Sequential Evolution

Chapter 338 The Source Gate and Plan

Master, please give Yuanchu your orders.

The voice was so delicate that even if Lin Tianyi knew that the other party was being coy, a smile appeared on his lips unconsciously.

There seems to be something wrong with that guy in the white robe with his eyes covered. I can't see it clearly in the eyes of the supervisor. You should pay attention. He gives me a very bad feeling.

The original witch did not deny Lin Tianyi's instructions. Although she was a former god, the original witch would never underestimate the man in front of her.

The opponent's strength is unpredictable, and even a natural god like him has been calculated by the opponent...

Although there was the shadow of the Church of Storms behind His advent, and the lackey Magic Mirror of Arrods was obstructing it, the failure of His descent was the failure of His descent. Since the other party has done something that ordinary people cannot do, then such a suggestion , is valuable.

Got it, little one.

The original witch chuckled softly, her tone soft and a little doting.

After saying that, his figure was like a bubble, fading quickly, leaving only uneven indentations on the bed, and the whole person disappeared into Lin Tianyi's room.

The moment the other party disappeared, Lin Tianyi immediately activated the perspective of the supervisory eye and followed the figure of the original witch.

Twisted and chaotic threads appeared in front of Lin Tianyi's eyes.

This is what the original witch saw when she used the rules of space to travel and teleport.

If Lin Tianyi hadn't initially grasped the authority of the gods, based on his status, the moment he saw these twisted lines, his eyes might be burned and his mind would explode.

This is not the power obtained by relying on external objects, but the gods' understanding of the law.

There was only one moment, and the next moment Yuanchu had arrived at the Del City branch where the GBL cult was staying.

He raised his head and looked into the void, as if he was looking at Lin Tian.

The next second, the original witch's appearance began to change, and her temperament changed from the inside out.

His temperament became noble and solemn.

Long slanted eyebrows, clear eyes, a high bridge of nose, flaming lips tightly pursed, the white suit skirt gradually extended, turning into a white lace palace dress off the shoulders, revealing the white neck and delicate The collarbone, the long rose-red hair pouring down like a waterfall.

Then He raised his hand and knocked lightly on the heavy chestnut wooden door.

Dang Dang Dang.

A crisp wooden sound sounded, and the door was opened.

A soft halo of light lit up behind Yuan Chu.

The person who opened the door was none other than the leader of the execution team of the GBL Order, the A-level adventurer, Blood Prince Thorin.

Lady Ritaya...

The moment Thorin opened the door, he immediately fell into a brief daze after seeing the transformed appearance of the original witch shrouded in light. Then, as a loyal believer of the GBL Order, he immediately lowered his head, knelt on one knee, piously and Fanatic said:

Thorin of the GBL Order, your most devout servant, meet my god.

After the original witch obtained some of the divine fragments of [Charm], she immediately mastered the aura of the God of Beauty.

As a god on the adjacent path, his transformation can even blind all the gods except the god Lord Drabes in a short period of time, let alone Thorin, who is only a mortal.

Get up.

The original witch raised her slender hands, and invisible divine power lifted Thorin up.

With his bare feet, He moved lightly. Just by seeing the movement of his steps, His whole body floated into the room, calmly, casually and irresistibly.

Thorin was lifted up by divine power, but he didn't dare to look up.

His heart was beating wildly, and he seemed nervous and cramped, as if his brain had shut down and he couldn't even think.

Lin Tianyi secretly curled his lips, should this be the true reaction of ordinary humans when they see gods?

In fact, the original witch had already used her authority to throw Thorin's thoughts into confusion.

This is the witch's specialty. Having obtained some fragments of the gods, he has enough divine power to support his invasion of the opponent's consciousness and dominate the opponent's thinking.

Let me ask you, what is your goal this time?

His voice is gentle, yet carries indescribable power, making it irresistible.

Thorin replied obediently:

Your devout servant returns to my god and obeys the will of the Lord. The purpose of our coming this time is to find the secret of the death and disappearance of the evil god [Sloth] Petichius.

Lin Tian's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. The answer was a bit unexpected.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually came towards him.

Any clues?

The original witch standing in the void turned her back to Thorin and asked directly.

Thorin answered directly without hesitation:

His Majesty Archbishop Leslie has found the breath of the abyss. He said that mortals who accommodate the authority of the evil god will definitely be attracted by the source of essence. We only need to go to the old site of Song City in the north of Del City and enter the door containing the source of essence. , the other party will come naturally.

Leslie did a good job, when are you going to do it?

The original witch's questions were completely based on Thorin's logic. His questions were not abrupt, but just guidance, and he got the answers he wanted.

When the gods ask questions, Thorin of course knows everything.

He said respectfully:

Remember me, we made a lot of noise in the city, and if we let the news out, we will look for some team members to enter the source matter door together. This will be more efficient than finding a needle in a haystack.

This plan is not rigorous.

The original witch said calmly.

Thorin instantly felt an invisible coercion coming. He originally lowered his head, but now he was so frightened that he knelt down again and quickly added:

My God, we have initially locked the target. Xie Wujiu has locked the target. This person is a stranger and has not been registered in the Adventure Guild's information book. In addition, he appeared near Del City. The other party has obtained the Evil God. The probability of authority is extremely high.”

Furthermore, according to His Majesty Leslie, the Seiran Gate this time is extraordinary. If we don't find the things left behind by Petichius, we won't be in vain. Please rest assured, my God.

The original witch was just a lie, and Thorin, who couldn't bear the pressure of the gods, immediately revealed everything.

Lin Tianyi used his supervisory eye to hear clearly and couldn't help but frown.

The semen door?

This should be the name of the Fruit Secret of the Seven Deadly Sins Fruit World.

However, the background of His Majesty Leslie is not simple.

As the leader of the GBL cult, the other party not only successfully resurrected the god Lord Drabes, but was also able to accurately locate the secret treasure of the fruit.

He, Lin Tianyi, was able to find the secret treasure of the fruit by relying on the task issued by the exclusive private channel of the fruit.

What does this guy called Leslie honor?

At this time, Thorin saw that the original witch did not speak, and thought he had said something wrong, so he couldn't help but hurriedly added:

My God, I don't know the specific content. Your Majesty Leslie is downstairs discussing with the leader of the religious group. Do you want to...

No need, I came to see you alone. Don't tell anyone what happened today.

The moment the original witch spoke, she had already used the power of [Charm]. Under the fluctuation of divine power, Thorin's memory of the original witch's arrival began to quickly become blurred.

You're tired, go and rest.

Under the gaze of the original witch, Thorin walked towards the bed like a puppet on strings. He began to take off his clothes, covered himself with a quilt, and then fell asleep.

As the sound of even breathing came, the figure of the original witch disappeared quickly, as if she had never appeared before...

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