Sequential Evolution

Chapter 279 The black flame ring collects strange fire!

Thousands of ghost soldiers and ghost generals agreed in unison, and like the black clouds pressing down on the city, they flew up from all over the city and flew straight to the main body of Black Mountain.

In the distance, in the mountains, among the rumbling sounds of rocks cracking, the cry of killing soon came.

Lin Tianyi was a little surprised. The old Black Mountain demon did not personally come back to help the main body, but sent Yin soldiers and ghost generals to deal with the demons. He couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

What he wanted to see most was for these monsters to bite dogs, so that he could fish in troubled waters, but he didn't expect that this old Montenegrin monster would not be fooled.

It seems that we really have to fight hard to keep them all here even though our vitality is greatly reduced.

The old Black Mountain demon slowly turned his head, ignoring the enlarging wounds on his chest, staring at Lin Tianyi and Yan Chixia and saying:

Human! Don't think that I don't know clearly. You are the initiator of this matter!

Would that bug from Pudu Cihang have the brains to come and deal with me before I completely take control of the Yinsi Monument?

It must be you, cunning, cruel and shameless.

Looking at the old Black Mountain demon who was dressed in a black robe, his whole person was shrouded in black mist, and all kinds of painful and twisted faces and resentful souls appeared around him.

Lin Tianyi slowly pulled out the bloody howling sword and said with a sneer:

What happened to the bug? The ancient Taoist Demon Mosquito was also a bug. In the end, didn't he convert to Buddhism, reincarnate as a golden cicada, and become a Buddha with immeasurable merit?

Old demon of Montenegro, you occupy the City of Wasted Death. Ordinary poor people who have no money to burn paper money to worship you will lose their souls.

Even if a powerful person has done many evil things, even if he is responsible for countless lives, you still allow him to enter reincarnation and be reincarnated as an adult. Master Pudu Cihang has a national destiny, and you are compassionate. I can't stand you confusing right and wrong, even in the darkest days. The day is coming, and I am willing to take risks and go deep into this city of futile death, which represents the way of heaven and the compassion of our Buddha.

Master saves people in distress and brings great luck from heaven. As long as you survive the solstice, you can transform into a real dragon. What level are you at? Are you worthy of being compared with Master Pudu Cihang?

Yan Chixia had a question mark on her face.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, the world would be like purgatory.

He almost believed the lies of the young Taoist priest in front of him.

Pudu Cihang was in the Black Mountain, but he was always paying attention to the outside world. When he heard Lin Tianyi's righteous words, he almost believed it, thinking that he was really the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva.


He who knows me knows the leaves of autumn!

What happened to the bugs?

This old monster from Montenegro actually looks down on bugs.

Why didn't he think that golden cicadas were also insects?

Before he converted to Buddhism, he was also a peerless ferocious monster from ancient times. His previous life as a mosquito Taoist was much more ferocious than his Pudu Cihang.

Not only did he eat countless people, he even took advantage of the raging battle of the Conferred Gods to devour three of the twelve-grade lotus platforms. He also refined the second-generation disciple of Jie Jiao, the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirits. Hundreds of years ago, he went to the West to learn scriptures and became a Buddha with immeasurable merits. ?

Thinking of this, Pudu Cihang's tumbling became even more violent, and he even did not hesitate to use his true energy to accelerate the destruction of the Black Mountain Old Demon's body without holding back.

As long as Heishan is killed, he ascends to the throne in the human world, controls the fate of the human race, and then takes over the underworld and controls reincarnation.

By then, his achievements may not be worse than those of Buddha!

The winner is qualified to write history. When the time comes...who cares whether he brings trouble to the country and how he achieves the destiny of the country?

Roar! ! ! !

A muffled sound came from the mountain.

A terrifying crack opened in the entire black mountain. As it spread wildly, countless boulders fell on the city of Wanshi, and many of the palaces in the black mountain collapsed.

Inside, the miserable howls of countless female ghosts were immediately heard.

