Sequential Evolution

Chapter 298 The possibility of ruin formation

Nie Xingan was not surprised that Lin Tianyi had such questions.

He looked at Lin Tian holding the [D-Class Knight Star Bead] which was emitting light green light in his hand and said happily:

It seems that the harvest this time is very good, oh! To answer your question just now, if we demon hunters want to advance, we must kill the Lord BOSS alone in the ruins dungeon.

When Lin Tian heard this, he couldn't help but frown and asked:

Must I kill it alone? Isn't it possible to form a team and work together to kill the lord-level monsters?

Nie Xingan also dug out a star bead from the head of a spider monster whose head was half broken, and said casually:

This is the result of repeated testing by the Adventurer's Guild and the Night Watch Legion.

Of course, if you have enough money, you can also purchase the [Trial of the Brave] certification document that was revealed in the ruins and directly challenge the lord-level monsters of the corresponding level. This will save you the need to search for the door and deal with the massive mobs ahead. Your consumption.”

We, the demon hunters of the Adventurer's Guild, are actually thugs of the rich. Most of the star beads we risk our lives to produce must be sold in order to exchange for money and buy equipment to support our families.

He took the six or seven star beads that he had found that emitted green fluorescence and said:

Each of these D-class star beads is worth 10,000 del coins, while the lower-level E-class star beads are only worth 3,000 del coins.

So, for the sake of safety, we C-level adventurers will repeatedly enter D-level ruins dungeons, instead of being more dangerous. Each C-level dungeon ruins is worth up to 50,000 del coins to earn star beads.

The bald man of the Shield Warrior also spoke leisurely:

Yes, the explosion rate of the dungeon ruins is not high. You see, we have already looked through the corpses of nearly a hundred monsters, and we only found ten star beads.

The risk of entering a C-class ruins dungeon is too high. Unless there are more than two B-class demon hunters leading the team, or a full C-class adventurer team of about ten people, we can guarantee that there will be no casualties. This is a mess. It’s good to eat. Compared to working part-time or becoming a guard for some big families, you can earn more.”

In a very short period of time, Lin Tianyi had picked up seven or eight star beads with the help of the Double Eyes and Vientiane Dark Gold.

The monsters in the ruins dungeon are very simple. What do you think these monsters eat for a living?

Giant creatures like them should consume a lot of energy every day?

The person who answered Lin Tianyi's question was actually no longer the captain Nie Xing'an but Jiang Ya who had recovered her magic power behind her.

Her long-handled staff floated slowly in the air. Sitting sideways on it, she used the floating technique and the light body technique just like before, and used the rope to pull the priests Ji Yuting and Lin Weier to float over, like It was pulling two human-shaped balloons with a magic wand.

A clear voice sounded in the cave:

Your thirst for knowledge is quite strong. There are many theories about the origin of the monsters in these ruins dungeons.

The most mainstream theory is that during the Great Cataclysm, groups of previous generations of civilized humans, in order to avoid the apocalypse, took the initiative to open up extra-dimensional spaces and hide in battlefields rich in mineral deposits and piles of corpses. As time goes by, and Contaminated by the power of the evil god, they gradually evolved into monsters.

Another theory, which is relatively more likely, is that the ruins dungeons were formed by the blood of the gods spilling down, corroding the space over thousands of years, and the monsters evolved from the flesh and blood of the gods. They were formed during the battle between gods. , the divine blood sprinkled by the gods on the continent.”

The resurgence of the gods triggered the power of the past, which led to the continuous appearance of doors.


An explanation that sounds very reasonable.

Lord-level monsters can explode various equipment, and there are various traces of human excavations in the ruins, which shows that the mainstream theory is very likely.

The speed of everyone cleaning the battlefield gradually increased.

At this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the depths of the ruins dungeon.

A sharp whistle sounded, and everyone, including Nie Xingan, raised their heads alertly.

Magician Jiang Ya, who had already used the lightness and levitation techniques, brought priests Ji Yuting and Lin Weier to float over quickly from the corpse of the monster.

Nie Xingan said cautiously:

Speed ​​up the battlefield cleaning. The shadows and archers should have discovered the spider lair.

At this moment, two more whistles were heard, and the sound of an explosion was faintly heard in the distance.

Nie Xing'an decisively gave up on the remaining dozen monster corpses, waved his hand and said:

Quick! Stop cleaning the battlefield, the beast tide is coming again!

It's really profitable this time. If it's still a D-class spider monster, each of us can get at least two star beads in this mission.

As soon as Lin Tian heard this, he quickly detected the entire battlefield with his heavy-eyed Vientiane Dark Gold, and quickly picked up three more star beads. His figure was lagging behind the others, and suddenly he got a small spider head from the head of a spider with a small head. A light blue star bead!

C-level magician star beads!

I found a C-level star bead. Lin Tianyi said.

When Nie Xing'an and others heard this, their overjoyed expressions suddenly froze. The value of C-level star beads was obviously five times that of D-level star beads, but everyone except Lin Weier and Lin Tianyi looked ugly.

It's broken. Why did a C-level star orb appear just after entering the ruins dungeon? I thought spiders like to live in groups. Weaker spider monsters, even spider eggs, are all D-level because they have not hatched. !”

Everyone is on alert! Don't mess up the formation.

Brother Lin, you and I open a path on the left and right, and let the bald man hold up the shield in the middle to protect the priest and mage.

Quickly descending along the remains of steps with obvious marks carved by knives and axes, several people maintained their formation and quickly passed the more than fifty meters of downward steps.

At this time, there seemed to be raindrops in the sky. Nie Xingan slapped his neck and exploded a white spider the size of a fingernail. His gloves were stained with an earthy smell.

Lin Tianyi easily saw the large number of silk threads hanging in the darkness, and he quickly reminded:

Overhead! There are a lot of little spiders hanging down above our heads.

These tiny spiders were hidden deep and high above the ruins. They almost fell down like raindrops as soon as everyone walked down the steps to the open area.

It seemed as if heavy snow suddenly fell from the sky.

The falling little spiders had sharp fangs and were covered in poisonous hairs. Although Nie Xingan, who was wearing gloves, had fine palms, his neck was visibly swollen.

These tiny monsters, which are not even E-level, are the most disgusting and abominable. Not only are they useless, but they are also extremely difficult to deal with.

Although Lin Weier likes exploring, as a girl, she has a natural dislike for bugs.

So just when everyone had no good way to deal with it, she suddenly stretched out her palm, and the cold moonlight flashed on her palm instantly.

Like the flash of a camera, it flashed several times in succession.

In the sky, those spider silks, together with a large number of white little spiders, were instantly pierced by the moonlight, and hundreds of them died and fell!

Magician Jiang Ya hurriedly took action.

The magic wand in his hand was waved rapidly, and as a strong wind tornado blew by, a large number of insect corpses were instantly carried forward by the wind and thrown into the underground abyss not far away.

I don’t know if too many spider larvae were killed. Deep in the darkness, a terrifying roar suddenly came. The figure of the shadow assassin Qiu He suddenly appeared not far away from everyone. He shouted loudly:

Be careful of the abyss! There are many C-level spider monsters here! The webs they build are not afraid of flames!

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