Sequential Evolution

Chapter 290 Ten Gains

Lin Tianyi didn't expect that Gu Xiaochao was so efficient.

He said he was going to treat him to a dinner of evolution coins, but he didn't expect that only a day later, the food had arrived.

The four of them went upstairs and sat at the table in the restaurant.

Like a magic trick, Gu Xiaochao produced dishes of exquisite dishes.

He said as if announcing the name of a dish:

Steamed flower duck, Buddha jumping over the wall, Chaoshan braised goose, Huodu gluten, spicy chicken, couple's lung slices, steamed catfish with rice flour, boiled Jiu Mentou, roasted suckling pig with sesame skin!

The dishes are beautifully presented.

Everything is steaming hot.

These exquisite dishes are served directly on the table, some on porcelain plates, some in jade urns, some in copper basins, gilded with jade, and the plates and plates alone are expensive.

The aroma spreads with the heat. It is obviously a big dish, but it gives people the smell of extremely beautiful and delicious human fireworks.

Just looking at it and smelling it will make you feel hungry.

This feeling was a bit like having a New Year's Eve dinner. Four people gathered together and Lin Tianyi, who had been practicing various skills for a day, felt his stomach growl.

Shen Wanyu had just obtained her body, and her mouth was watering.

So fragrant.

It's not the kind of aroma you get from a private chef in a hotel. This smell arouses your appetite, as if someone who hasn't eaten for three days suddenly gets all the delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

What's even more amazing is that every time Gu Xiaochao brings out a dish, everyone seems to be able to see the hot kitchen cooking and processing various exquisite ingredients.

For example, the roasted suckling pig with sesame skin. As soon as Gu Xiaochao placed the suckling pig in the middle, Lin Tianyi seemed to see a big man wearing a black chef's uniform and a tall chef's hat, slaughtering the suckling pig, washing it, and adding spices to it. Spread salt evenly on the meat surface of the inner cavity to marinate and blanch the skin.

Then mix the maltose, white vinegar, and Shaoxing wine into sugar water in turn, spread it evenly on the surface of the suckling pig, dry it, and cut it after it is roasted and mature.

Finally, the shredded green onions, pancakes and other condiments are placed on separate plates and presented, as if everyone is watching the entire cooking process, which is very magical.

Lin Tianyi asked:

Is this the dish you ordered from [lv16 Spirit of the Shouting Halberd·Eight Major Cuisines]?

Gu Xiaochao said in surprise:

Oh, expert, you have good eyesight.

He is one of the few culinary evolvers in Binhai. Most of his related skills are related to food production!

It is said that he has a set of legendary kitchen utensils. He seems to have some kind of Yongling knife, Zhuanlong pot, Jade dragon pot, etc., which are all props that increase the cooking ingredients.

As he spoke, Gu Xiaochao swallowed.

Because Lin Tianyi is an evolver, each dish served by Gu Xiaochao actually has a specific description, grade, detailed introduction and remarks!

These eight major cuisines are indeed powerful, and the quality of the ingredients collected is also very high. They can actually make dishes that are rated as [Exquisite] or even [Perfect] level by the Evolution Palace.

There's nothing I can do about it, the smell is so overpowering that I can't help but use my chopsticks.

He didn't bother with any introductions and just handed out bowls and chopsticks.

Eat! Don't be stunned, we are all our own people.

With that said, he took the lead in picking up the food.

With the host of the treat having chopsticks, the three of them could no longer pretend. Even Lin Weier, the most educated person who had been influenced by aristocratic etiquette since she was a child, speeded up her eating.

Take the copper pot shabu jiumentou as an example.

Nine crisps in one plate, strict selection of ingredients and fine knife skills.

It is made with condiments, rice wine and several Chinese herbal medicines. There are nine kinds of meat. There are also condiments such as chili pepper, aged vinegar, hawthorn sauce, mustard, ginger juice, garlic and so on. There are nine different colors.

Red, orange, yellow, white, colorful

It tastes fresh, sweet, crisp and tender.

