Sequential Evolution

Chapter 376 [lv12 Origami Art Andyson]

Chapter 376 [lv12 Origami Art·Andison]

Among the 14 S-class hunters, two are his friends.

In other words, if the three of them form an alliance, the pressure to survive will inevitably be reduced drastically.

While Lin Tianyi and Gu Xiaochao were checking their friends list, other evolvers on the battlefield were also checking their personal resources.

At this time, [lv9 Lao Qian Fatty Lei] looked at his friend list in surprise.

Isn't it possible? This Wu Guangjin is indeed no ordinary person. When I was at lv6, he was only at lv2!

In a few months, this guy will not only surpass me in level, but also become an S-class hunter?

Fatty Lei at level 9 looked at a level 13 evolver that lit up in his friends list, his expression became more solemn. His fat body lay on the ground, shaking the fat on his body vigorously, and Fatty Lei's figure instantly merged with the earth and stone. , temporarily hidden.

This Mist Ember is very strong. Not only does the lv13 evolver have 15 more attribute values ​​than the lv10 evolver, but he must also have experienced more dungeon missions. Even so, the Evolution Palace still determines that he is an S-level hunter. Such a person , we must find a way to make good friends.

Not only Fatty Lei was surprised, but the lv13 intelligence expert Red Heart Dragon Fruit was also quite surprised.

In her friend list, there are 11 people in the entire 200-person battlefield who are her friends. However, among them, 7 are level 13, 1 is level 12, two are level 10, and one is level 9.

Among the 11 people, only this lv10 Wu Guangjin is an S-level hunter!

In other words, his strength is far stronger than the other 7 level 13 trialists, and he is even an evolver of the same echelon as her!

A team of seventy futuristic warriors has been deployed around the Red Heart Dragon Fruit, which is one of her trump card abilities.

Each ultra-futuristic warrior has the functions of flight, physical invisibility, and radar detection. The team itself is not only a whole team but can also be responsible for guarding, fighting, sneak attacks, reconnaissance and other functions.

At this time, a large number of flying soldier bee mechanical insects spread out in all directions like a large net. Each communication warrior fixed the mechanical hive in various areas to cover the entire trial battlefield.

While arranging his backup plan, Hongxin Pitaya reviewed Lin Tianyi's information.

Lin Tianyi has a co-conspirator brought out from the script mission. His name is Lin Weier. He possesses the Chongming Bird in China's special inheritance system. He is a member of the Hunters Guild and has a very high strength rating. Jiuding Organization keeps his information confidential. It is quite strict, its specific abilities are unknown, and it is closely related to the Xuantian Dao Sect, a supernatural organization in China.

Like me, this guy is also a lone wolf. It only took him less than a month to advance from lv5 to lv10. His mission score must be increased every time. He is probably a rare S+ level strongman. By.

As an intelligence broker, Hongxin Pitaya easily analyzed most of Lin Tianyi's strength composition from his limited information.

In other words, he has a very powerful partner. He even escaped the pursuit of the Statue of Liberty and European Heavy Industries during the Ten-Jinsan Advanced Mission.

Just when the Red Heart Pitaya was wondering whether to consult Lin Tianyi if he could join forces, the light of the bright green comet above his head suddenly swept across the trial battlefield.

It is a magnetic storm, a strong near-Earth magnetic storm with gamma rays.

The face of the red heart dragon fruit changed, and a crackling sound suddenly came from the surroundings.

The anti-interference soldier-bee matrix she released was completely wiped out by the magnetic storm and completely ineffective.

It seems that Alien Disaster has a very strong interference with electronic equipment, and her idea of ​​monitoring the entire trial battlefield has failed.

Red Heart Pitaya was hesitating whether to join forces with Lin Tianyi. As an information dealer, she immediately received messages from seven or eight evolvers in her friends column.

Red Heart Pitaya immediately changed her mind and prepared to collect as much information as possible on the trialists on the entire battlefield through the resources available to her and through the friend lists of other evolvers.

Lin Tianyi was not in a hurry to meet Gu Xiaochao at this time. He warned:

Xiaochao, if you are far away from me, protect yourself for the time being. I will go find you in a while. I know that you have the genetic sequence of the fantasy flame lord. You should be able to meet ordinary high-level evolvers, but it is still everything. careful.

Gu Xiaochao immediately replied:

No problem, Brother Tian, ​​you are everyone's target now, so be careful.

After ending the call with Gu Xiaochao, Lin Tianyi did not immediately contact the red heart dragon fruit or the lady.

The current situation is not very clear yet, and he wants to see the situation first.

With this thought in his mind, the ring on Lin Tianyi's left index finger suddenly jumped.

It's the epic ring [The Evil Eye of the Guard Dog].

A smile unconsciously appeared on his lips.

As he turned on the ring, Lin Tianyi immediately detected dozens of malicious intentions.

Yes, with the [Evil Eye of the Gate Dog] here, the restrictions of the Evolution Palace are equivalent to none for me.

With the supervisory eye, I can easily identify the existence that has malicious intentions towards me, and even understand their situation in advance.

Then... let's start with the latest malice, complete the hidden mission first, and kill everyone.

With this thought in his mind, Lin Tianyi did not intend to stay where he was.

Since Gu Xiaochao said that the clone has no interference effect, it is better to take the initiative than to wait and wait.

With this thought in his mind, Lin Tianyi immediately opened his supervisory eyes.

Fiery red eyes lit up in a certain area, and Lin Tianyi saw the person closest to him who was malicious towards him.

This is a man wearing a weird black and white suit. On his tall nose, he wears a pair of brown glasses that are fastened to his eyes like diving goggles. He has blond hair and holds a handful of presbyopia silk in his hand. A rectangular knife wrapped in a towel.

Judging from the direction he was looking, he should be moving in the direction he was.

You're quite confident. You're just coming towards me so arrogantly.

Lin Tianyi pinched his chin with one hand and looked at the man through his supervisory eyes with interest.

Apparently, the other person is Caucasian.

[lv12 Origami Art·Andison]

Just as he continued to open his surveillance eyes, Lin Tian was about to go over to meet the man when he found that the other man kept taking something out of his backpack and throwing it around.


It's origami, exquisite paper fighter planes, and small paper cranes. These paper artworks fly out immediately the moment they are thrown out, and they are very flexible and spread out in all directions.

Interesting skill.

Lin Tianyi looked at it for a long time, and this guy threw out various kinds of dogs, snakes, and exquisite small tanks made of paper.

Seeing that the distance between the other party and him was getting closer, Lin Tianyi also took the initiative to greet him.

As Lin Tianyi moved, all the servants and clones moved in the direction of [lv12 Origami Art·Andison]. According to the speed of the two of them, the location where they met was roughly in an abandoned place. A shabby factory...

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