Sequential Evolution

Chapter 391 Sekhmet’s meteorite fragments

At this time, the swamp area where the Red Heart Dragon Fruit is located is surrounded by chaos like Star Wars.

She encountered a team of evolvers, the elite of Asan Kingdom.

There were explosions everywhere, the sound of laser gun fire, and the sound of lightsabers fighting.

A team of seventy future warriors is using various high-tech combat methods to fight against the spice-smelling Asan Kingdom evolvers.

The strong Buddha's light continued to shine, and the barefoot evolvers of Asan Kingdom were particularly difficult to deal with.

Their fighting methods are varied. One of the male evolvers summoned several Shiva gods to resist the encirclement and suppression of the future warriors.

An Indian woman with red dots on her eyebrows communicated with the spirits of nature through her prayers and summoned a large number of natural creatures to interfere with the future warriors.

Lord Shiva's giant fist continuously bombarded the translucent honeycomb shield, and the violent energy trembled and made a buzzing sound.

The battle was chaotic and fierce.

The sounds of bulls roaring, the noisy chanting of sutras, and the roars of Asans were intertwined with the explosions and gunshots caused by technological weapons.

In the center of the battlefield, [lv13 Intelligence Expert·Red Heart Dragon Fruit] covered his nose, waved the spicy spices floating in the sky with his hand, and put on a gas mask.

The surrounding ground was covered in red powder, which came from an evolver who was proficient in Asanguo's cooking skills.

At this moment, she did not participate in the whole battle, but stood quietly in the center of the battlefield, communicating with Lin Tianyi.

"I can give you some information for free."

"Of course, you probably already knew these things."

"There are several conditions that make up a god. They are:"

"Godhead, power of faith, divine fire, container."

"The hierarchy of gods is strictly divided. Low-level gods such as the land gods and mountain gods of your Chinese country, the Western gods, and the shikigami of the Sakura Kingdom are all [godheads] that can be accommodated in the early stages of evolution."

"The road to becoming a god is very troublesome. Before ascending to the throne of god, even if you successfully obtain the godhood and become a vessel, your identity is just that of a surrogate body, which is equivalent to the spokesperson of the gods walking in the world."

"At this time, the importance of divine fire is highlighted."

"Once the divine fire is ignited, it is equivalent to officially embarking on the path of the gods, and the power of the gods that can be called upon will also increase."

While operating the Future Warriors to encircle and suppress the evolvers of Asan Kingdom, Red Heart Pitaya kept an eye on the trends on the battlefield.

Lin Tianyi didn't know the reason why Red Heart Dragon Fruit told him this. He just calmed down the chaotic aura in his body, calmed down the tearing pain in his head, and quietly watched the information provided by Red Heart Dragon Fruit.

"I do not have the divine fire now. Will becoming a low-level god have any impact on my future path to godhood?"

There is indeed no divine fire now...

Doesn't the implication of this sentence mean that this mysterious evolver of China has successfully obtained the [Godhead] and has authority? !

In other words, the power the opponent just exerted was not an artifact-level prop, but his own power!

This is important information.

The red heart dragon fruit could not help but feel its heart beat faster.

It seems that it is a very cost-effective deal for me to actively communicate with the other party and even have the idea of ​​forming an alliance.

This is equivalent to investing in a future god-level evolver!

In other words, as long as the opponent's luck is not too bad in the future, there will be a high probability of owning a fruit planet!

With just such a question, Red Heart Pitaya analyzed Lin Tianyi's general situation at this time.

Holding back his excitement, Red Heart Pitaya continued to send the compiled information to Lin Tian:

"The role of divine fire is second only to [divine personality]. It is undoubtedly of great help to any evolver, even those without divine personality."

"Sacred fire can be used to forge artifacts, enchant weapons, and even temper the body. These are for ordinary evolvers, but for evolvers who have the authority to accommodate [Godhead], igniting them can not only By opening the Divine Court, more uses of authority can be developed to a certain extent."

Shenting, this word is very new, Lin Tianyi heard it for the first time.

He also knew that intelligence brokers were all unprofitable and could not afford to be early. The other party said so much just to form an alliance and make Lin Tianyi realize the importance of divine fire.

Lin Tianyi really needs divine fire at this stage.

The mission of Alien Disaster is before us, it is an opportunity.

He thought for a moment and asked directly:

"How do you want to cooperate?"

Red Heart Dragon Fruit finally waited for the reply from this powerful S-class hunter.

She waved her hand at this moment, and a large magic ritual suddenly appeared on the soil under her feet. This magic circle was somewhat similar to the formation for summoning mechas in the cartoon "Light Messenger". As the magic circle formed, a strong light appeared on the ground. , a large number of steel forts immediately emerged from the white light.

It was a war fortress composed of layers upon layers of hundreds of large and small gun barrels and radar devices.

The red heart dragon fruit speeds up the pace of the battle.

The huge radar rotated, and several Asan evolvers who were deeply surrounded looked at the war fortress with a height of more than 30 meters and hundreds of cannons aimed at the battle area where they were, and they suddenly roared in despair.

Some people fled, some used life-saving skills...

Red Heart Dragon Fruit waved her hand, and hundreds of cannons in the war fortress opened fire, while she continued to use the friend chat bar of the Evolution Palace unhurriedly to continue chatting with Lin Tianyi.

"My intelligence network has locked a total of 8 Sekhmet meteorite fragments. Not all of these fragments contain divine fire. According to my estimate, half of the fragments carry divine fire."

"One thing that is certain is that the location of the alien fragments that the Lady of Liberty and the European Heavy Industry S-Class Hunters go to definitely have divine fire."

"I want to grab it. But I can't beat it, so we have to join forces."

Um? !

The intelligence broker Red Heart Dragon Fruit also knows about this.

This was completely consistent with the information he had just learned from Gernev.

Lin Tianyi hesitated for a moment and asked the question in his heart.

"Since you have locked the location of 8 fragments, why are you still fighting for the fragments with the people of the Statue of Liberty? We can definitely explore several other areas."

"S-level hunter [lv13 Intelligence Expert·Red Heart Pitaya] successfully killed [lv10 spice chef·Amir Khan]. For this kill, he obtained 3000 evolution coins, food [Boyani Stew], and food [Delicious Lassi], obtain props [Vedas].”

"The S-class hunter [lv13 Intelligence Expert·Red Heart Dragon Fruit] successfully killed [lv12 Servant of Shiva·Samantha] and did not obtain any props for this kill."

"Hunter Red Heart Pitaya Hidden Mission [Kill All Sides] Current Progress: 7/20."

Having solved the immediate trouble, the Red Heart Pitaya disarmed the fort and replied to Lin Tianyi:

"I came to the trial battlefield at a better location. I have already explored two of the eight drop points for the Sekhmet meteorite fragments, but found nothing. If my intelligence is correct, Kryptonian Henry Ross and his companions went there. That point is likely to contain two or more divine fires."

"That's why the other party teamed up with people from European Heavy Industries to go there."

Lin Tianyi pondered for a moment and thought:

"You told me all this information. How should I trust you?"

Red Heart Pitaya replied without hesitation:

"If you agree to sign a contract with me and explore the reactor area of ​​the trial battlefield together, I can pay you in advance, a fragment of Sekhmet's meteorite!"

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