The ingredients are full of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and astringent flavors, which stimulate the appetite and make people eat it to their fullest.

After taking a bite, warmth surges all over the body, and a temporary state of [resisting cold, warming up, and gaining energy and blood] appears.

Then eat hotpot gluten and spicy chicken. Lin Tianyi ate while checking the effects.

What's the probability increase [double damage], what's [Water Element Affinity], what's [Wealth Aura], a series of buffs, all stacked up.

Looking at the various buff states that can last for one to three days and can even increase the power of skills, Lin Tianyi asked while eating:

How many evolution coins did you spend on this meal?

Gu Xiaochao stuffed a big mouthful of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall sea cucumber soaked in orange-yellow juice into his mouth and said vaguely:

Not much! Three thousand evolution coins.

Lin Tian clicked his tongue, widened his eyes and asked:

Three thousand is not expensive?

Gu Xiaochao said vaguely:

Brother Tian, ​​aren't you going to the [Fruit Dungeon] to complete the mission?

Of course I'll treat you to the best and most expensive treat, but if you don't enjoy it, I'll treat you to it later.

Lin Tian looked at the table of rice with pain. These ingredients were indeed not produced in their world. They should be rare ingredients collected from various sources in the Eight Major Cuisines.

Even more rare is the production of legendary props. It is not difficult for Lin Tianyi to analyze the abnormality of the production process when the dishes are brought out. The other party used various [cooking skills] from the evolution palace.

After the meal, it was so exciting that this expert in cooking [Eight Major Cuisines] also thoughtfully presented two large pots of rice, all of which were crystal clear.

After having enough wine and food, Lin Tian looked at the entire column of buffs with countdowns and saw the temporary state of [Wealth and Aura] at a glance.

[Wealth Aura]: The rich have distant relatives in the mountains. After this state is activated, the fortune value gain effect will be obtained.

[Remarks: This good luck is a one-time consumption state, and the number of times it can be triggered is: 2 times. 】

[Restrictions: If you use this state to open a treasure chest and open items, there is a high probability that they will be debris. 】

Oh, you're actually quite strict.

Lin Tianyi thought about it carefully, and it was actually the same.

Otherwise, as a chef, [Eight Major Cuisines], wouldn’t it be possible to increase my luck every time I open a box? That would be outrageous.

It can only bring out sundries, right?

It's okay, Lin Tianyi happens to have a sundry box.

He still has four items left: random miscellaneous items x2 and random quality boxes x2.

Lin Tianyi didn't hesitate at all. Taking advantage of other people's luck was not as good as his own buff state.

Evolved Mist Light Jin is opening the [Random Sundries] box. Are you sure?


With a flash of light, Lin Tianyi had [Perfume (Trial Pack)] in his hand.

Lin Tianyi was stunned.

Could this luck bonus be fake?

Look down patiently.

【Perfume (Trial Pack)】

[Category: Sundries]

[Quality: perfect]

[Description: The last masterpiece of perfumer Jean-Maptiste Grenouille, spray it and you will be endlessly charming. No one can resist your charm, but it seems that there is not much perfume left, so I can only spray it again. 】

[Remarks: The essence is extracted from the body fragrance of twenty-five girls. There is nothing like it in the world, just this drop. 】

Lin Tian was immediately shocked after reading the introduction.

This thing is actually the last masterpiece of the crazy perfumer in the movie Perfume.

Lin Tianyi had watched this classic movie. At the final execution ground, the legendary murderer perfumer only used a few drops to sprinkle on the handkerchief. The heavenly fragrance flew away with the wind, defeating everyone's minds. , even the Pope himself hallucinated that he saw an angel.

If the perfumer wanted to, he would have enough perfume left to conquer the world.

He could walk to the Palace of Versailles and have his feet kissed by the King, or write a perfumed letter to the Pope declaring himself the new Messiah.

What a strong piece of junk, it's just too disgusting.

After silently putting away the first piece of groceries, Lin Tianyi immediately opened the second groceries box.

The second update is here, good morning. It’s almost Chinese New Year, vote brothers

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