Sequential Evolution

Chapter 301 Women’s clothing really increases power (full order call)

The C-level spider monster was quite difficult for Nie Xingan's well-trained team to deal with.

In the case of reduced personnel, killing these monsters not only consumes a lot of magic power, but also makes it difficult to clean up the spider webs spewed from all directions.

In such an open area, if Lin Tianyi didn't take action, they would probably be forced to retreat to the dark passage and continue to fight hard with the help of the geographical advantage.

However, as soon as Lin Tian took action, the situation immediately reversed.

The servant Albedo wielding the [Low Voltage Dark Light] staff continues to release mental suggestion skills. Although the C-level spider monster has the characteristics of resistance to mental skills, as long as the spider monster wakes up, it will immediately Suffering a chain lightning strike from the [Low Voltage Dark Light] staff, he was directly thrown into the abyss.

Lin Tianyi did not stay where he was and wait.

With Wei'er and Envoy here, it would be difficult for an accident to happen, so he had to be the first to go down into the abyss and find Jiang Xiaofei to fulfill his promise.

He jumped directly into the abyss, his dragon scale robe being blown away. On the wall, a large number of C-level spider monsters were sluggish in place, as if they were wearing a brown fur coat on the entire ruins dungeon. The dense number made Lin Tian feel numb.

If you don't consider using the vitality of these C-level monsters to replenish the life source of the servant Albedo, it is actually the perfect monster to use as a training monster for Lin Tianyi's Blood Howl sword.

As long as the servant controls these monsters, he can stick to the cliff and swing the bloody sword. The huge bloody sword will sweep across the entire wall. A large number of spiders will be cut in half, and a large number of monsters will fall in like dumplings. The picture of the abyss must be quite spectacular.

Unfortunately, there is no real way to make full use of these monster corpses to be cool, so Lin Tianyi just thought about that kind of scene, and used the flashing function to land steadily at the moment he was about to fall to the ground.

The first level of the underground abyss is two hundred meters high from here.

Lin Tian stepped on the ground and looked around.

With the help of Double Eyes and Vientiane Dark Gold, his orange eyes glanced around and saw many traces of human activities.

There are extinguished torches inserted into the walls, there are repaired cave walls, and there are stones embedded in the walls that are completely unable to shine.

What Lin Tianyi is particularly concerned about is that in addition to human skeletons, there are also corpses of many other species. They are all wrapped in thick spider webs and then hung. When blown by the breeze, they look like hanged ghosts. Shaking it gently, it was obvious that apart from the white bones, it no longer contained any nutrients and had been sucked dry.

But what's more, there are still piles of white bones piled on the ground, as well as green slime and a large number of spider eggs.

Will the ruins dungeons here be able to communicate with each other within a certain period of time? Otherwise, how will these creatures survive? What will they eat? What will they drink?

The fruit world contains too many secrets. At Lin Tianyi's current level, he still cannot touch the essence of the star tree.

Just as Lin Tianyi was observing the surroundings, a small number of spiders rushed out of some spider web nests.

Lin Tianyi took out the summons of the blood lord and fired as he walked.

Because of the temporary status blessing of [Spirit of the Shokki Halberd·Eight Cuisines], he was finally able to experience the pleasure of unlimited fire. As he moved forward, he kept pulling the trigger, bringing with him a large number of spider eggs as big as tires, all of which were destroyed. Explode.

Walking and killing all the way, Lin Tianyi quickly reached more than 400 meters on the second underground floor and saw a large number of spider eggs.

Several huge C-level spider monsters are dragging a struggling 'cocoon' with several sharp arrows shooting out from it, connected to ropes, and firmly nailed to the wall. The two sides seem to be in a tug-of-war. Pulling.

This Jiang Xiaofei is good, even in such a predicament, he has not given up struggling.

