Sequential Evolution

Chapter 370 The core of the world! (Please order in full)

The fiery red wings stretched out behind Lin Tianyi.

The dragon scale robe returned to its original leather state at this time.

Lin Tianyi, who was holding two dragon-horned swords, had unprecedentedly bright eyes, surrounded by shackle-like magic runes, as if the whole world was on his side.

Hearing Leslie's roar, Lin Tianyi raised a smile on his lips, flapped his huge wings vigorously, and shouted:

Why don't you dare?

At this time, Leslie dragged out a terrifying giant sword from the space, which was another legendary item.

This guy is simply the Chosen Son of the Seven Deadly Sins Fruit World.

I don’t know how many cards I have in my hand.

If it weren't for the existence of the [Magic Weakening Field], he wouldn't be able to physically participate in the battle.

As Lin Tianyi flapped his flame wings, the extremely hot wind swept towards Leslie in an instant.

Leslie, who was wearing the armor of the God of Fury, had blood boiling all over his body, and strong evil aura rose into the sky. When he saw Lin Tianyi coming towards him, he suddenly swung his golden giant sword.

Buzz! ! !

The surging bloody sword waves are like the tide of the Qiantang River that destroys the world, strong and huge.

This is his own power obtained by consuming his body's essence and blood.

Lin Tianyi's forward momentum continued unabated. Just as he was about to dodge, an invisible force suddenly hit him on one side of his body.

Invisible hand! !

This legendary scroll consumes his will, so the [Magic Weakening Field] is ineffective against it.

Two attack methods that did not rely on the power of heaven and earth fell on Lin Tianyi's body, forcefully pushing him to receive the opponent's unrivaled and domineering slash.

Lin Tianyi expected it!

There are only so many effective killing methods that the opponent can rely on at present. How could he not guard against them?

There are many skills and characters for absolute defense. In order to consume Leslie without limit, Lin Tianyi chose Maple, an anime character who focused all his attributes on defense.

As a stubborn hair stood up, under Leslie's astonished gaze, Lin Tianyi's appearance suddenly changed into that of a cute girl.

All the skyrocketing values ​​were instantly concentrated on his body. Lin Tianyi used Xuanwei skills to activate [Buddha's Wrath]!

This is a temporary killing skill derived from Pudu Cihang. With the blessing of a huge amount of physical value, Lin Tianyi seemed to have transformed into a golden bodhisattva with burning flame wings behind him.

The terrifying tsunami of bloody sword energy hit him, and he was easily blocked without even causing a wave.

Are you a boy or a girl?!

In Leslie's opinion, the guy in front of him was as weak as an ant.

But with so many methods and so many different things he knows, he is almost like a monster.

Every time he felt that he could easily kill the opponent with his next move, but this weak guy was just like a cockroach. Not only could he not be killed, but he also got stronger the more he hit him!

At this time, Lin Tianyi was already in front of Leslie. Leslie swung the golden sword and slashed at the extremely hard Lin Tianyi's head.

The original witch had already eliminated the statue of the Goddess of Jealousy at this time, and the two of them had the same mind. The moment Lin Tianyi blocked Leslie's attack, the dragon-sinned whip that emitted a fierce light had already been thrown towards the opponent's back.

boom! ! ! !

The whipping from the original witch almost pulled Leslie's soul out of the body.

Part of the witch's power is pain, but she maliciously mixes it with a lot of pleasure.

This made Leslie's brain subconsciously block the attack from Lin Tianyi after being whipped by the dragon tendon whip, choosing to ignore the original witch behind him.

The melee between the three of them was already as fast as an afterimage. Lin Tianyi had domain blessings, and the speed of his magic dimensional shoes and dragon scale armor continued to increase.

At this time, the balance of victory had tilted in the direction of Lin Tianyi and the two. Leslie's physical and mental condition was getting worse and worse due to the large consumption of energy and blood and the use of invisible hands.

Laziness fooled his mind, and the fierce battle made his thinking ability unable to keep up with the speed of physical reaction.

The invisible hands overlapped and attacked Lin Tianyi's body crazily, causing the liquid memory metal to explode.

Lin Tianyi's golden body and defense were strong enough, but even so, his body was shattered by Leslie's beating, and there were a lot of cracks in his golden body.

This is a gap in realm and a gap in strength.

The original witch continued to release the disease, using happiness to cover Leslie's increasing hidden wounds.

Lin Tianyi's pool of divine power has bottomed out. He does not hesitate to let his divine power erode his human side, crazily increasing the use of his authority, interfering with the opponent's sixth sense, and making him lose his judgment of danger.

It's now!

In Leslie's opinion, this annoying outsider only needs one final blow to be completely killed by him.

A light suddenly shot out from his eyes.

That is the erasure power that gathers the core projection of the world!

Death is pale.

Buzz! ! ! !

The scope of this gaze was so great that in the entire community that Leslie glanced at, the buildings shattered and the ground disappeared.

In the horizontal direction, the human visual field of one eye is about 95° from the direction of the nose, and the left and right sides add up to 190°.

This gives humans a forward horizontal field of view of approximately 180°.

At the same time, when the eyeballs rotate and the head and neck are fixed, an additional 15° field of view can be obtained with each eye.

This allows both eyes to have a 220° field of view without any movement of the head or neck.

The entire 220-degree area was completely erased by the paleness of death.

Lin Tianyi's reaction was extremely fast. His figure instantly teleported diagonally and disappeared, trying to escape from this area!

However, this is Leslie's surefire hit!

As if a huge pale gap was torn out in the oil painting, half of Lin Tianyi's body turned directly into gray-white color.


Lin Tianyi was indeed hit. No matter how fast he was, he could not escape the gaze attack.

The golden body collapsed.

However, Lin Tianyi, who fell to the ground, did not die!

A large number of black spells appeared on his body.

It's Su Nuo's palm!

Under the activation of the reversal technique, the broken body recovered quickly like ceramics. Not only that, in order to speed up the process, Lin Tianyi swallowed two dragon blood pills again.


Leslie roared madly.

Of course it's possible.

Lin Tianyi is not from this world. As the only existence in the world that is connected to the fruit core, the projection of the world core can indeed erase everything in the world.

However, Lin Tianyi is an outsider.

How could he not try this weird method?

The reason Leslie didn't notice it was because Lin Tianyi's test was in a hidden corner, and he did not use his main body to do such a test.

Lin Tianyi's clone used his own three toes to test the paleness of death.

The conclusion drawn is that the reversal technique can restore the injuries caused by Death Pale!

It also made Lin Tianyi boldly design this plan.

Use yourself as bait to consume Leslie to death!

The other party is indeed exhausted.

This time, the paleness of death caused his jewel-like eyes to bleed a large amount of blood, and his originally bright eyes became dim.

At this moment, the whole world shook.

Leslie, who was originally depressed, was already close to death.

But at the moment when the world was shaking, the despair and death in his eyes were ignited by the flame of hope.

In the world that seemed to have lost its color, a plump, golden, huge round core like a walnut core was suddenly revealed.

As soon as this thing appeared, it began to quickly fill in the huge blank area, as if it had spiritual intelligence and transferred itself.

That's...the core of the world!

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