Sequential Evolution

Chapter 311 Correct Question

Faced with Ji Yuting's offer, none of the other members of his team refused.

Lin Tianyi and Weier exchanged glances, and he agreed and said:

Okay, but be careful. After all, this is the ruins of a double dungeon, not the temple church outside.

After hearing Lin Tianyi's instructions, Ji Yuting smiled, nodded vigorously and walked directly towards the dark temple.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Ji Yuting.

She came to the temple, inserted the slender wooden staff into the leather strap on her back, then clasped her hands together, sat in front of the temple in a duck-sitting posture, and prayed devoutly.

This is the standard prayer posture for female pastors of the Dormition Church. If you are a male believer, you can also lie on your back with your eyes closed, your hands folded on your chest, and silently recite the prayer.

As Ji Yuting prayed, the temple, which was soaked in deep black, actually lit up with bursts of soft light.

The light was not dazzling, just a touch of warmth.

It's like a dim candle before going to bed, or more like a small light at night, with a peaceful and lazy feeling, like a haven in the rainstorm, like a small home for elderly parents.

Lin Tianyi narrowed his eyes slightly and watched Ji Yuting strolling into the temple.

As she arrived, a warm futon made of soft light actually appeared on the empty ground. The futon spread out on the ground, just enough to hold Ji Yuting, who fell down to worship her again.

The other adventurers looked at Ji Yuting with envy.

Wei Shan praised and said:

Xiao Ji is indeed the most devout believer. She can actually be favored by the gods. It's no wonder that her magic power can reach such a pure level at such a young age.

Lin Tianyi has a deep understanding of the purity of mana.

This involves each person's different elemental perception, as well as the accumulation of training, advancement, and other factors.

However, the profession of priest should be quite unique. Their source of magic power should be obtained by praying to gods.

Lin Tianyi always felt that something was strange, but the natives of these fruit worlds didn't care at all.

He couldn't help asking and said:

Captain Nie, didn't you say before that to advance, you adventurers need to absorb the power from the star beads to complete the accumulation of mana, and then challenge the lords of the same level alone to advance?

Nie Xing'an knew what Lin Tianyi wanted to ask, so he took the initiative to explain:

Oh, the priest profession is an exception. They themselves do not have very high combat capabilities. They mainly advance naturally through faith and absorbing a large amount of the divine power contained in the star beads.

Of course, all demon hunters gain power by awakening the corresponding profession. They cannot choose their own profession. Therefore, some demon hunters who believe in other gods will choose to change their beliefs after awakening their power. .”

The priest profession is relatively the lowest in terms of difficulty in terms of advancement, and it is also the most expensive.

While the two people were communicating, a door of light actually appeared in the temple.

Ji Yuting quickly thanked God for his grace, then turned around and said excitedly:

Success, the gods have answered my prayer, and we can leave.

Seeing the appearance of the light gate, Nie Xing'an and others showed joy, and Lin Tianyi's uneasy feeling became stronger.

He used the Double Eye and Vientiane Dark Gold to see through the nature of the Light Gate, but unfortunately he found nothing. The Light Gate really seemed to be connected to another world.

Nie Xingan looked at Lin Tianyi and couldn't help but smile at the other party's caution and said:

Sir, please rest assured that our situation is not unique. Many adventurer teams have encountered this situation.

As long as there is no extensive damage to the temple, leaving here safely is not a problem at all.

Lin Tian nodded, noncommittal.

He just felt vaguely uneasy now, but seeing the determination of these natives, he could only follow them into the temple and take a look step by step.

As he and Weier entered the temple together, the heavy stone door behind them showed no signs of closing, and the light door was still open steadily. Ji Yuting said with a chuckle:

Come on, let's leave this dungeon.

Seeing Nie Xingan and others about to enter, Lin Tianyi said:

Wait a moment.

He took out the evil story book, and as the pages turned, the story was fixed on the mermaid girl's catalog, and three ugly mermaids appeared in the air.

At Lin Tianyi's signal, the mermaid summoned by the evil power twisted its huge fish tail, flapping continuously on the ground, and entered the light gate first.

Ji Yuting's expression was a bit stiff and unnatural. The person she swore allegiance to had such distrust of her faith, which made her feel uncomfortable.

However, as a professional adventurer, no matter how cautious you are, you can never be too cautious.

So she just stood aside, quietly waiting for the results of Lin Tianyi's test.

As the three mermaids completely disappeared into the light door, the title page of the storybook, which was about a mermaid girl, suddenly went out.

This means that the mermaid girl failed to maintain her summoned form after entering the light gate, and the story fell into a cooling state.

Lin Tianyi's expression changed. Could it be...that the teleportation distance was too far, or that the barrier of the power of space caused this result?

He didn't say anything and quickly turned the storybook to the [Magic Mirror] page.

As the mercury characters were quickly outlined, a gorgeous magic mirror quickly appeared above the storybook.

Before Lin Tian could ask, Magic Mirror spoke chatteringly:

I'm so happy and surprised to see you alive, huh? Where is this? Oh! I know, no wonder I feel drowsy.

Lin Tianyi asked:

Magic Mirror, please tell me, does this light door lead to the outside world? No! I ask again, Magic Mirror, please tell me, is my intuition correct?

Silver ripples swayed on the surface of the magic mirror, and a line of bloody text appeared on the mercury surface of the mirror:

“Smart questions, you learn how to ask them.”

My answer is, your intuition is correct!

As the magic mirror's words gave a positive answer, the surrounding stone statues seemed to have some changes and movements.

Everyone noticed that something inside the temple gradually became unusual.

The magic mirror seemed to have noticed something, and it quickly pointed at Lin Tianyi as if to ask a question. As a result, before his question could be uttered, a lazy voice came from the direction of the collapse:

Since you are a foreign god, you shouldn't answer prayers in other people's rituals. This is very impolite, isn't it?

The moment this voice came, the evil storybook snapped shut, and the void image of the magic mirror disappeared.

As the light door disappeared, the huge stone statue on the bed collapsed without knowing when it had turned around. The tall statue had already sat up straight, staring at a few people...

I estimate that the update volume can almost be restored. Try your best, there are still some things to deal with, but there is enough time. Thanks to Ye Gong Haolong for the reward of 100 coins, and thanks to Tianxia Duan for the reward of 200 coins!

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