Jiang Xiaofei, hold on, I'm here to save you.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Seven or eight shots were fired at will, and the trumpet-shaped Blood Lord bullets with ancient and complicated patterns dispersed like a rainstorm, exploding the spider eggs stacked around them, and green slime sprayed everywhere, including many unformed little spiders. Stillborn.

The huge noise and the destruction of the spider eggs aroused the ferocity of the monsters that dragged Jiang Xiaofei. A spider suddenly jumped up and sprayed dense webs in the air towards Lin Tianyi.

Lin Tianyi swung the blood-whispering sword, and the thick sword turned into a blood-colored sword wave more than seven meters long, which directly hit the C-level spider monster along with the spider web.

What surprised him was that the toughness of these spider silks was actually stronger than the body of the spider itself. The enhanced blood roar sword wave was unable to split the C-level monster covered by the spider webs.


It seems that C-level spiders are not as easy to kill as he imagined.

Compared with D-class monsters, the strength has increased by more than one level, and the hardness of the outer skin probably exceeds the resistance to cutting of ordinary extraordinary armor.

Moreover, the spider silk in this cave is a good material, but I don’t know if it can be processed again after recycling.

If it could be transformed into Spider-Man's web-shooting gun, it wouldn't be impossible to realize a real-life version of the spider-web spinning car.

Random thoughts kept popping up in my mind.

Lin Tianyi's hand was not ambiguous at all.

Since entering the [Seven Deadly Sins] planet, Lin Tianyi has been saving his magic power consumption and making full use of the temporary buff state, until now he must rescue Jiang Xiaofei.

Lin Tian thought about it.

There seems to be no one around, so why not experiment with these monsters.

With this thought in his mind, the [Body Modification Mold] quickly activated.

The originally medium-length hair quickly turned brown, and the outline of the facial features quickly softened. Lin Tianyi stretched out his hand, and the red amber forbidden words on the surface of the forbidden magic ring lit up. A coin appeared out of thin air from the backpack, and was exploded by Lin Tianyi with force. Shoot out.

[Super electromagnetic gun].

A thick electric light emerged, dragging an orange ember in the air.

A huge electromagnetic sonic boom sounded, and the spider's head with eight compound eyes was instantly penetrated.

The other spiders dragging the two-meter cocoon immediately ejected. Lin Tianyi's hand movements continued, and silver coins shot out quickly.

The strong wind brought out by the current roared, and the color of the arc flashed rapidly.

Several orange rays emitted the smell of burning metal in the air, and the remaining three C-level spider monsters were completely penetrated and exploded.

The power has indeed increased a lot!

After mastering the principle of skill launch, using [Body Transformation Mold] and [Anime Power SE] can indeed double the power!

Just when Lin Tianyi was immersed in the joy of increasing skill intensity, a voice suddenly came:

Miss, thank you for your help, but...who are you?

Lin Tianyi looked at the hard spider silk cocoon in shock. Jiang Xiaofei unexpectedly looked out from the position of his head through the small hole penetrated by the arrow...

He looked at Lin Tianyi with his big eyes, his voice filled with doubts and gratitude.

Lin Tianyi's old face turned red, and the corners of his mouth twitched crazily in embarrassment.

He walked to the cocoon where Jiang Xiaofei could not see him, and while quietly regaining his appearance, he cut the cocoon with the Xuanhuo Dragon Horn knife and said in a steady voice:

Do you still have the mental toxins from C-class monsters in your body? You can't even distinguish between men and women?

Jiang Xiaofei, who had regained his life, climbed out of the cocoon with difficulty. After surviving the disaster, he actually said with excitement and a little fear:

Brother Lin, thank you for saving me! But where are my sister and the others? These spider monsters didn't kill me. They kept dragging me inside. According to past experience, they probably wanted to sacrifice me to the lord. .”

I was busy celebrating the New Year and socializing during the day, and only had time to code at night. Although I didn’t sleep much, I worked hard to keep updating. Brothers, rush for performance, and lose your money.

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