Sequential Evolution

Chapter 367 Melee (third update)

Leslie didn't pay attention to the original witch's words, his eyes were fixed on Lin Tianyi.

You have more than one godhead in you.

He said to Lin Tianyi.

Lin Tianyi's heart was beating wildly, and the other person's eyes seemed to be exquisite gems cut by a master with 58 knives, which was breathtaking.

Almost the moment the other party said these words, Lin Tianyi could understand that Leslie was going to take action against him.

His plan is very straightforward. He wants to obtain his own godhood, and after completing his ascension to the gods, he will obtain the core of the world!

Facing Leslie, Lin Tianyi did not hesitate at all.

The powerful secret-level extraordinary item [Greed] only used one attack to almost kill the opponent.

Lin Tianyi would not bet on whether the original witch could help him withstand the opponent's attack. He only believed in himself!

So, the moment Leslie said this, Lin Tianyi took out a legendary scroll that was only two fingers thick!


The fire paint and wax seal was ripped open directly, the scroll shook, and the surrounding night was instantly dyed with brilliant colors.

The aurora appeared, and the ground instantly became rippled.

As soon as Lin Tian came up, he used the dragon blood and dragon meat in his backpack to summon the ancient beast - Yinglong!

In response to the soaring dragon, the clouds and mists follow, the wind roars and the sky roars in unison.

The terrifying huge dragon head instantly rushed out from Leslie's feet. The huge dragon head suddenly opened its mouth, as if a dragon had wings. It roared violently under the violent shock, and the terrifying suction force surged towards Leslie. .

This is the true dragon of the nine divine beasts in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The price of summoning it instantly consumes a large amount of dragon blood and dragon meat in Lin Tianyi's backpack, and even includes a large part of the dragon spar from the Songcheng treasure house.

But even if it was just a projection that was summoned, Leslie suddenly changed his color and had to hide.

He quickly pulled away and retreated, murmuring in a low voice, and at the same time forming seals with his hands, he mobilized the power of the world projection, and the blue star projection collided with the red star projection, hitting Ying Long directly.

Unexpectedly, Yinglong actually resisted such a powerful attack, spitting out three-color divine light and flames from his mouth.

Leslie almost had half of his body bitten in two. He was so frightened that he backed away crazily and at the same time, he aimed his palms at Ying Long's shadow and smacked it together heavily.

There was a snap.

Large chunks of strange dead white stood in the way of Yinglong's attack.

The three-color flames hit the colorless world, and a rustling sound suddenly sounded.

It's like the TV screen is distorted and the signal is lost.

The flames were swallowed up without a sound. Yinglong hit the dead white part and disappeared immediately. The remaining body exploded, forming a chaotic wind and violent mist.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was the preparation time Lin Tianyi had bought for himself.

Multiple clones, including two servants, completely dispersed and ran wildly in all directions.

Lin Tianyi originally wanted to continue summoning powerful mountain and sea beasts, but the cost was huge and he did not dare to use it like this.

He retreated to the next best thing and activated his fantasy power again.

This time, he summoned the famous Hidden One Xira from the Cthulhu Mythos.

He sacrificed the [Deformed Tentacle Long Knife], and also paired it with a large number of magic crystals.

Successfully pulled out several tentacle projections covered with black greasy texture and strange patterns from the void.

As soon as the huge tentacle appeared, it immediately caused the distortion of space.

Those indescribable tentacles swept directly through Leslie's body.

At the same time, the original witch who was watching the fire from the other side did not expect that the seemingly weak Lin Tianyi could be so powerful and use such a domineering skill from the very beginning.

These things are all projections, and they are all summoned objects, but if ordinary people see them, their SAN value will definitely go crazy, and their minds will explode and die.

His actions already had some divine meaning.

Lin Tianyi, who has mastered the power of Sloth and holds the title of [God Killer], has touched the threshold of the gods in terms of strength and vision.

The original witch also took action.


The great priest of GBL was chanting mantras, and his lips were constantly buzzing. Suddenly, he felt an itch in his throat, as if he was choking on water.

He already had a body close to that of a god, but his nose became as if he had a bad cold, with mucus dripping from his nose. His throat felt like it was being scratched by a razor blade, and his skin began to become red and rash.

As the pinnacle of the witch path, the original witch can do more than just enchant people's hearts.

He also symbolizes despair and can bring disaster.

The magic chant was forcibly interrupted, Leslie's throat felt sweet, and blood immediately spurted out from her mouth.


However, the black evil tentacles still failed to succeed. As the resurrector of God Lord Drabes and the leader of the GBL Order, he has the power to directly borrow from the gods!

The authority of [arrogance]—judgment!

The sacred light exploded all over the body. This was the first time Lin Tianyi and the original witch came into contact with the power of God Lord Drabes.

As the first of the [Seven Deadly Sins].

Arrogant power is judgment.

I declare that you are guilty of bullying the few by bullying the many!

This criterion for determining guilt is extremely subjective. It means literally. As long as Leslie mentally believes that the other party is guilty, he can activate his power!

As the God Lord, Drabes is domineering and truly arrogant.

In an instant, the black octopus tentacles, which originally seemed to be substantial, spread out from the ground, from the building, and extended hundreds of meters to the sky, instantly became extremely weak.

Leslie pulled out a golden long sword from his chest and slashed it towards the octopus tentacles.


Countless tentacles broke and disappeared, but a shadow had already arrived behind Leslie.

That's [Greedy]!

The ribs of the God of Greed, plus the teeth of the God of Gluttony.

He opened his huge mouth and bit Leslie's shoulder hard.


[Greed] has a powerful skill, which is plunder, which comes from the ribs of the God of Greed. It can devour flesh and blood through the teeth of gluttony, and obtain a random ability of the bitten target.

Leslie was extremely lucky. What was taken away from him was not the projection of the core of the world, but the right to use the power of [Arrogance]!


Leslie roared.

The disappearance of [Arrogance]'s authority means that his status in the GBL Order has also been lost.

Because God Lord Drabes will not be able to feel the light group of his faith.

Unless he gets the core of the world, once Leslie gets out of the past, he will be hunted down by the entire GBL cult as a defector!

What's even more troublesome is that while Leslie's ability was taken away, [Greed] also applied the sealing effect obtained by devouring the Flesh Cube to him.

This does not limit Leslie's ability to activate skills, but if he encounters another attack similar to the forbidden missile, Leslie will be unable to resist it.

Furious, he suddenly used his elbow and hit Greed's body hard.

Boom, deathly white instantly covered half of the body of [Greedy]. However, the exoskeleton armor containing the bones of the gods was not erased. Instead, it was thrown away by the strong impact, fell to the ground, and lost the ability to move...

Lin Tianyi roared:

Yuanchu, I will use all my methods. If you don't take action seriously, I will forcefully take back the Black Flame Ring from you.

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