Sequential Evolution

Chapter 386 At the expense of companions

"Haha, can't stand it anymore?"

Xia Muci recovered quickly from his physical injuries. He took out an unknown potion and blood food from his backpack and crazily stuffed it into his mouth.

The lv5 title skill Ghoul caused him to lose the enjoyment of taste and could only taste the taste of blood food.

But at the same time, he has gained extremely strong recovery ability, which is equivalent to vampires and werewolves in the West. He recovers from injuries astonishingly fast.

At this time, seeing Lin Tian holding his head with both hands and falling into extreme pain, Xia Muci's fashionable appearance had long since disappeared.

The whites of his eyes all turned black, and his pupils turned scarlet.

Transformed into a ghoul, he did not give Lin Tian any chance to struggle, and once again recited the incantation in smooth Chinese:

"Peel off the skin and call the benevolent mother, and the heart will fail thousands of times."

With a stabbing sound, Xia Muci's whole body became bloody.

His handsome appearance no longer exists, he sacrificed the largest organ on his body, his skin!

The blood-stained Daqianlu, as an unlimited-level prop, was subjected to various painful and almost perverted sacrifices. The vigorous flames instantly blessed Natsuki who stepped on the Daqianlu.

[Sacrifice the skin of the whole body] Sacrifice hair and skin, ignite the skin and set the whole body on fire, spread the flames and burn the opponent to death, and control the fire.

While the flames burned on Xia Muci's body, Lin Tianyi's body also immediately burst into flames.

This was the burning that bypassed the defense of the dragon scale armor and acted directly on Lin Tianyi.

"Kagura! Why don't you do something?"

Seizing this opportunity, Xia Muci, who was also burned, howled.

Kagura Yukotori was severely injured by the power of the Thunder Fruit. She swallowed a large amount of various medicines from the Evolution Palace and just recovered to some extent.

After being yelled at by Xia Muci, he didn't dare to show any slights.

But before she could react, various arrows flashing with fire, ice, and poison, as well as thunder exploding in the sky and a large number of thorns and thorns, attacked the two of them.

The pain cannot be shared with the servants. Almost the moment Lin Tianyi was shared by the pain, the attacks from the servants came like a torrential rain.

Embarrassingly dodging various skills, Kagura Yu Kotori swung his sword quickly, resisting most of the extraordinary power attacks.

She crushed a faceless clay figure, and the damage dealt to her was instantly transferred.

At the same time, the Kagura Tour bird ran quickly on its clogs, its smooth calves kicked off the ground, and headed straight for Lin Tianyi.

She grasped the sword with her left hand and continued to resist the magic explosion arrows that flew towards her quickly. Her right hand was once again touching the hollow heart on her chest.

Pure purple lightning flashed, and Kagura Youniao pulled out a purple electric knife from his chest and swung it towards Lin Tianyi's neck.

clang! ! ! !

The huge repulsive force caused Kagura Yu's bird to fly backwards.

A pitch-black figure wearing heavy knight armor and holding a giant shield appeared out of thin air in front of Lin Tianyi.

Heavy shield knight, Wei Zhuang!

A large amount of golden light shrouded all Lin Tianyi's bodies, and the golden holy light soothed the severe pain all over Lin Tianyi's body.

[Sloth] On the side of the clone, Su Luoqing, wearing a black and white priest robe, with long wavy chestnut hair peeking out from a black hood, made a prayer gesture with his hands, and used the power of a B-level priest to heal Lin Tianyi's injuries. pain.

This is simply an unfair fight.

The three people clearly felt that every attack was extremely powerful.

But the Chinese named Wu Guangjin in front of him is simply a pervert.

They seemed to be fighting an S-class hunter, plus a team of five lv10 evolvers who were skilled in coordination!

"Da Qian Lu is really amazing."

After recovering, Lin Tianyi swallowed a dragon's blood solidifying pill. Under the severe pain, Lin Tianyi's condition was surprisingly good.

Isn’t it just pain?

Did he eat less?

Doesn't it just burn the skin? When Lin Tianyi was at level 1, he was completely burned by the explosion of liquefied gas when he was brutally slashing at the enemy.

Before Kagura Yukotiao's body fell out, Lin Tianyi's body and his servant Su Luoqing moved at the same time.

Lin Tianyi, who was holding a dragon-horned sword, took one step forward and disappeared immediately, heading towards Xia Muci.

Su Luoqing, who was like a ghost, appeared directly behind Kagura Yukotori with the dragon-horned dagger in his hand, and stabbed her in the back of the heart with the boning dagger.

The various props accumulated by Kagura Yukotori were wasted. The most powerful killer, the flesh and blood kunai, was thought to be used on Lin Tianyi, but unexpectedly it was his companion Sasa Kinjiro who was killed.

At this time, Naixiang failed to succeed with her sword blows. It was the moment when she was unable to respond. She twisted her body in embarrassment and tried her best to resist the attack of the nun who was not inferior to her in appearance.

What I didn't expect was that I could smell a sweet smell in my nose.

Su Luoqing is a dual-professional. In addition to being a priest, she also has the identity of a wizard, and her charm interferes!

With a clang, the tachi and the dragon horn boning knife collided together. While blocking, an extremely exquisite shrine suddenly appeared in Kagura's free hand and smacked it towards Su Luoqing's body.

She was secretly happy.

Once hit by the shrine, the opponent's soul will inevitably be pulled into the shrine to fight with ghosts and gods. Wu Guangjin's servant is considered useless!

However, a sudden change occurred.

Su Luoqing's back suddenly had four pure black arms like hers.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

It is the sound of the crossbow hooking, and the sound of the trigger hooking.

Blood Lord's call, a large number of shotgun blasts at close range.

Su Luoqing's poisonous hand crossbow shot three poisonous arrows before his death.

Headshot Crusher, the huge revolver muzzle is pressed against the opponent's head...

Hunter Wu Guangjin, you successfully killed [lv13 Love Pillar·Kagura Yu Bird], but you did not receive any reward for this kill. "

"The current progress of the hidden mission [kill all directions] is 5/20."

Half of his head disappeared, and Kagura Yukotori fell to the ground unwillingly, leaving only extremely empty eyes.

Natsuki is Kagura Yu Kotori's partner. The two met during a dungeon mission.

Just a few days ago, the two of them had just confirmed their relationship.

However, although Natsume was saddened by the death of Kagura Yukotori, it seemed that it was expected!

The corners of his mouth were buzzing, and the death of his lover did not interrupt his spell.

"The five internal organs are dug out and the dry bones are embraced. The withered bones are embraced and the power is infinite."

He has mental anguish.

But, not much.

Kagura Yu, the little bird will die, he knows it, he knows it from the beginning to the end.

It can be said that it is easy for Natsuki, a ghoul, to kill the fat pig of China.

From the beginning, Xiamuci planned to use several teammates to help him kill Lin Tianyi.

It takes time to perform the Daqianlu. There is no one to help him resist the S-class hunters. How could he complete the ritual?

Finally, he got his long-cherished wish.

This is the second most powerful super skill in Daqianlu. Once the sacrificial ceremony [Leap Five Elements] starts to be performed, he will be immortal and invincible...

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