Sequential Evolution

Chapter 318 Summary after the war

Before Lin Tianyi obtained the power of [Sloth], as an evolver with a lv10 personal rating of S+, due to the power of animation, in the eyes of ordinary people, he was already considered a superhero in Marvel movies. Not only Heaven and earth are omnipotent, and can even be ever-changing.

However, in essence, Lin Tianyi is still closer to a 'human being'. If under certain circumstances, he may still be killed by a bullet.

But after possessing the power of [Sloth], this situation has been reversed too many times.

For example...when facing an enemy, Lin Tianyi can easily detect the opponent's malice through the [Evil Eyes of the Guard Dog].

Then use the power of [Sloth] to accurately output divine power to the opponent.

Of course, Lin Tianyi can activate such an effect without the power of faith.

But the price is one's own humanity, which must bear the pollution of [Godhead].

As long as Lin Tianyi has enough power of faith, he can completely increase the output of divine power to make the opponent disinterested in everything, such as being too lazy to hold a gun, too lazy to use extraordinary power, too lazy to fight, or even too lazy to resist.

He could even go one step further, similar to what Petichius did, and make tens of thousands of people fall into indolence and simply become too lazy to live, thereby killing themselves.

Through careful research, Lin Tianyi finally had a true concept of the uniqueness and authority of the godhead, as well as demigods, gods, mythical creatures, etc.

The so-called uniqueness of gods is the source of the power of gods.

If we compare the power of different gods to drinks of various flavors.

Then the amount of liquid contained in the cup is equivalent to the volume of divine power contained in each god.

The power of faith can be regarded as the source of divine power, and the [uniqueness of gods] is that different types of tea bags can give divine power different attributes.

For example, the God of Thunder’s ‘Thunder Power’ or the God of Death’s ‘All Things Wither’.

As soon as Lin Tian accepted the 'uniqueness', he had [authority].

But after the body contains the authority of [Sloth], can it be used as arbitrarily as Petichius did?

The answer is no.

After Lin Tianyi's repeated experiments, he has discovered that if the power of faith is not used, the uniqueness can be 'dissolved' and the divine power can be 'colored'.

Then he must use his own spiritual power to activate [authority].

And this, just like Lin Weier, will intensify the erosion of human nature by the divine personality.

Among them, the smallest impact is that the personality undergoes a huge change, gradually becoming deified, separated from human nature, gradually contaminated by the [Godhead], becoming a container or body serving the [Uniqueness of the Godhead], or even being replaced by the [Godhead], completely lost. self.

The bigger impact is the backlash of divine power.

Although Newton's third law cannot accurately explain the negative impact of divine force on itself, whether it is consistent with the law that the effects of force and force are mutual.

However, Lin Tianyi can be sure of one thing.

If he activates the power of [Sloth] with all his strength regardless of the cost, then his personality will fall into a deep sleep, and [Godhead] will briefly occupy the body and gain control.

Under the erosion of powerful divine power, his human body will be deformed into unpredictable monsters, that is, mythical creatures.

There is no doubt that in such a state, overdraft of power will no longer be avoided.

The power that the mythical creature form can exert will be like the Unit-01 piloted by Shinji Ikari in Neon Genesis Evangelion, which can cause it to go berserk.

The output power of divine power will be greatly enhanced, but the side effects are also obvious.

Anyone who possesses the [Uniqueness of Godhead] will always bear the risk of completely becoming a monster when out of control.

Once the 'mythical creature form' cannot be terminated in time, it will lose itself and become the [uniqueness of the godhead] with the characteristic of 'living'.

In other words, what I need to do most at the moment is to obtain as much power of faith as possible and stabilize myself from the erosion of the [Uniqueness of Godhead].

Lin Tianyi stretched out his hand and withdrew the [Sloth] divine power exerted on the bonfire.

The bonfire that seemed to have been completely extinguished suddenly started burning again!


Lin Tianyi's lips curled into a smile.

After accommodating the power of [Sloth], Lin Tianyi can perform more and more cool operations in future battles.

As long as he is willing, he can completely prevent the conductor from checking tickets when visiting tourist attractions.

When buying something, let the store owner be too lazy to charge.

Even... it seems that it can make Weier too lazy to resist? Ahem...that's not good.

