Sequential Evolution

Chapter 288 Dragon Scale Robe (various version)

After briefly telling Gu Xiaochao about the [Eye of God] and [European Heavy Industries] evolvers he encountered during the Ten Jin San mission, Gu Xiaochao gritted his teeth angrily.

I've heard before that European Heavy Industries and God's Eye like to play this trick.

I didn't expect that they would even use this kind of technology this time!

You don't know, this [liquid memory metal] is quite expensive to make. Each drop is calculated in terms of thousands of evolution coins.

It's just for a ten-jin-three mission. Is it worth it?

Gu Xiaochao was shocked to the extreme. The other party took advantage of the palace's loopholes and actually reached this point?

It seems that we must report to Jiuding.

Facing Gu Xiaochao's question, Lin Tianyi said thoughtfully:

This liquid memory metal, as a robot prosthesis, is absolutely removable.

As long as they reuse it multiple times, the cost will be recovered over time.

Lin Tianyi's idea is good.

Every evolver with an S+ personal rating has a lot of precious evolutionary equipment. For example, the extraordinary equipment he collected from female celebrities and ladies should be worth tens of thousands.

The death of the opponent is a loss, and the equipment exploded by the opponent is still a gain if you pick it up!

One will wax and wane, and it only takes a few times to get your money back.

What a good idea.

Seeing Gu Xiaochao's angry look, Lin Tianyi smiled and patted him on the shoulder:

It's up to you to report this matter! You now have the genetic sequence of the fantasy species. If you can't keep up with the promotion mission, you will encounter these scum. When the time comes, please ask Jiuding to help you add some protective measures.

While speaking, Lin Tianyi had already thrown the mask, liquid metal, and dragon scale robe into the forging furnace.

It has been detected that the evolved Mist Light Jin is using the furnace to forge and synthesize [Chameleon Mask], [Liquid Memory Metal], and [Uncle Jianglou's Domineering and Invincible Dragon King Flame Armor]. Do you want to use the [Furnace Wishing Coupon]?

In the forging furnace, the voice of the will-o'-the-wisp came:

Huh?! What are you doing?! Boy, I'm rebelling against you! If I'm not careful, you're going to practice for me?!

Lin Tianyi looked at the will-o'-the-wisps coming out of the stove and said with a smile:

Don't worry! This armor can't work without you. The dragon scale robe is the main part of the smelting. I will use the other two pieces of equipment to upgrade the dragon scale robe.

With that said, he no longer cared about the howling of the will-o'-the-wisp, and turned off the stove with a bang.

Use [Furnace Wishing Coupon]!

[The Furnace Wishing Coupon] was used successfully.

Please fill in the smelting information before making a wish.

A detailed form appeared in front of Lin Tianyi's eyes, which looked quite rigorous.

Smelting subject: [Uncle Jianglou’s domineering and invincible dragon king’s flame armor]

Smelting generation level: Epic

Skill extraction wish one, please fill it in.

I want to make a wish and extract the ever-changing effect of [Chameleon Mask] so that [Uncle Jianglou's Domineering and Invincible Dragon King Flame Armor] can change its shape at will and quickly change clothing styles.

Skill extraction wish 2, please fill in.

I want to make a wish. Extracting the splitting effect of [Liquid Memory Metal] will allow [Uncle Jianglou's Domineering and Invincible Dragon King Flame Armor] to have the ability to change its shape at will and split into multiple pieces of clothing for the clone to wear.

As Lin Tianyi's two wishes were filled out.

The voice of the Evolution Palace came.

Analyzing the characteristics of smelting materials...

Your wishes match the characteristics of the smelting material.

[The Furnace Wish Coupon] was activated successfully.

As the flames rose, it burned with a bang.

As the weapon spirit, the will-o'-the-wisp uncle Jianlou suddenly screamed:

Oh, I'm going to burn my ass. It's too hot, too hot, too hot!

What is this thing on my face? It's like a facial mask, hey, hey, hey! Liquid metal snake, don't come over here...

In the furnace, random cries kept coming, and Lin Tianyi put his hand on his forehead.

Gu Xiaochao's eyes gleamed.


It’s actually a weapon spirit!

