he gently opened the book and took out a photo from it.

     Above the black and white photo is a simple group photo.

    Mu Qing glanced at it, it should be a photo of Jiang Yansong when he was young.

    The other woman in the photo should be Jiang Yansong's wife.

    Mu Qing watched silently and did not speak.

    Only, when Jiang Yansong opened the photo and looked at the back, Mu Qing's eyes couldn't help but pay more attention.

    The handwriting on it seemed a little familiar to her.

    Also, there is a **** written on it, why did she always think she had seen it somewhere?

    But, before Mu Qing could recall, Jiang Yansong had put the photos back into the book.

    Then, he carefully and solemnly handed the book back to Chen Siyuan.

    "Put this in my drawer."

    "Remember, where I go, where will it go."

    Chen Siyuan immediately took it with both hands.

    Nodding in response, "Don't worry, old man, I will take good care of it for you."

    "Well, put it back."


    Chen Siyuan put the book back behind Jiang Yansong's desk, and Mu Qing's gaze couldn't help chasing for a while.

    However, Jiang Yansong's thoughts were probably a little scattered, so he didn't notice Mu Qing's abnormality for a while.

    The two talked for a while, Mu Qing was still thinking about things, and Jiang Yansong's mood was also affected.

    So, Mu Qing took Zhou Tianhui and Jiang Yan to say goodbye.

    Chen Siyuan replaced Jiang Yansong to send the two of them away.

    When she arrived at the door, Mu Qing asked carefully.

    "Just now...is that picture of Mr. Jiang and his wife?"

    Chen Siyuan nodded and replied, "Yes..."

    "Then have you met Mr. Jiang's wife?" Mu Qing asked again.

    "No." Chen Siyuan shook his head and answered.

    "When I followed Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang was already alone."

     "Also, I haven't been with Mr. Jiang for a few years."

    "Oh, so that's what it is, it's nothing." After Mu Qing finished speaking, she held the armrest of the confident car with both hands and got into the car.

    Besides Zhou Tianhui also followed Mu Qing's actions.

    "Comrade Xiao Chen, in the future our Tianhui is in the school, so I will trouble you to take care of her."

    Mu Qing started talking.

     Zhou Tianhui's face turned red when she heard this.

    "Sister-in-law, we should go back." She reminded in a panic.

    Chen Siyuan answered in a serious and responsible manner.

     "Don't worry, Comrade Mu, I will take good care of Comrade Zhou Tianhui."

    "You guys... I'm going home."

    Zhou Tianhui was so ashamed that she stepped on the bicycle ruthlessly and the person was already gone.

    Chen Siyuan shouted at Zhou Tianhui's back worriedly.

    "Comrade Zhou Tianhui, be careful when riding, see you at school."

    When Zhou Tianhui heard Chen Siyuan's voice, she kicked harder.

    "Goodbye, Comrade Xiao Chen."

    Mu Qing said something, and then chased up on her bicycle.

     Zhou Tianhui quickly lowered her head when she saw Mu Qing chasing after her.

    "Tianhui, ride a bike to see the road, otherwise be careful to fall." Mu Qing reminded at the next exit.

    "Sister-in-law, you just make fun of me." Zhou Tianhui felt wronged.

    "Next time my eldest brother comes back, I will take all the little guys away." Zhou Tianhui threatened angrily.

    As for why she took all the little guys away, of course it was for her big brother to show off his skills.

    At that time, she saw that her sister-in-law was still in the mood to tease her.

    It is estimated that by then, she will be unable to protect herself.

    "Haha..." Mu Qing couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

    She spoke loudly on purpose.

    "Comrade Zhou Tianhui, your plan will not succeed. Your elder brother all listens to me."

    When Zhou Tianhui heard this, she glanced at Mu Qing resentfully.

    "Where is my eldest brother, our whole family listens to you, okay?"

    "Haha..." After Zhou Tianhui said this, Mu Qing couldn't hold back her smile.

    She never thought that Zhou Tianhui would still have such a fun time!

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