Sequential Evolution

Chapter 276 You must be prepared (Seventh update! Adding 2 updates to the bestseller list)

After hearing Pudu Cihang say that he was leaving now, Lin Tianyi suddenly remembered something.

Hey! Dragon Lord, wait a minute!

Pudu Cihang had already turned over on the Buddhist chariot, and when he heard what the young Taoist said, he felt a little unhappy.

Didn’t he just say that it was all up to him?

Why did this little Taoist stop him before he could take a few breaths?

Seeing Pudu Cihang frowning, Lin Tianyi said quickly:

National Master! Xiaodao has an idea. Please be patient and listen to what Xiaodao has to say.


Pudu Cihang said somewhat coldly.

Lin Tianyi secretly praised, it's great, he likes this kind of monster that punches and stuns.

He smiled secretly in his heart, but his attitude was quite respectful:

Dragon Lord, everyone knows that the true form of this old Black Mountain demon is a mountain of the underworld behind the City of Fusui.

So what? Pudu Cihang asked with a frown.

As soon as Lin Tian returned to his old job and was familiar with the road, he asked:

The purpose of our attack this time is to kill with one strike.

“You have to be in a hurry, but you also have to be sure.”

The Imperial Master's hands and eyes are astounding. Can you get some explosives, fierce fire oil, or ask some big monsters who are good at drilling mountains and breaking earth to help? It is said that the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in an ant nest. He, the old black mountain monster, is indeed powerful, but if the main body is gone, what will happen? Aren’t you just letting yourself be slaughtered?”

Insidious, too insidious.

The more Lin Tianyi said this, the more Pudu Cihang became convinced that the other party was definitely not trying to join forces with the Black Mountain old demon to deceive him.

However, thinking of the charcoal outside Lanruo Temple, he became a little more wary.

You have to be careful about this kid.

He is obviously a Taoist, but he has so many tricks.

He smiled and said:

What Taoist friend Zhiqiu said is absolutely true. What's so difficult about this?

Why don't we split up and take my belt and head to Luohe City.

There are 100,000 barrels of sesame oil prepared for me, as well as a large number of firecrackers. They are all prepared in advance for me to open the altar in a few days to pray for the world's common people and hold a Dharma conference.

I just need to contact the big demon in person. We will meet up at Luohe City at dawn and then go down to the underworld along the City God's Temple. How about that?

Hearing Pudu Cihang reveal such a lot of things, Lin Tianyi was overjoyed but also sneered in his heart.

He hasn't become emperor yet, so he has to prepare something to celebrate.

It is hypocritical to open an altar to pray for the common people in the world.

If it were really for the sake of the common people in the world, you would exchange so much of your people's support for money, which would be enough for the people of the world to have a full meal.

Is this... making sense? Don't delay Long Zun's plan. Lin Tianyi said, pretending to be hesitant.

Hey! They're just external things.

The implication of his words is obvious. After solving the old monster of Montenegro, don't we have as many of these things as we need?

Suddenly, Pudu Cihang thought of something and couldn't help but ask:

Fellow Daoist Zhiqiu, there are so many of these things. How many can you and Daoist Yan carry?

Lin Tianyi knew that this was a way to test his space.

It doesn't matter. Dragon Lord is overly worried. His major is Mustard Seed Sumeru. Don't talk about this. No matter how much you have, you can still pretend.

Pudu Cihang was really surprised this time.

It would be really difficult to kill Qiu Yiye.

There are so many things, just pretending, and when you think about the way he just shrunk down to get here, he is indeed quite capable.

With this thought in his mind, the expression on his face softened a bit.

He threw out a token, clasped his hands and said:

Amitabha, this is so good!

Lin Tianyi also nodded, took the token, flipped his hand, and disappeared without a trace.

Pudu Cihang carefully sensed the token containing his own aura, and indeed broke off the contact.

It seemed that it was really not a magic trick, but a genuine mustard seed. Xumi couldn't help but put away the thought that had just arisen.

If we really take action against this person, the dragon blood will probably not be obtained.

