Sequential Evolution

Chapter 396 Cang Feng steps on the steps

Lin Tianyi's clone asked [Magic Mirror] more than one question.

These include restrictions on the use of the evil storybook djinn and the possibility of Gu Xiaochao's resurrection.

Faced with the [Lv13 Super Simulation: Out of Outer Space], which was marked by the intelligence broker as extremely dangerous, Lin Tianyi strived to kill him!

[Lv13 Super Simulation·Drawing Out of Outer Space] The main reason why he didn't take action immediately was because he suffered a big loss from Lin Tianyi's sneak attack.

Facing the burning soul of Gu Xiaochao's luck title [King Power and Wealth], he was not uninjured at all, so as soon as Lin Tianyi arrived, he chose verbal stimulation, looking for flaws, and at the same time doing his best to recover Double trauma of body and soul.

At this time, when he saw that Lin Tianyi could actually summon an alien god, he could no longer hold back and couldn't wait to attack.

The giant sword in his hand came from his father's secret fruit collection [Mysterious Code No. 608]. Swinging it with all his strength, it was drawn out of outer space, and a huge wave of magma was set off, which was ten meters high and a hundred meters wide.

With a huge consumption of mental energy, this blow enveloped Lin Tianyi and all the clones behind him.

However, Lin Tianyi himself had already made sufficient preparations.

The ash stone's exclusive specialty [Body Transformation Mold], which is always in a state of arousal, was instantly activated. Lin Tianyi's figure suddenly increased, and his fists suddenly swung out.

[Anime Power SE] skill is activated.

White beard, shaking fruit.

boom! ! !

Space crack fluctuations swept through the lava wave. Although Lin Tianyi did not have a devil fruit, he could not exert one percent of his strength.

But the violent spatial distortion still caused the flames to be devoured by waves, twisting out a huge gap.

[Evil Storybook] has been passed on to Demon Archer Ji Disaster.

At the same time, Lin Tianyi's other clones were not idle either. They held the ordinary clone of [Da Qian Lu] in their hands, inserted their hands directly into his chest, and gave it a hard squeeze.

【Split the flesh and remove the bones】!

As two ribs were broken and pulled out, [Lv13 Super Simulation·Drawing Out of Outer Space], who was rapidly retreating, screamed in agony.

The wide-scale sharing of pain allowed him to experience substantial pain.

The second wish of the genie of the genie was recited by the Song of Ji Calamity.

"I hope that [lv10 Miracle·Misty Ember] will regain all its divine power."

"This wish can be realized."

As Hongda's voice came again, Lin Tianyi's demon archer servant also exploded.

This is a permanent loss of servants, and it is the lowest price discussed by Lin Tianyi and Magic Mirror Arrods.

Whether it was the way the question was asked or the price paid, Arrodes gave a clear answer.

The essence of the [Junhou] skill is the invasion of soul and body.

To put it bluntly, this is a very advanced spiritual restraint technique.

What the Djinn needs is the body and soul of the wish-maker. Once Lin Tian uses his servant to make a wish, his own servant seat will be eroded by the power of the Djinn and permanently destroyed.

In other words, as soon as Lin Tian started the djinn story, he would lose a permanent servant seat every time he made a wish.

However, Lin Tianyi didn't care.

He just wants the other party to die! !

As the second wish was twisted and realized, Lin Tianyi's divine power was quickly filled, and the source of the divine power was not supplemented by the outside world, but acted on something unknown.

As the fat djinn in the purple smoke stared at the clone holding the [Da Qian Lu], a large number of painful memories flooded Lin Tianyi's mind.

That was Lin Tianyi, who had just entered the sixth grade of elementary school and witnessed the mutilated corpses of his parents.

That was Lin Tianyi who rushed here and watched his best friend fight to the point of exhaustion without leaving a single last word.

That was the whole world, and only Lin Tianyi was left alone.

The massive painful memories were magnified tens of millions of times by the genie and forced into Lin Tianyi's clone.

Lin Tianyi's clone directly got rid of the control of the main body.

His knees knelt directly on the black and red scorched earth. Under the control of the djinn, the clone that had lost two ribs grabbed his own throat and pulled hard!

The throat tube was connected to the tongue, and he tore it out in this bloody way, and threw it directly on the [Da Qian Lu] in front of him.

This is the evil storybook's way of helping Lin Tianyi regain his divine power!

He forcibly controlled Lin Tianyi's clone and completed the most difficult skill in [Daqianlu].

Cang Feng steps on the steps!

The red bamboo slips transformed into red, twisting worms the moment they obtained Lin Tianyi's throat and tongue.

The sky directly above the active volcano crater was filled with thick smoke, and the sky seemed to be cracked, revealing the endless and distant depths of the starry sky.

A huge sun-like eye looked at Lin Tianyi.

An extremely strong pain fell from the sky, intertwined with Lin Tianyi's pain, and began to spread around.

In the lava purgatory, there are no other people around.

At this moment, the only one who can share this pain with Lin Tianyi is [Lv13 Super Simulation·Drawing Out of Outer Space]!

Everything around him was covered in this kind of pain. In an instant, his skinny body emerged from outer space and began to twist. Under the intense pain, he let out an inhuman howl.

Another alien god.

In addition to the djinn who can make wishes, this evolver with only level 10 in front of him actually summoned two alien gods!

Especially the second outer god, who seemed to be in charge of pain, both mental and physical pain, tormenting every inch of his skin.

He couldn't help but want to commit suicide.

As an evolution, injuries and pain are almost commonplace.

He went out of outer space and desperately injected a large amount of various analgesics and injections used by extraordinary people into his body and temples, and then swallowed them.

Lin Tianyi was also suffering from intense pain, and performing the Cangshu step was not within the scope of his plan.

But Ba Hui's gaze did fill up all the divine power he had consumed by using his self-created skill [Divine Blossom]!

"Madman! You damn madman!"

His lips trembled, his hands trembled like chicken claws as he scratched out of outer space, fantasy genes, various monsters, and top-level title super simulations all became decorations.

He could not copy any of the skills used by his opponent, Mist Light Jin.

If this continues, he will really die!

Therefore, [Lv13 Super Simulation·Drawing Out of Outer Space] used his trump card without hesitation.

Artifact——[Millennium Building Blocks]!

He took out an inverted pyramid-shaped metal pendant about the size of a palm, with an eye engraved on it.

The surging divine power swept in all directions like a tide.

The huge upside-down pyramid briefly blocked the hole in the sky of the shattered trial battlefield, and the shadow of the Pharaoh's soul emerged behind the sky.

As the huge golden scepter waved forward, three mythical creatures appeared in the air.

It was a sky dragon of Osiris that was covered in red, had a body over 50 meters long, had two fangs and a huge mouth, and flapped huge bat wings.

Over 50 meters tall, with a blue body, a muscled head with six giant horns like an insect, and a one-eyed Obelisk Titan Soldier.

And the sun-god-winged dragon, which is covered with feathers and has four talons, is as huge as the first two.

[Artifact] Thousand-year cone special effects, summon mythical creatures - the three illusory gods!

"Boy, you deserve to die! You must pay a sufficient price for letting me use this life-saving artifact."

Because of the severe pain, his expression was particularly ferocious. The use of this artifact, the Millennium Brick, seemed to have cost him an unknown price.

As he aimed at Lin Tianyi with the single eye on the Millennium Cone, the three behemoths rushed towards Lin Tianyi in an instant...

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