Sequential Evolution

Chapter 324 Mysterious Man

After listening to Nie Xingan's introduction, Lin Tianyi knew what he was talking about.

He opened the window and asked calmly:

Is something wrong?

The young man who stepped on the feathered snake looked at Lin Tianyi and said arrogantly:

Hey! Your carriage is nice. Can you let me in for a rest?

Lin Tianyi was very upset because of Wei'er's incident. When he heard the other party's words, he couldn't help but frown. He was not a person who liked to cause trouble, but he was not afraid of trouble either.

Even if the other party had a background and background, could it be more powerful than the Petichius he had just killed?

This [Seven Deadly Sins] fruit will all belong to Lin Tianyi in the future. Although he still has to keep a low profile as much as possible before getting the fruit, he doesn't mind trying this guy who is malicious from the start [Jun] Hou] skills.


Lin Tianyi said and went directly to pull up the car window.

The man didn't expect that the person in charge of the team, after seeing clearly his dress and horse, still didn't want to give face, and couldn't help but block the car window that was about to be closed.

Lin Tianyi said nothing and directly activated his unique skill [Evil Star Shine].

With the intimidation skill activated, the man and the feathered snake at his feet felt as if they were being targeted by something extremely dangerous.

His heart was beating wildly, but the A-level monster under his feet almost threw him off. He flew around in the air for a moment, and distanced himself from Lin Tianyi and others.

However, what surprised Lin Tianyi was that the opponent was obviously frightened by the shock skill and his maliciousness was weakened a lot, but he still chased after him.

Is this kid a fool?

So stubborn?

Lin Tianyi slowed down the speed of the pumpkin carriage, and he was already ready to take action.

The other party didn't seem to notice anything. He knocked on Lin Tianyi's car window again and said loudly:

Friend! I was really presumptuous before.

But... I really like your carriage. Can you part with it and sell it to me?!

Lin Tianyi's eyes turned a little cold. He turned his palm and the dragon-horned sword, which was more exaggerated in shape than the long sword in the opponent's hand, reflected the cold blood-colored light of the sword.

The dragon scale robe on his body has begun to dance with blue flames, and his eyes have turned into a dark golden color, slowly lighting up, like a murderer who wants to choose people to devour.

I said I won't sell it.

But the other party seemed not to notice, and took out a large bag of things in his hand, shaking it in the air against the strong wind, making a scratching sound.

How much it costs, I'll pay double!

Lin Tian was stunned when he heard this, but he had other thoughts.

you sure?!


After opening the window again, Lin Tianyi put on a smile, opened the car door and said:

Then come in and talk.

After letting go of the reins, this guy actually jumped in and sat down between Jiang Ya and Ji Yuting.

Lin Tian had met a lot of people when he traveled across the world. Even the most arrogant evolver Li Kai was not as arrogant as the kid in front of him.

What does this man have to rely on?

Looking around at Jiang Ya and Ji Yuting, he smiled and said:

Young ladies, don't worry. I just don't like being around men. I have no other intentions for you.

After saying that, he looked at Lin Tianyi again, threw the bag of things over and said directly:

These are 70 star beads, more than 50 of which are C-level, and there are more than 10 B-level star beads. Have you seen enough?

Lin Tianyi vaguely remembered that Nie Xing'an seemed to have said that the approximate price of C-level star beads was approximately 50,000 del coins, while the value of B-level star beads was approximately 150,000 del coins.

Just now, Lin Tianyi and others were busy in a C-level dungeon for a long time. If the servants did not absorb the star beads in the heads of the C-level monsters, their entire team would definitely not be able to harvest 20 C-level beads. Star beads.

In other words, as soon as the other party made a move, they took out items worth more than 4 million del coins.

This is almost the total benefit of a whole team entering C-level dungeons four times.

However, Lin Tianyi didn't know much about the value of Delcoin itself.

He needed to find something as a measuring stick, so Lin Tianyi asked Nie Xing'an:

How much del coins is the Lord Challenge Ticket worth?

Nie Xingan quickly replied:

The C-level lord challenge ticket is worth about 1.5 million del coins.

Lin Tianyi was thoughtful, ignored the B-level adventurer opposite, and asked again:

So how much does a C-level dungeon ticket cost?

500,000 del coins.

Hmm... It seems that the price offered by the other party is quite fair, and it is indeed not less money.

The feeling transmitted through the [Dog Dog's Evil Eye] on the hand.

Lin Tianyi clearly knew that the other party was still malicious but could not figure out his details, so he was willing to give money. If he was not strong enough, he might have turned into a corpse by now.

If that's the case, don't blame him.

The price is fair, but I still have to remind you that you will regret buying it. Lin Tianyi reminded deliberately.

Is it?

The other party smiled nonchalantly and actually said:

Then you can give these two beauties to me.


Lin Tian smiled, and the temperature in the entire carriage suddenly dropped. More flames rose from the blue faucet on his chest.

Seeing that Lin Tianyi seemed to be really going to take action, this man with an exaggerated appearance and a gorgeous outfit quickly waved his hands and laughed:

Just kidding, when buying something, you have to test your eyesight. It is normal to have losses and profits.

You said this yourself. Lin Tian had been waiting for this sentence for a long time.

With supervisory eyes hanging over the opponent's head, Lin Tianyi didn't bother to ask about the opponent's identity and background. He put a large bag of star beads into his bag. Lin Tianyi nodded and said:

Okay, this carriage is yours.

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the man suddenly felt that he had the control of the carriage, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He turned to look at Lin Tianyi and others, and asked in a pretentious manner:

Where are you going? I'll send you there.

Lin Tianyi said calmly:

No, the transaction is completed, I won't interrupt.

He said, waving his hand.

The figures of everyone in the entire carriage faded at the same time, until the man could no longer be seen, and only an exaggerated Cheshire Cat smile remained in the carriage.

The man held his chin with one hand, thoughtfully:

My intuition should be correct. This person is very dangerous. If I had tried to test him just now, I'm afraid he would probably die here.

But who is this person? A strong man of his level actually appears here. Is he also here for the ruins of the dungeon?

After touching the place where the bag was tied, he reached out and patted the leather seat in the carriage. He laughed again and leaned on the wide suede leather seat with great enjoyment. He murmured proudly to himself.

Although it cost a lot of money, it should be worth it. When we meet up with the team, we will ask the captain to help us use this carriage to lock his position.

That dragon scale robe and that knife are really good...

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