Mu Qing's reminder to Zhou Tianhui is like a worried old mother

    "Bang!" The door closed.

    Mu Qing threw Zhang Dongmei directly.

    However, she still roared in the direction of the door angrily.

     "Zhang Dongmei, don't blame me for scolding people next time you dare to come to your door to mention this."

    Zhang Dongmei who was outside the gate patted the folds on her body, and also shouted at Mu Qing who was inside the gate.

    "What are you doing?"

     "Think you're good enough to go to a university?"

    "It's a different matter whether I'm admitted or not."

    "I really thought I was a college student. In the past few years, how many college students married farmers, what are you dragging?"

    "Your sister-in-law is married to a peasant."

    Mu Qing listened to Zhang Dongmei's provocation, and with a "bang!" she opened the door of the yard again.

    She looked at Zhang Dongmei coldly, holding a thick stick in her hand.

    "What did you just say? Say it again?"

    "There's no one around here, so if you hit it, you hit it for nothing."

    "Even if the trouble comes to the head of the regiment, there is no evidence, everything is for nothing."

    "Would you like to come and try my stick?"

    Mu Qing said, and raised the thick stick in her hand.

    A thick stick is almost thicker than Zhang Dongmei's arm.

    All her clamoring just now suddenly became silent at this moment.

    Because the stick in Mu Qing's hand is really scary.

    Although Zhang Dongmei is a shrew, she is still a person with eyesight.

    At this point in time, there is no one around, even if she is noisy, no one will know.

    So, she shrank her neck in fear.

     Cowardly, "Shrew!"

     "Whoever put you on the table is really bad luck for eight lifetimes."

    As soon as Zhang Dongmei finished speaking, the stick in Mu Qing's hand fell directly to the ground.

    The sound of "Boom" directly shattered the ground.

    Zhang Dongmei's face turned pale, she was really scared.

    Mu Qing looked at her coldly and said slowly.

    "Don't make any more decisions about our Zhou Tianhui."

    "Also, don't talk nonsense in the family area, you big mouth."

    "Otherwise, if I hear your brother and sister-in-law's gossip, no matter who said it, I will count it on you."

    "When the time comes, I will call you directly."

    Zhang Dongmei could not help but retreat, but she was still a little dissatisfied.

    "The mouth grows on others, if others say it or not, it's none of my business, why do you count it on me?"

     "Just because your younger brother is also one of the parties, you can't beat me, and your family can't beat my family."

    "Are these three reasons enough?"

    Mu Qing's aura was fierce, making Zhang Dongmei somewhat useless.

    Finally, in the intimidating eyes of Mu Qing, she finally had to give in.

     "Who cares about your family Zhou Tianhui! Your family doesn't want to have a relationship with our family, does our family really want to have a relationship with your family?"

    "It's really a toad, and it's not small."

    "Today, I really have had blood mold for eight lifetimes. What's the matter."

    Zhang Dongmei scolded, carried a basket, and ran quickly.

     Zhou Tianhui came back and happened to pass by Zhang Dongmei.

    Zhang Dongmei looked at her with gloomy eyes and whispered.

    "It's really a broom star! Bah!"

    Zhou Tianhui was scolded inexplicably and felt ashamed.

    She saw Mu Qing who was still standing at the door, and hurried up.

    “Sister in law…”

    Zhou Tianhui's face turned a little red, all because she was scolded by Zhang Dongmei just now.

    "Comrade Zhang's face looks a little bad, what's wrong?"

    "I was scolded by me." Mu Qing said directly.

    At the same time, she also asked aloud.

    "This woman has a bad heart. You will see her go farther in the future."

    "Also, your eldest brother is the battalion commander, and you have been admitted to the university."

    "If someone of the opposite **** is close to you for no reason, ignore them."

    "If they really want to be close to you, they won't wait until you pass the exam."

    "Also, Tianhui. When you go to college, you will understand that finding a like-minded partner is far happier than a momentary impulse."

     Zhou Tianhui's blushing face turned even redder when she heard Mu Qing's words.

    At the same time, she couldn't help but mutter in her heart.

    No wonder!

    No wonder a lot of people are getting close to her recently. It turned out to be like what my sister-in-law said.

    Then Zhang Dongmei scolded her just now, it must be because of this matter.

    When Zhou Tianhui thought of this, for some reason, a sunny smile appeared in her mind.

    Is she good enough to cover up her shortcomings and deserve him?

     Zhou Tianhui's face turned even redder when she thought of this.

    She hurriedly said to Mu Qing, "Sister-in-law, I'm back to get something, and I'll go to the hospital soon."

    After Zhou Tianhui finished speaking, she immediately ran back, but ran out again after a while.

    During the whole process, she lowered her head and dared not look into Mu Qing's eyes.

    Because, her sister-in-law is too smart.

    As long as she is seen by her sister-in-law, her mind will definitely be fully explored.

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