Sequential Evolution

Chapter 356 [NPC Controller] (please order in full)

This piece of meat is not ordinary flesh and blood, there is no poison in it.

But it is the flesh and blood that contains Lin Tianyi's rich [Sloth] divine power!

The intense power of sleep erupted in Xu Wanmin's mouth and went straight to the other person's brain.

This gave him an instant strong feeling of dizziness, and he stumbled towards Lin Tianyi.

Lin Tian had been waiting for this moment all morning. The moment the divine power came into effect, he felt that the other party was actually dizzy, but for the living corpses in this world, the time would never last too long.

Lin Tianyi will not miss this fleeting opportunity!

A game controller appeared in his hand.

[NPC Controller·Standalone Version]

[Category: Sundries]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Description: After entering the trial world, you can use the handle to gain control of the opponent by knocking him out. Remaining control power: 10 minutes. 】

[Note: This product is produced by The Sims and must be a high-quality product. 】

This is Lin Tianyi's complete plan!

It has been detected that the dungeon NPC commander Xu Wanmin has fallen into a coma, which meets the activation conditions of the controller and stand-alone version. Do you want to use disposable debris, [NPC controller]?

The buzzer of the Evolution Palace sounded, and Lin Tianyi immediately chose to agree!

Holding the control handle in his hand, Lin Tianyi suddenly pressed the O button.

The next moment, Xu Wanmin opened his eyes, and the countdown to the successful activation of the debris in the Evolution Palace began to count down smoothly.

Lin Tianyi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xu Wanmin, who was now completely controlled by the handle.

Let me ask you, do you have any weapons of mass destruction?

For example, equipment that can kill S-level warriors.

Xu Wanmin answered directly:

Yes, there are still four defensive magic cannons in Songcheng, and there are also 4 forbidden missiles to deal with disastrous beast tides.

When Lin Tian heard this, he suddenly felt happy!

Haha, this adventure of sneaking in was not in vain.

Leslie, right?

It has the core projection of the world, right?

Do you want to kill me and gain the power of [Sloth], right?

This time, let you enjoy the power of war machines.

Yes! Launch immediately and aim at the ghost market where the riots are taking place.

After hearing Lin Tianyi's words, Xu Wanmin said respectfully:

Yes! Sir, please come with me.

With that said, Xu Wanmin was about to lead Lin Tianyi out of the office.

Thinking of the two extremely powerful bodyguards standing outside, Lin Tianyi said quickly:

Wait a minute, sign an order, and send out all the powerful people who can be mobilized in the entire Song City, including the two guards outside. The targets are...

As the images of Leslie and Thorin emerged in his mind, Lin Tianyi didn't know how to convey the images of the two people to Xu Wanmin clearly and accurately.

He had an idea and first summoned a clone with the power of [Sloth].

Then he controlled Xu Wanmin and began to guide him and chant his honorable name.

The Lord of the Seven Sins who does not belong to this world;

The spreader of miracles who walks in the heavens and the world;

“The personification of sleep and silence;”

A companion in the pale disaster, a companion of the goddess of the night.

The great Lord of Sloth, Lin Tianyi.

As the pious prayer was completed, Lin Tianyi immediately received the power of faith from Xu Wanmin.

He clicked on the light spot to respond to the believers and send a miracle, transmitting the images of the two people to Xu Wanmin.

The latter immediately walked to the desk and began to use a device made entirely of metal tentacles to issue documents.

As a large number of metal arms moved rapidly, the combat command room downstairs immediately received the highest-level red instructions from Songcheng.

In an instant, the entire building rang with a piercing alarm sound.

The two guards at the door hurriedly knocked on the door. The guard who had previously entered to inquire on Lin Tianyi's behalf pushed the door open directly after getting Xu Wanmin's approval.

Then, he saw Xu Wanmin sitting behind the desk with a serious look on his face, and Lin Tianyi standing to one side with a respectful attitude.

grown ups……

Songcheng will enter the first level of combat readiness from now on. The documents have been issued. Don't be idle, you two. Go! Lead the team personally and help me apprehend the two criminals who are causing trouble in the city.

The two people stared at Xu Wanmin in disbelief.

The other party immediately frowned, stood up, supported the table with both hands, and said majestically:

The other party is suspected of possessing weapons of mass destruction, and may even possess some kind of divine relic. Their existence seriously threatens the safety of our song city. It is a moment of life and death. Why are you still standing there! Move immediately.


The two men answered in unison at the same time.

Xu Wanmin put on his coat and said before the two of them had gone far:

Xiao Shen, let's go next door with me. Let's call General Liu and go to the combat command room together.

As the two people spoke, they turned around and left the office, heading to Liu Kai's office.

Lin Tianyi already understood that if he wanted to launch the forbidden missile, Xu Wanmin and Chief Liu Kai must give their approval.

He just took the opportunity to change his identity and directly take Liu Kai's place, so as not to meet the real Secretary Shen in the combat command room.

Entering Liu Kai's office, the middle-aged and obese chief executive was getting up from the bed in a panic when he heard the alarm.

Compared to Xu Wanmin, the chief, Liu Kai, was nothing. Besides him, there were two young twin girls in the room.

Commander Xu, what's the big deal? Why have the alarms been raised? Liu Kai, a fat man with big ears, asked hurriedly.

When the two of them entered the house, he was only wearing a piece of clothing. As soon as he saw Xu Wanmin leading Lin Tianyi behind him, he asked in a panic.

Xu Wanmin took action directly without saying a word.

He himself is much stronger than Liu Kai.

Liu Kai never dreamed that the other party would directly deal with him.

The powerful attack instantly caused Liu Kai's neck to tilt directly from the front to the back, from his eyes upward to his mouth.

The two girls were so frightened that they were about to scream when Lin Tian moved his fingers and activated his power, causing the two of them to fall asleep.

Then, under Xu Wanmin's gaze, Lin Tianyi directly transformed into Liu Kai, and his clothes had been changed into a neat formal suit.

Controlling Xu Wanmin, the two of them arrived at the command center in a hurry, everyone passing by saluted.

At this time, outside the window, a large number of night watch troops were assembled, almost in full force.

In the dispatch room, you can see a large number of night watch troops setting off from all over Songcheng and rushing to the ghost market in Dongcheng District.

Xu Wanmin led Lin Tianyi through a large number of busy staff, and the two of them came to an old man wearing a mage's robe. The latter said directly:

Open the crystal ball and call up the image from the ghost market.

The old man immediately put one hand on his chest.

As you command, my lord.

As the magic crystal ball lit up quickly, Lin Tianyi and two people immediately saw the scene of the ghost market through the ball.

The huge black barrier still stands, covering the entire Dongcheng District.

Xu Wanmin did not hesitate and ordered:

Prepare the magic cannon, activate the forbidden missiles, and bomb the barrier with all your strength.

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