Sequential Evolution

Chapter 342 Xie Wujiu came to the door

Xiao Chen's execution ability is very strong.

One morning passed, Lin Tianyi, accompanied by Nie Xing'an and others, nervously waited for Xiao Chen's promotion results in the Adventure Guild's trial and challenge room.

This is an exclusive room for using Lord Challenge Tickets.

Any Lord Challenge Ticket purchased in the Adventure Guild must be promoted here.

Although the result of the battle cannot be detected by outsiders, if the challenger succeeds or fails and dies, there will be a broadcast to inform everyone in the adventure guild.

While waiting for Xiao Chen to come out of seclusion, Lin Tianyi and others had heard the announcements of many B-level and C-level adventurers completing their promotions.

Of course, if the challenger fails, the announcement will not sound, but a red light will light up in the trial room. Only the accompanying personnel can see it, so as to avoid too much death information and cause too much trouble to other adventurers who are preparing to challenge for promotion. Great psychological pressure.

Nie Xingan held the will given by Xiao Chen in his hand, his face full of worry.

Money touches people's hearts, not to mention that the amount of money Xiao Chen has accumulated over many years is not small.

However, Lin Tianyi did not see any worry about gain or loss on Nie Xingan's face.

This is a friend in need, a brother in life and death.

Lin Tianyi nodded secretly, and his opinion of Nie Xingan was a little higher.


As a magician, Jiang Ya has the keenest sense of spatial fluctuations.

As soon as she finished speaking, violent space fluctuations were heard, a white light flashed, and Xiao Chen, holding the ancient sword in his hand, panting and holding the giant sword in the eclipse armor, fell to the ground.

His body was stained with blood, but the smile on his face was extremely happy. Everyone's eyes were focused on the badge on Xiao Chen's left chest.

Adventure level: A level.

Almost at the same time, Lin Tianyi and others heard the radio broadcast from the Adventure Guild.

Congratulations to the heroic berserker Xiao Chen for successfully passing the Lord Challenge Ticket and being promoted to an A-level adventurer.

In an instant, a trial challenge

Ji Yuting's reaction speed was not slow. She waved her slender wooden staff and the bright yellow gems lit up.

The healing light emerged from Xiao Chen's body, shining on the newly promoted Xiao Chen like a god.

Brother Xiao, you succeeded. Nie Xing'an and Wei Shan gathered over, looking at each other and laughing.

There was an atmosphere of joy around him. Xiao Chen took the A-level mad war star beads handed over by Nie Xingan and crushed five of them in succession. Pure divine power surged around him.

Years of accumulation allowed Xiao Chen to absorb high-grade star beads effortlessly. Bloody air waves erupted around him. Judging from his strength, the aura was actually more powerful than that of an A-level adventurer who had been famous for many years.

Lin Tianyi looked on with joy. This sudden and powerful aid made him feel much better.

Counting Xiao Chen and the original witch, his team already had three people.

Two powerful men with the status of gods, and an A-level adventurer assisting them, this strength is not without luxury.

Lin Tianyi secretly asked [Exclusive Fruit Channel]:

The trial mission requires me to find four team members. There are seven people in the opponent's team. Are they included in the mission number?

He originally had the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that the [Exclusive Fruit Channel] would actually give a reply.

It meets the mission requirements.

Lin Tianyi's joy was beyond words. In this case, this is enough.

He saw that the answer ability of the [Exclusive Fruit Channel] was available and he couldn't miss the opportunity, so he asked again:

If I fail to get the [Fruit Secret] in the first mission, will the subsequent 9 opportunities still be valid? For example, a Fruit Master has already been born on this planet.


If, during the trial period, a native of the Fruit World obtains the position of Fruit Master first, the trial task will be changed to the task of seizing the [Fruit Secret]. The trial person can choose how to complete the task until he kills [ Fruit Lord] or the ten missions are over.”

Lin Tianyi was speechless.

This trial task is quite rigorous.

However, the meaning is also clear.

The fruits can be picked by the indigenous people of the world, but the opportunity is fleeting. It is very likely that there will be no such shop in this village.

Just as Lin Tianyi finished the trial session service, Xie Wujiu came to the room where they were.

Obviously, the other party heard about Xiao Chen's promotion result and came specifically to see him.

Congratulations to Brother Berserker Xiao Chen for successfully being promoted to Class A. I remember that you signed up for our GBL Religion's ruins dungeon trial event yesterday.

Because it was impossible to tell who had obtained the power of [Sloth], the other party tried their best to look for broadcasts of successful A-level trial promotions to screen team members.

This inference is reasonable, because no matter what adventurer it is, after obtaining the power of [Sloth], its strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

If the opponent is A-level, then if he is promoted to S-level, he is very likely to become a god directly, so this situation is not within the scope of consideration of the GBL cult.

The birth of a new god naturally requires the intervention of God King Drabes.

But since [Sloth]'s authority disappeared and there was no vision of the birth of a new god in the world, it meant that the opponent's strength was likely to be a B-level or A-level adventurer.

As for lower-level existences, the GBL cult simply does not consider them.

Because the authority of [Sloth] has a living characteristic, Petichius will never set his sights on a weak vessel. Only those unconscious gods can be fused by ordinary people, or even beasts and plants, by chance.

Xie Wujiu was as arrogant as ever.

Even if the other party successfully promoted to A level, he still pushed in the door and asked directly.

However, when he saw Lin Tianyi in the room with a B-level adventure badge on his chest, the smile on Xie Wushuang's face became a little brighter, and he quickly walked over and said:

Hahaha, brother, we are really destined.

How's it going? Our GBL cult has released recruitment information for the B-level ruins dungeon. Are you interested in participating?

Based on our relationship, I will ensure you join the team.

This familiar guy is like a weasel giving New Year greetings to a chicken.

Lin Tianyi's acting skills came online at this time.

Because he had collected information in advance, his acting skills were on point. His eyes lit up at first, and then he showed a slightly disappointed expression and said:

Oh, brother turns out to be a member of the GBL cult. I was really disrespectful before.

But it's a pity on my side. Brother Xiao Chen, I, and a friend of mine form a team of three.

That's not true. Brother Xiao Chen has been promoted to A-level. We are thinking about forming a team ourselves to explore the B-level dungeon ruins.

Hearing this, Xie Wujiu glanced at A-level Kuangzhan Xiao Chen himself, whose energy and blood were surging all over his body, and he said without thinking:

Oh! You and this brother Xiao Chen are both powerful and outstanding adventurers, and you and I hit it off like old friends. Let's do this! Call your friend, our team happens to be short of three teammates, as long as Lord Thorin agrees , we won’t recruit additional candidates, what do you think?”

Xiao Chen remained calm and saw everything.

If Lin Tianyi didn't remind him in advance, he wouldn't think anything was wrong. He would just think that the two people really knew each other and had a good relationship.

But now it seems that there is too much trouble here, and Lin Tianyi did not lie to him.

Lin Tianyi pretended to be flattered and said with a smile:

“That’s great, I really don’t know how to thank you, brother!!”

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