Lin Tianyi clenched his palms into fists, pretended to cough, put away his messy thoughts, and began to evaluate the combat effectiveness of Nie Xing'an and others.

Because the C-level dungeon ruins far exceeded the strength of the natives of the [Seven Deadly Sins] Fruit World, Lin Tianyi himself was the one who made the most moves.

Therefore, he could not make a too precise assessment.

However, judging from the combat prowess these people displayed against the D-class spider monsters.

The strength of C-level Nie Xing'an and Jiang Ya is almost at the lv6 to lv7 level of ordinary evolvers. Of course, because of their crude equipment, their real strength is definitely lower than that of evolvers with many means.

And D-level Jiang Xiaofei and Ji Yuting are almost at the level of evolvers lv2 to lv4.

Judging from Nie Xing'an's adventurer promotion system, if you want to advance to any level, you must kill the lords of the same level alone.

If you want to kill a C-level lord with your own strength alone, a B-level adventurer may have to have a strength level close to lv14 or even higher.

Of course, the above strength inferences are all Lin Tianyi's guesses. Among C-level lords, Spider Lord Delko's combat power is definitely at the ceiling level, and he also has the powerful item [Crown of the King].

It is no wonder that the first exclusive fruit task given by the Evolution Palace requires Lin Tian to form a team of four B-level adventurers to be qualified to challenge the B-level lord.

The [Exclusive Fruit Mission] with a risk factor of A is really terrifying.

Lin Tianyi murmured to himself.

However, the higher the risk, the greater the reward.

Just like the acquisition of [Uniqueness of Godhead] this time.

As an evolver with a personal rating of S+ who has successfully advanced to level 10, Lin Tianyi has accumulated a lot of things that are outrageous.

After releasing the extremely precious and extremely high-limit [Divine Power Reappearance] scroll.

He was equivalent to getting a piece of god-level equipment [God-killing Sword] and the luck value of a true god to complete the acquisition of godhead.

In addition to the blessings of these two god-level items, Lin Tianyi also has the assistance of Lin Weier, the [Demon King Arms] bonus obtained from the SSS trial score, and the Bone Spirit Cold Fire obtained from the Black Mountain Old Demon.

As well as the epic scroll [Wind Elemental Affinity] and the epic armor [Dragon Scale Robe], the opponent must devote a lot of energy to contain Wei'er, who has the uniqueness of dual gods.

With all his trump cards at his disposal, Lin Tianyi was sure to kill Ju Jing, the lv29 super loader he had fought with before.

Therefore, Lin Tianyi also made corresponding judgments about the demigod level.

If Petichius insists on benchmarking the strength level of the evolvers, his level should probably be around lv30!

Of course, this does not mean that Lin Tianyi now has the strength to kill lv30 evolvers at will.

After all, there was only one scroll for the reappearance of divine power, and he had already used it.

The original [Destiny Exchange] and [God-Killing Sword] were mission props and were not within Lin Tianyi's own strength at all.

Successfully killing Petichius is like an ordinary person borrowing a powerful anti-armor howitzer and blowing up a tank.

There is still a huge gap in strength between those with and without external force.

But despite the real situation, Lin Tianyi gradually felt better.

They all say that they have narrowly escaped death along the way.

The results are completely visible.

I am very strong.

After sorting out all the clues, Lin Tian began to think about how to take over the followers of Petichius. This was a ready resource. It would be a pity not to use it...

A book friend wanted to clarify the division of various strengths and have a clear understanding and comparison. I made a certain analysis from Lin Tianyi's perspective, but it does not represent the final result. Again, combat power is not a blood bar in a game. It’s like LoL competition. Everyone uses the same hero, and their performance, equipment selection, and economic development are also different, even if the conditions are similar. , The operation and strength are also very different. For example, they may all be adults weighing 180 pounds. Some are special forces, some are professional killers, and some are ordinary people. No amount of strength can be fatal. It is like two people with bare hands. After passing the test of special forces, two people fight, one with a cold weapon, and the other with grenades, guns, and anti-tank guns all over his body. How do you compare the strength of these two people? Moreover, under the influence of various factors, the one with more hot weapons may not necessarily win 100%. For those who think it is outrageous, you can go and take a look at the legendary gods of war in various countries. They are all real people and true stories, and they are more outrageous than novels. Yes, haha

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