The two groups parted ways, and Lin Tianyi did not continue to teleport, but chose to ride Yan Chixia's flying sword towards Luohe City.

On the way, Yan Chixia asked worriedly:

Fellow Daoist Zhiqiu, isn't this method of seeking skin from a tiger too risky?

Lin Tianyi, who was standing behind him, smiled and said:

Driving the tiger to devour the wolf is the best way I can think of.

Otherwise, with my power, it would be almost impossible to kill so many demons in the court.

Yan Chixia couldn't help but sigh:

There are talented people from generation to generation. Fellow Taoist Zhiqiu is an outstanding strategist. Yan Chixia... admires him.

The sword flies a hundred miles.

Lin Tianyi didn't know this kind of technique, so he had enough fun today.

On the way, he always used the Evolution Palace to communicate with Gu Xiaochao.

They had arrived at the City of Wasted Death, and because Fu Qingfeng looked like Nie Xiaoqian, and Fu Yuechi was more beautiful than his sister, the old Black Mountain demon seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

The entire ghost town began to prepare for the underworld wedding, with lanterns and colorful decorations, and the ghosts were busy.

In order to hold off the old demon of Montenegro and prevent their fathers Fu Tianchou and Ning Caichen from dying, the two sisters falsely agreed to the old demon of Montenegro's marriage.

This old demon from Montenegro seems to be on the verge of becoming the Supreme Being of the Nine Netherworld, so he agreed quite simply.

He seemed to be extremely confident in the City of Fushou, and was not worried that a few mortals would be able to escape. He arranged for a dozen old ghosts with powerful magic powers to serve on his side, and almost always responded to the requests of Gu Xiaochao and others.

Currently, Gu Xiaochao and the Fu sisters are wandering around the city of Fusi to relax under the protection of a large number of old ghosts.

In the city lord's palace, many ghosts are busy arranging things for preparing for the ghost marriage.

When Lin Tian heard this, he was a little speechless.

He was battling wits and courage with that old monster Pudu Cihang.

Gu Xiaochao actually took two girls to wander around the underworld city?

And it sounds like he's enjoying it?

What the hell is this?

Is the title [Kingdom, Power, Wealth and Nobility] so useful?

When they arrived outside Luohe City, before Lin Tianyi and the two men lowered their flying swords, they saw dozens of torches at the top of the city, illuminating the gate tower.

Lin Tianyi had extremely strong eyesight and easily saw the leader of the prefect.

This middle-aged, skinny, upright-looking magistrate was surrounded by a demonic aura and had no trace of national destiny. It was obvious at a glance that he was no longer human.

As expected, Pudu Cihang's hands and eyes were astute. He didn't know what kind of magic he had used, but he had actually communicated with the big demon in the skin of the prefect to help the two of them.

The two people landed steadily at the top of the city. The prefect raised his hands and said with a smile:

Two Taoist masters, I have received a dream from the Imperial Master and already know the plan of the two masters to save the common people. Please come with me.

Lin Tianyi smiled and said:

Your Majesty, you're welcome. The National Master will be here soon. I wonder where the sesame oil and firecrackers are?

Oh! They are opened separately. I have mobilized the people in the city to help carry it overnight. We can just go directly to the place where the sesame oil is stored to get it. Please follow me.

He bowed slightly, not even daring to straighten his waist. He was extremely humble, and he could not have the magnanimity of a city magistrate.

Lin Tianyi stood on the tower and looked into the city. Sure enough, he saw countless torches swaying, as if they were transporting something.

In order to save a little time, they wake up so many people from their sleep to do coolies. This group of monsters is really amazing.

coming! It's a bit dangerous to drop from eighth to tenth. Brothers, if you haven't booked all the tickets and still have tickets, it's up to you if you move up to eighth. Let's do some crowdfunding. If there is a leader, please advertise, continue to add updates, and name the leader! PS: I have only eaten one meal so far, no time wasted! ! ! Prepare to chew a piece of bread while eating and writing. This is the second recommendation for this rare book. You must seize the opportunity.

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