Sequential Evolution

Chapter 292 [Seven Deadly Sins] Fruit Planet

Before the official departure, Lin Tianyi began to organize his equipment.

Among the newly obtained items and miscellaneous equipment, there are also [Cybertron charged nuclear magnetic cannon], [Resurrection Ticket], [Body Transformation Mold], [Dragon Scale Robe (Variety Version)], [Perfume (Trial Pack)] , [NPC Controller·Single Player Version] failed to be used in formal battles.

Of course, the two consumable items [Strike Out] and [Divinity Reappearance] are extremely precious and are not included in them for the time being.

In terms of skills, [Anime Power SE] can be fully activated because it can be combined with [Body Transformation Mold] and [Dragon Scale Robe (Variety Version)], while the [Demon King's Arms] obtained by gifting the Yinsi Monument is still gray and unusable for the time being.

Lin Tianyi checked the extra power of faith column, and the value displayed in it was 5 points. It should be that Yan Chixia, who was already in charge of Jiuyou and was busy restoring order in the underworld, had not found time to help him build the temple.

Originally, Lin Tianyi wanted to study whether he could collect as many of the 10 servant slots given by the [Monarch] skill as possible before entering the exclusive mission.

As a result, for the Pewter Stone mission, Lin Tianyi accidentally received a perfect trial evaluation, and his experience value tripled, forcing him to enter the [Exclusive Fruit World] in advance to complete the first mission.

The plan was slightly disrupted.

But it doesn’t matter. It’s normal for plans to fail to keep up with changes.

What's more, Lin Tianyi can be said to have many trump cards now. Even if he spends all the 38580 evolution coins on hand to replenish his own strength, it will still be no match for what he has now.

Lin Tian glanced at the gain time of various dishes.

[Steamed Flower Duck]: Obtain a temporary state, temporary mental power +2, lasting 23 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.

[Buddha Jumps Over the Wall]: Gain a temporary state, affinity with the water element. You will be more aware of the aura in the air, and you will be immune to water element damage to a certain extent. Duration 23 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.

[Chaoshan Braised Goose]: Obtain a temporary state, enhanced senses, lasting 23 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.

[Huodu Gluten]: Gain a temporary status and critical hit buff. When attacking the enemy, there is a chance to cause penetration, puncture, and bleeding damage. This status is limited to cold weapon buffs and lasts for 23 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.

[Spicy Chicken]: Obtain a temporary state, blood boiling, temporary strength attribute +5, duration 23 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.

[Couple Fei Pian]: Gain temporary status, speed gain, temporary agility attribute +3, duration 23 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.

[Steamed Catfish]: Acquire a temporary state, hold the pearl of wisdom, temporary intelligence +2, lasting 23 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.

[Shabu Jiu Mentou]: Acquire a temporary state, extremely arrogant, avoid fatal damage in a short period of time, and generate a certain bonus to luck, lasting 23 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.

[Pock-skinned Roast Suckling Pig]: Obtains a temporary state, full of qi and blood, and recovers quickly from qi and blood consumption in a short period of time. The duration is 23 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.

You enjoyed the dishes cooked by the legendary kitchen utensil [Seven Treasures of the God of Cookery] in one go, and gained an additional buff status [Wealth and Aura].

[Wealth Aura]: The rich have distant relatives in the mountains. After this state is activated, the fortune value gain effect will be obtained. (consumed)

Looking at the duration of the various buffs that were added together to increase his attributes, Lin Tianyi did not want to waste Gu Xiaochao's kindness and said directly:

Can you two help clean up the restaurant battlefield? Wei'er and I went upstairs. I don't know how long the [Exclusive Fruit] mission will last. I'll hurry up while the buff is still there.

Gu Xiaochao said cheerfully:

Don't worry, boss, and go quickly! Even if I go on a mission, Wanyu will look after your house. She needs to refine the Yin Qi in the ring-shaped ruby, so she won't go anywhere.