Those...are all the top beauties collected by the old demon from Montenegro!

The old demon from Black Mountain was shaken, and the ghostly aura around him surged. With a bang, countless blazing will-o'-the-wisps shot up from his eyes.

Centipede Spirit, what a brave dog!

If I don't kill you today, it will be difficult to understand the hatred in my heart!

The old demon from Montenegro shouted violently and actually wanted to turn around and attack Pudu Cihang.

However, after putting on a full show, Lin Tian gave up!

Fellow Daoist Yan, hurry up! Let's go together and stop the old monster from Black Mountain. When the Pudu Cihang Dragon Lord becomes the only true Buddha in the world, we will be the top heroes!

This hatred drives...

Yan Chixia was stunned for a while. When Lin Tian called him, he quickly responded:

Oh...oh! Okay!

The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law! Xuanyuan Sword, kill!

The Xuanyuan Sword transformed into thousands, and countless sword shadows enveloped the Black Mountain old demon. At the same time, Lin Tianyi also took action. He directly poured the evil energy he had just obtained into the Blood Roaring Long Sword. The power of this action scared even him. A jump.


The bloody sword light was like a sword opening the heavenly gate.

The sword was thrown out, and the thick bloody chain dozens of meters long made a terrifying sword cry.

The face of the Black Mountain Demon changed, and he did not dare to hide, because behind him was his body. If he could not receive this blow, then his body would have to receive such a violent bloody sword energy.

Shu Zi!!

The black sleeve robe was swung violently, and in the billowing black smoke, countless faces seemed to break free from the shackles of the black smoke, rushing towards Lin Tianyi to bite his body.

However, they were refined by the Black Mountain Old Demon and could only show so many grimaces. They could not escape from the black mist and could only hit the bloody chain.

The collision of red and black, Heishan took action with hatred, and a large amount of black mist swallowed up the sword energy emitted by Lin Tianyi and Yan Chixia.

The sounds of strangulation and screams were endless.

With just one contact, most of the black mist disappeared, and the tens of thousands of resentful soul faces inside were consumed. The bloody sword energy and the only Xuanyuan sword left were still piercing the abdominal wound of the old Black Mountain demon.

The old Black Mountain demon suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a stream of pale flames. This flame was extremely cold, like the cold fire of the bone spirit nurtured by the Nine Netherworld.

It was actually like the eruption of a volcano in the underworld. The fierce flames directly swallowed the sword energy, and the Xuanyuan Sword was covered with a layer of flaming ice.

This fire has been cultivated in the body of the Black Mountain Old Demon for thousands of years, swallowing countless ghosts. While being nourished by the Yin Qi at all times, it is also the flame of the Hades earth veins, which is extremely impressive.

The flame itself seems to be a strange flame that combines extreme cold and extreme heat. It can only be encountered in places of extreme cold and extreme darkness every hundred years, when the sun and moon alternate.

Being able to freeze for thousands of miles, it feels cold, but in fact, the damage suffered is like being burned, which is quite magical.

While Lin Tianyi grabbed Yan Chixia and hurriedly avoided it, he suddenly remembered that his legendary equipment [Black Flame Ring] seemed to not only have a nearly huge storage space, but also had the ability to accommodate souls and swallow strange fire.

Soul, he has obtained the dual unique godhead carrier who signed the ancient contract, Wei'er.

Then this strange fire...


Lin Tianyi shouted loudly, raised the [Black Flame Ring] and pointed it at the cold flames spouted by the old demon from Black Mountain.

The flames that were originally sprayed into the air, burning everything and freezing everything, after Lin Tianyi's words came, the large flames, as if they could turn, instantly turned into a line of fire, which was continuously sucked into Lin Tianyi's hand. Wearing an inconspicuous black iron ring...

The old demon of Montenegro was shaken all over, feeling as if his bone marrow had been sucked away. He suddenly turned his vomiting into inhaling, trying to suck the life flame back into his body.

Unexpectedly, that weird ring actually started to compete with him...

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