Sequential Evolution

Chapter 274: Driving the Tiger and Swallowing the Wolf (Fifth update already! Still available! Full

Teleporting and flickering, she returned to the open space in the dense forest, and saw Yan Chixia vomiting blood and falling to the ground, her face as white as gold paper.

Gu Xiaochao and three members of the Fu family, including Fu Tianchou, were all missing.

Weier! Xiaochao!

Lin Tianyi's pupils shrank sharply.

Montenegro old demon! ! !

He hurriedly controlled the evolution palace, and before he could take the initiative to ask about Gu Xiaochao's situation, the other party's information was sent over first.

The three of us were abducted by the old demon from Black Mountain and headed towards the City of Wasted Death in the underworld.

Brother Tian, ​​don't worry. I have used the life-saving scroll. Although I am trapped in the Yin energy, for the time being, the Black Mountain old demon cannot break through my 'Scorching Sun Barrier'. When necessary, I can activate [The Flame of the Burning Sun King] The coat of arms can protect Wei'er and Wanyu.

Uh... Weier asked me to ask you if you want to help you kill this big monster.

??? she so powerful? Damn it!

Lin Tianyi looked at the series of messages, his heart suddenly settled, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xiaochao... is still very reliable.

At the critical moment, there was no loss at all.

And it seems that when Wei'er regained her memory, she was able to draw power from the black flame ring.

He quickly replied:

Don't act rashly and keep in touch at all times. Weier has the space beacon I obtained on [Dimensional Star]. When necessary, I can come to you immediately through the dimensional gate.

With Lin Tianyi's cautious character, how could he not leave a backup by Wei'er's side.

The space beacon and the dimensional gate are exactly the same for two people. This backhand is very useful and can save lives at critical moments.

However, there are prerequisites for using it, and Wei'er's memory must be restored.

After taking a look in his backpack, Lin Tianyi's nervous mood completely relaxed.

Also, [Ash Stone Totem], an exclusive mission prop, is the most popular, common but extremely rare supernatural mission prop in the forum. Lin Tianyi made a detailed mission guide before using it.

The [A Chinese Ghost Story] series of missions are not among the top difficulty dungeon missions. Trial dungeons before level 15 should not have any pressure on Lin Tianyi.

But he didn't expect that the difficulty of the trial would actually increase, allowing him and Gu Xiaochao to get the most difficult type of 'Full Role Playing'.

Fortunately... Lin Tianyi was well prepared, and he also had the strongest trump card given by the golden boss.

As for the favor debt mentioned by Huang Jinshining, Lin Tianyi never considered it from the beginning to the end. Compared with his own life, favors are nothing. If his life is gone, should he keep his treasure and put it in a coffin to be buried with him?

He does not have the noble sentiments of the ancients. He saves good things for future generations to explore and make a fortune.

Just when Lin Tianyi completely regained his composure, he began to plan the next thing.

At this time, Pudu Cihang had quickly arrived at Lin Tianyi's location with a large number of monks and believers transformed into demons.

Yan Chixia felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy, holding her sword and looking at Pudu Cihang with extreme vigilance.

With his back to Pudu Cihang, Lin Tianyi supported Yan Chixia and said in the other person's ear in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

Fellow Daoist Yan, next, I am going to use a plan to drive away the tiger and devour the wolf. If you have any questions, please look at my eyes.

I heard Ning Caichen say that we have a close friendship. If we work together to kill Pudu Cihang here, it will be too late to save people! Moreover, we have just killed Grandma, and we have another vicious fight with this monster. At that time, our vitality has been greatly damaged, and we only rely on our strength. If we go down to Yincao and forcefully break into the city of vain death, we will be dead and without life.

Yan Chixia originally planned to kill Pudu Cihang with Lin Tianyi and then break into the City of Wasted Death.

But after listening to the other party's detailed explanation, I immediately felt that what the other party said was true.

With the previous killing of Grandma Shu as a foreshadowing, Yan Chixia felt that the Taoist priest of the Kunlun Sect had unpredictable methods and was indeed meticulous in his actions, so she let him take charge of the situation.

The old centipede walked down from the Buddhist chariot in a coy manner, looked at Lin Tianyi, and asked with concern:

Buddhism and Taoism are one family, but what difficulties do fellow Taoists encounter?

It's not that he doesn't want to take action.

But I saw that the difficult and troublesome Yan Chixia was also here.

If force is used, although the two of them may not be the opponents of this dragon blessed by national luck, it can be said that escaping is easy. The fat in the mouth is an opportunity given by God.

If this was the case and he was still run away, it would be Pudu Cihang's own dereliction of duty.

So, the top priority, the most important.

That is to stabilize the situation and then make plans.

Lin Tianyi turned his head, showing a sad and angry look. He gritted his teeth and turned around and said:

Master Imperial Master, this old monster from Montenegro is so deceitful that he doesn't take this poor person seriously.

If I'm not mistaken, the National Preceptor has already taken over 70% of the national destiny in this world, and will he transform into a real dragon soon?

Hearing Lin Tianyi state his current state so accurately, Pudu Cihang's expression gradually darkened, as if he might break out into rebellion at any time.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tianyi actually waved his hand to signal Pudu Cihang not to get excited. He even turned his hand and took out a small bottle of blood in a glass porcelain bottle out of thin air.

As soon as the blood came out, Pudu Cihang's eyes suddenly widened, and he felt the blood power surge all over his body, and the stolen national destiny boiled around him.

Dragon blood!

Genuine dragon blood!

He definitely feels good.

How did the other party change?

The secret of space?

This is hard to do.

Pudu Cihang's expression showed every detail in Lin Tianyi's eyes.

He clearly knew that the other party had taken the bait.

Lin Tianyi smiled and said lightly:

To be honest, I came down from the mountain this time just to find the Imperial Master to enjoy the wealth and wealth in this world. This dragon's blood was originally a generous gift.

Pudu Cihang's face turned green. How could he continue to pretend to be an eminent monk? He said impatiently:

In this case, fellow Taoist, why don't you hurry up and give this to me?

I promise to let you enjoy all the prosperity in this world, even if we control the country together, it's not a bad idea.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tianyi shook his head and turned his hand again. The blood-colored porcelain bottle disappeared out of thin air, and the surroundings were filled with only a faint dragon aura. This aura cannot be faked!

Just ruling the human world? It's not enough.


Is this young Taoist too arrogant?

He had been running this world for decades before he finally opened up the situation.

In the early stage, in order to devour some important officials in the DPRK who were responsible for the national destiny, he almost fell into the hands of some Taoist masters who were supported and enshrined in the other party's mansion.

The other party is actually more ambitious than him? !

Then... what does fellow Taoist mean, is it possible for you to become the emperor?

Lin Tianyi looked at Pudu Cihang, who looked quite unkind, and said with a smile:

Of course not! In this world, there are no gods. Even the temple can be occupied by a tree demon and become a man-eating demon cave. What I want is not only this world, but also the underworld.

When you, fellow Taoist, become an immortal and become a Buddha and take charge of heaven, can you still do everything yourself? This fellow Taoist Yan and I can help you share the burden. Just now the old demon from Black Mountain appeared, and I found that he actually carried the Underworld Stele on his body. He will be completely refined soon, and by then, he will be the king of the underworld and will become our biggest obstacle to controlling this world.

Ten thousand words! But add more! The book friends are so awesome. The author wrote it willingly. The book was only the second recommendation, but it was directly ranked among the top ten bestsellers in the category. It’s amazing! strong enough! That’s awesome! !

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