Sequential Evolution

Chapter 329 Godhead Clone (please order the full version)

50 E-level priest star beads cost 3,000 each. Even if Lin Tianyi costs 150,000 del coins, this is not cheap.

Jiang Ya opened her mouth to explain:

Due to the special nature of the priest profession, the consumption is much greater than that of other professions, so the value of each pill will increase by ten to twenty percent.

How could Lin Tianyi be in the mood to care about these things at this time.

He now wants to advance quickly and get 15 points of mental power bonus.

As he absorbed the first D-class star bead, Lin Tianyi felt a mental shock in his body.

He is an evolver who has completed the S+ body transformation. It is difficult to baptize and strengthen his body even a little bit.

However, when he crushed the first D-class star bead, he still felt that his whole body was filled with divine power.

The sub-professional [Shepherd of God] has completed its first evolution.

Since your body has reached the perfect level and cannot be further improved, this enhancement will be automatically assigned to your clone.

The notification sound of the evolution palace came, and a warm current in Lin Tianyi's body quickly rushed to the one among the five clones that accommodated the [Sloth] godhead.

The surging divine power washed away the [Sloth] clone, which had a physical strength comparable to that of an ordinary evolver.

The five clones that Lin Tianyi snatched from the ghost lane people, their relationship with Lin Tianyi is as independent and separate as brothers.

At this time, after being washed by divine power, this body actually underwent changes similar to those when Lin Tianyi evolved to level 5.

As his body strengthened and his bloodline strengthened, his eyes began to contain dark stars, as if there were black vortexes rotating in his pupils, as if the surrounding light was being sucked into his eyes.

No wonder the adventurers in this world are almost as powerful as the evolved ones.

As the strength increases, the divine power released by the star beads will undergo a qualitative change when it reaches the critical value!

Xiao Chen looked at Lin Tianyi in surprise.

This adventurer whose badge is only E-level, seems to have no physical changes after completing the promotion to D-level?

He vaguely remembered that when he evolved to D level, his whole body ached as if he had been struck by lightning.

But this young man actually stood like this, just stunned, and then continued to crush the star beads and began to absorb the power contained in them.

The profession of pastor is really good.

With such emotion in his heart, Lin Tianyi had already completed the absorption of dozens of star beads.

He didn't understand Lin Tianyi's situation and had never seen a priest advance, so he couldn't help but remind him:

Young man, it's very dangerous for you to absorb the Star Beads like this.

Normally speaking, every time an adventurer absorbs a star bead, he must undergo training... Even if your current level is relatively low, you cannot do this.

Jiang Ya on the side said:

Uncle Xiao, this friend of mine is in a different situation than us. Brother Lin knows it well.

The owner of the Star Bead Shop was stunned for a moment, with a vague guess in his mind.

Could it be that this guy is actually a legendary dual professional? Did the other party hide another adventure badge of his?

He immediately stopped talking.

At this time, Lin Tianyi was carefully comprehending the changes in the clone being washed away by divine power.

Under the inner vision state, Lin Tianyi could clearly see the pool of divine power slowly opening up in his body and clones through the Evolution Palace.

On the display page of the virtual panel, six human body plans have appeared.

His main body has thick meridians and strong bone density. There is a phoenix bird on his chest with a slightly open mouth, a fiery red body and dark golden eyes.

The second-ranked one is the divine clone that contains the authority of [Sloth]. There is a faint personality mask on the opponent's cheek, buckled on it.

It was a bear's head with a naive expression, wearing a black magic hat, and a monocle hanging on the right eye. Once the opponent's eyelids were opened, a black vortex slowly emerged.

Personified mask!

Lin Tianyi did his homework and found out that among the seven deadly sins, the animal corresponding to Sloth is the bear.

There are not many D-class star beads left on the plate at this time.

Lin Tianyi's palms were slightly sore, and he couldn't help but want to sit down and rest for a while. This was the influence of [Sloth] power on himself.

The impact was very weak, and Lin Tian casually dispelled this thought.

As the last D-class star bead was absorbed, a heavy feeling of exhaustion filled my heart.

This does not come from the outside world, but the amplification and extreme of her certain cognition:

At first, Lin Tian couldn't help but recall that before he became an evolver, he got up early every day and had to do heavy work in addition to completing his studies.

Until he became an Evolver, he kept running between dungeons, fighting to the death, with almost no time to rest.

There are still nine opportunities to obtain the Fruit Master. This harvest is rich enough. I have obtained the [Sloth] Godhead. Maybe I should take a good rest and sort out this harvest.

Leave Lilith Weier here. The opponent is also a god anyway. Find a B-level dungeon, continue to bring those few oil bottles, and quickly resolve the battle.

After leaving the fruit world, it's time to take a good rest.

I have become an evolved person, and I can have a lot of time to enjoy myself.

If you don't want to study, if you travel around the world, you might encounter more trials.

It's okay to stay at home. I can recharge games I've never played before.

People need to balance work with rest...

These thoughts echoed in Lin Tianyi's mind, and almost as soon as they appeared, a large amount of fatigue rushed through his body.

This almost made him think that he should really get enough rest and enjoyment, rather than just keep moving forward like a machine that never knows how to rest.

At this moment, a cold force slowly came from the black flame ring.

That is the feeling that comes from the cold fire of the bone spirit, and the uniqueness of the [Original Witch] and the uniqueness of the Moon God mixed together.

Lin Weier, mobilize your divine power!

Lin Tian was shocked and immediately broke away from the influence of [Sloth]'s authority.

He subconsciously used the [Evil Eye of the Door Dog] to monitor Lin Weier's movements.

The other party seemed to have entered a dark area, with black trees, black soil, and black bones everywhere.

Everything is black.

Lin Weier was currently wearing Mrs. Bachi's white evening dress, a black wide-brimmed lace felt hat on her head, and a dragon-tendon whip in her hand.

In front of her was a large area of ​​broken ruins. She was floating in the air, with a large number of magical beasts fighting each other.

Beside her, there were hundreds of magical beasts surrounding her like loyal servants.

She seemed to have used quite powerful charm skills to control a large number of high-level monsters, enjoying the fun of the monsters killing and devouring each other.

At this time, He seemed to feel the gaze of the Eye of Supervision. She raised her head, pulled her collar, revealing a large piece of snow-white shoulders, and then used her hands with black lace gloves to throw a ball at the Eye of Supervision. Blowing kisses.

Lin Tian remained silent for a moment, as Lin Weier's unconscious behavior interrupted the influence of [Sloth] authority.

The reminder from Xiao Chen, the owner of the Xingzhu Store, is indeed reasonable.

The high-intensity absorption of the power of the Star Beads will indeed have a strong negative impact on him.

He waited for a long time before absorbing the last D-level star bead. He took out the C-level star bead he had left earlier and took the initiative to crush it...

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