Gu Xiaochao and Shen Wanyu received affirmative answers.

Lin Tianyi turned to look at Weier and said:

Let's go together.

Lin Weier nodded solemnly and followed Lin Tianyi to the bedroom.

With the previous experience of entering the [Pewter Stone Mission], Wei'er took the initiative to speak without Lin Tianyi saying:

You lie down inside.

Lin Tianyi saw that Weier was still wearing furry pajamas and couldn't help but ask:

Do you want to change your clothes first?

The dragon scale robe can now be transformed into various styles of clothes at will, so he does not need to prepare too much when he enters the mission now.

Wei'er smiled slightly and reached out to brush her body.

As the strong and bright moonlight enveloped the body, under Lin Tianyi's gaze, the clothes on his body changed instantly.

What a practical technique. Lin Tian's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but admire Wei'er who was already dressed in extraordinary equipment.

Lin Weier nodded and said:

This is the fairy spell recorded in Guanghan Chaoyue Jue. It is the first fairy spell I have learned. I feel it is very practical.

Two people lie down side by side.

This time, Lin Tianyi took the initiative to reach out and took Wei'er's soft, boneless hand, clasping his fingers tightly.

He closed his eyes, entered the Evolution Palace, then selected the Hunter Guild area and found the private fruit passage.

The current fruit has been opened, and trial mission 1 will be automatically generated based on the hunter level.

The trial mission is a lifetime success.

[Exclusive fruit mission]

[Task name: The starting point of everything]

[Difficulty: Level C]

[Requirement: Form an adventurer team of no less than 4 people and complete a B-level dungeon crusade mission. 】

[Penalty for refusing the mission: permanent loss of private exclusive fruit channel]

[Reward 1: Free choice including but not limited to one of knight (arrogance), mage (greed), archer (jealousy), priest (sloth), witch (charm), mad warrior (rage), vampire (gluttony) Profession. 】

[Reward 2: Obtain 1,000 trial experience points and 1,000 evolution coins. 】

[Reward 3: Obtain a Blazing Star Magic Box. 】

[Task start time: within evolution level lv10. 】

[Note: If the level exceeds, it will be deemed as automatically giving up the exclusive fruit world. 】

After detecting the hunter Mist Light Jin and entering the exclusive fruit channel, do you want to immediately start the [exclusive fruit mission] and start everything?

Lin Tianyi did not hesitate. He was fully prepared and chose directly:

Turn on.

As a strong suction force came, Lin Tian tightened Wei'er's little hand, and the two of them felt the world spinning, and their whole bodies were pulled directly into an inexplicable space by the huge gravity.

The darkness did not last long, and the howling wind came down by itself.

As soon as Lin Tian felt the light shining on his face, he immediately opened his eyes.

High in the sky, they held hands and fell rapidly, like two meteors piercing the sky!

Is this the feeling of coming to [Exclusive Fruit] for the first time?

No wonder he is called the Adventer.

It turns out that it really fell from the sky towards the fruit world like a meteor!

Lin Tianyi thought this in his heart, and subconsciously pulled Lin Weier and hugged her.

With the feeling of parachuting, Lin Tianyi overlooked the whole world from a high altitude.

The setting sun in the distance emits red light, and in the blue sky, three moon-like satellites float quietly overhead.

Looking down at the ground, the earth is green, with mountains, rivers, trees, the sea... and there are creatures floating in the sky, swimming freely like huge whales!

Is this the [Seven Deadly Sins] Fruit Planet?

Lin Tianyi's exclusive fruit?

He observed everything with interest, and suddenly felt something in his backpack vibrating violently.

The item [Divine Compass] that he had obtained for a long time actually reacted as soon as it came into this world!

It’s the New Year, and I’m busy with all kinds of things, haha. I’m definitely busy in the New Year, so try to keep updating as much as possible. It’s hard to update every day from the first to the seventh day of the lunar month, but I will definitely not stop updating.

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