Can you still speak?

But soon, his smile became stiff: Brother Tian, ​​you are a middle-aged man with a broken mouth. If we get into a fight, are you going to be talked about to death?

Lin Tianyi recalled the scene when Mr. Will-o'-the-Wisp was in the [Dimension Star] mission, spitting out the Poison Master Li Kai. The corner of his mouth could not help but curl up, and he said with a smile:

It's okay, okay, it's not that big of a deal.

Jian Lou Pei is called uncle.

As he spoke, the smelting was quickly completed.

As the furnace was turned on, brand new armor flew out of the furnace.

Before Lin Tianyi could wait to pick it up, the entire armor turned invisible.

Damn it, Jiang Lou in this armor had a history of escaping, and was called the 'Betrayer's Armor'.

Could it be that it had mutated after smelting the liquid memory metal and was going to run away?

Before Lin Tianyi's heart could beat a beat, a pair of armor suddenly appeared on his body.

You actually put it on yourself?

Lin Tianyi looked at the brand new armor with joy, but he didn't know that as soon as he touched it, the entire dragon scale robe suddenly turned into an extremely charming style... a skirt, still made of gauze! !

Gu Xiaochao was stunned on the spot. At this time, Lin Weier and Shen Wanyu, who were walking down with the fruit plate, were also stunned on the spot.

The two girls turned around and ran away with their mouths wide open and their faces red.

Because Lin Tianyi wore armor, it turned into a girl's underwear again, or...the beach version.

Damn it! ! ! !

Lin Tianyi felt the social death in advance.

He didn't even need to use [Animation Power] to touch the threshold of the perverted Mask to save the world.

Gu Xiaochao burst into laughter.

Hahahahahaha! Brother Tian, ​​are you wasting so much precious materials just to satisfy your transvestite fetish?

Lin Tian's face was so hot that he could boil water.

Jiang Lou...give me an explanation.

Seeing that Lin Tianyi was really angry, Jiang Lou said angrily:

Hey, let me go. Just tell me if this feature is what you want, right? It worked. I'll try it for you. Is there anything wrong with it?

Lin Tianyi pulled it directly on his chest and immediately took the equipment in his hand.

After regaining control of the equipment, the dragon scale robe immediately returned to its original state.

Uncle Will-o'-the-Wisp was sealed back into the dragon's head and shouted:

Hey! Boy, I haven't had enough fun yet!

Lin Tianyi looked at the armor that had been successfully smelted and said threateningly:

Jiang Lou, do you believe it or not, if you prank me again, I will directly change the name of the equipment to [Uncle Jiang Lou's Domineering and Invincible Dragon King Flame Armor (Abnormal Version)]?

The fire in Long's eyes immediately jumped, and he changed the topic and said:

Oops, I've been practicing in the furnace for a long time and I'm sleepy! Sir, I'm too sleepy... Yes! I'm going to rest. You can play by yourself.

Lin Tianyi's dark golden eyes looked at Gu Xiaochao, who was laughing loudly. The other person also stiffened for a moment and said with a smile:

Uh, haha, I'm going upstairs to eat the fruit plate.

After watching Gu Xiaochao run away, Lin Tianyi carefully looked at the equipment that was fused with the [Furnace Wishing Coupon].

[Uncle Jianglou is domineering and invincible Dragon King's ever-changing flame armor]

[Category: Anti-armor]

[Quality: Epic (smelted)]

[Description: A dragon scale robe with the weapon spirit ‘Jiang Lou’, which can consume evil energy to fly, enchant, and defend. After smelting the liquid memory metal and the chameleon mask, the characteristics of splitting and changing will be added! Requirements for use: 10 points of strength and 10 points of mental strength. 】

[Remarks: Jointly produced by Xuantian Daomen and Ashite Space! 】

Lin Tian took a breath and his mood gradually improved.

With this new piece of equipment, the chance of winning the next exclusive fruit mission is even greater. It seems that I have to spend a whole day to try out the [Body Transformation Mold] and the ever-changing Dragon Scale Robe. Can I use the upgraded version of [Body Transformation Mold] at will? The power of animation].

Isn’t the fifth watch coming soon?

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