Sequential Evolution

Chapter 345 Fragments of the Doomsday

Lin Tianyi had seen videos on the Internet about the changes in the earth after human beings disappeared.

In just 20 years, the entire human city will be covered with green plants.

However, all this is not as spectacular and shocking as seeing it with your own eyes.

Song City, the old royal capital, has buildings far grander than Del City.

Plants have grown all over the high-rise buildings, and the walls are gray and stained.

This is a world where plants and reinforced concrete intersect, with a desolate apocalyptic aesthetic.

Some green plants grow from the gaps in the buildings, decorating the skyscrapers like thick green pillars. Some buildings that are not completely covered by green plants reveal gray and dirty building structures, with birds flying inside at sunset. In the afterglow, he circled back to his lair somewhere on the floor.

This is a shocking sight. The once bustling streets have long been submerged in dust. The accumulated fallen leaves are overlaid with the paths and animal trails made by explorers.

Looking around, it is dilapidated and desolate, yet beautiful and glorious.

It is difficult to imagine the glorious scene here before 1700.

Everything was so quiet, only the wind was still blowing gently.

The city is long dead.

The chariot of the Earth Dragon slowly stopped. The dense forest in front was deep, the road was no longer smooth, and the swamps and potholes filled with fallen leaves could not pass through the wide chariot.

Thorin said softly:

Pack your things and let's go deeper on foot.

Bian, Ji Liang, you two will serve as outposts and explore the road first.

Fan Bian, who carried four staffs on his back, and Ji Quan, who was wearing a black hood and holding a metal magic longbow, took the lead.

The two people rushed out the moment the car door opened. Although Fan Bian was a mage, he seemed to be proficient in dark magic. He blended into the shadow of the trees and disappeared, while Ji Quan quickly jumped onto the trees and cast light on himself. Technique, quickly shuttle between the woods.

As the two figures disappeared, Thorin smiled and said:

let's go.

Lin Tianyi, Yuan Chu, and Xiao Chen looked at each other and followed Solin's remaining five-man team into the dark forest.

Marching all the way from the outside of the city to the city, there were occasionally frightened birds flying in front of the forest, and wild beasts roaring. The two members of the outpost showed great strength.

Exploding magic and whistling arrows caused ordinary monsters lurking in the forest to die quickly and run away.

In the real world of The Seven Deadly Sins, there are not many monsters in human settlements.

In ten years of development, a large number of extraordinary powerful people have emerged. After each adventure team sees the World of Warcraft, they will take action to clean it up.

Compared with the massive herds of beasts in the ruins dungeon, these sporadic monsters in the wild are not only easier to kill when acting alone, but also have a very high probability of producing star beads in their heads. Therefore, there are some weak adventurer teams who spend their days in the forest. Patrol here, fight together, and earn some meager money.

As the group of ten people went deeper, everyone quickly went deep into the hinterland of the city.

Passing through ancient tall buildings, you can see some old objects from the past on the dilapidated roads.

There are stone mills covered with green moss, the iron frame of the carriage that has been corroded to the point of disfigurement, broken plaques between buildings, etc.

The sun gradually sets, and rustling noises are heard in some buildings. From time to time, Ji Quan and Fan Bian will use powerful magic, arrows, and bombardment sounds. Sometimes, the wails and roars of monsters can be heard, and some At that time, only a large number of frightened birds flew out, and many snakes and rodents emerged from the building.

Lin Tianyi and others followed the team curiously, as if entering a doomsday city, looking at this fresh scene.

Forty minutes later, the sky was completely dark. A few hundred meters away, a rapid whistle of arrows suddenly came from the sky, and a huge firework exploded in the sky.

Xie Wujiu looked in that direction and said excitedly:

Season Disaster should have discovered the entrance to the dungeon.

Thorin nodded and said to everyone:

Speed ​​up and enter the dungeon directly.

The team, which was originally marching leisurely, immediately used their own methods, and everyone's speed was extremely fast.

Lin Tianyi used the flying ability of the magic dimensional shoes to jump directly high and overlook the distance from a high altitude.

It was a space gate standing in the center of the city square. Cracks seemed to be forming, and the surrounding space was twisting.

As if the twisted air had been roasted by the scorching heat during the day, the surrounding buildings seemed to be twisting and deforming as the doors slowly opened.

Everyone stayed far away, standing on the top of a tall building in the distance, watching the door gradually take shape.

As bright white light shone from the door, the experienced Thorin said:

Let's go. As we judged in advance, this is indeed a B-level super large dungeon.

Ten people gathered at the door of the space gate. Ji Quan and Fan Bian drank the magic recovery potion to reach full status.

Thorin took the lead and stepped into the entrance of the ruins dungeon, followed by the shield warrior Wei Zhuang, and then Xiao Chen.

Lin Tianyi and the original witch stood at the back of the team.

As each team member entered, he heard the reminder sound of the trial mission coming to his ears.

The advent of Mist Light Ember has been detected. Gather ten teammates to enter the B-level super large dungeon copy. The trial mission is officially started.

Once Lin Tian got the confirmation, he no longer hesitated and said to the original witch beside him:

Come on, let's go in too.

The original witch chuckled, took Lin Tianyi's arm, and said to him:

Be careful, let's tighten up so we don't get randomly teleported.

Lin Tianyi did not refuse, and the two of them stepped in at the same time.

With a flash of white light, when Lin Tianyi appeared again, the surrounding scene had undergone earth-shaking changes.

There was thick smoke, blazing fire, and the statue of the goddess of beauty collapsed in the broken fountain.

The surrounding buildings were burning with raging fire, and the smell of death and rot was everywhere.


A real doomsday scene.

As everyone looked around, gray-white snowflakes began to float in the sky, and burning black particles began to fall.

Lin Tian opened his eyes and looked around. There were smashed signs around the burning building in the distance. On some streets, there were many vehicles powered by magic parked randomly, seriously obstructing traffic, and the vehicles were covered with dust. , some rushed into the store, and some rolled to the ground.

This is indeed a time period after the end of the God War. Please be careful. In this type of dungeon mission, the monsters that usually appear the most are human zombie monsters that have been deformed by the contamination of divine power.

Thorin warned vigilantly. He took out a test tube-shaped bottle from his waist, uncorked it, and the strong smell of blood dispersed.

With a grunt, Thorin raised his head and poured it into his mouth. Black spider-like blood vessels immediately appeared around his eyes, and his eyes became blood red and glowed red.

Something is coming! Be alert!

Wei Zhuang was holding a shield. When he heard Xiao Chen's reminder, the steel shield engraved with the knight statue in his hand immediately glowed.

Uh... click...

As if affected by the smell of blood, the sound of dry throats exhaling began to be heard from nearby buildings. There were also figures on the upper floors of the building, seemingly scratching at the glass...

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