Sequential Evolution

Chapter 272 Crossing the Yang Qi (the third update will be sent to you for full order)

Lin Tian suddenly turned his head when he heard this.

Lin Weier, are you injured?

As for corpse poison, there seems to be no antidote for the function of corpse poison in the talismans given by Xuantian's disciples!

The officers and soldiers were distracted when they saw the peerless murderer appearing out of nowhere, and immediately started to move again.

An officer and soldier shouted suddenly:

Go together……

As soon as he finished speaking, a more domineering blood-red sword came instantly, splitting him in half from head to toe.

Lin Tianyi's eyes suddenly lit up with a dark golden color, and his eyes were cold and unhuman.

[Evil Star Shines] Shock activates!

His eyes scanned the entire audience. The air waves that appeared out of thin air made these ordinary people lose their resistance in an instant. Some people dropped the sword in their hands with a snap, their voices trembled, and they shouted in fear:

It's a demon, run away.

Fear can be contagious. If one person runs away, all the other officers and soldiers will lose their fighting spirit. More and more people will throw away their knives and run away. In an instant, it will spread like a plague. All of them will abandon their armor and run away in embarrassment.

Lin Tianyi walked quickly to Fu Yuechi and saw that Lin Weier's body was filled with black energy, her lips had begun to turn blue, and black bloodshot eyes appeared around her eyes. It seemed that it would not take long for her to completely transform into a living corpse. .

Mr. Fu, the Minister of Rites, saw Lin Tianyi who was wearing a yellow robe with talismans all over his body and said hurriedly:

Please, Taoist Master, save my little daughter.

Lin Tianyi hurriedly took out the Bagua mirror given to him by Xuantian's disciple and put it on the wound on Lin Weier's back, and black energy suddenly overflowed.


But before the tension on Lin Tianyi and Gu Xiaochao's faces could ease, an expression of extreme pain suddenly appeared on Fu Yuechi's face.

She opened her mouth, revealing the fangs growing out of her mouth, and she was about to completely transform into a corpse before her eyes!

If this continues, once the corpse transformation is truly completed and Lin Tian takes Wei'er out of the mission again and again, she will appear as a living corpse and will be afraid of the sun from then on.

This is not uncommon in evolution forums.

There are many cases where various situations arise in missions. Lin Tianyi has been guarding against this since he had Wei'er, so when participating in missions, he usually chooses not to take her with him as much as possible.

Now it seems that there is only one way, either find Taoist Master Yan Chixia immediately, he will definitely have a way to remove the corpse poison.

Or... force the use of the black flame ring and recruit Wei'er into the ring space. The latter's unique divinity will enter the body. Not only can the state be restored immediately, but the mental memory will also return.

I just don’t know if going back to this state will intensify the erosion of Weier’s humanity by divinity.

While hesitating, Yan Chixia's voice suddenly came from the distance.

Friend Zhiqiu, help me!!!

Lin Tian was overjoyed and suddenly looked toward the horizon. In the direction of Lanruo Temple, he saw a Taoist priest staggering, stepping on the Xuanyuan Sword Box, and flying rapidly in the direction where they were.

The sword broke through the air.

The person coming from the sky is Yan Chixia.

Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

Lin Tianyi did not dare to delay, and activated the magic dimensional shoes directly. In an instant, Lin Tianyi appeared on Yan Chixia's flying sword, and in the next second, he directly pulled the opponent and appeared on the ground.

Yan Chixia was shocked and speechless by the methods displayed by the young Taoist priest in front of her.

The latter spoke first and said:

Taoist Priest, please help me save Yuechi. She has been poisoned by corpse poison and will transform into a corpse!

Following Lin Tianyi's gaze, Yan Chixia discovered that there was a girl lying on the ground in front of him. Her fangs were now exposed, and the evil and resentment in her body could hardly be suppressed.

Her expression became more and more ferocious, and the cold air escaping from her face was many times stronger than that of Shen Wanyu when Lin Tianyi first saw her. At this time, her mouth began to laugh like a ghost, and she saw the devil. The transformation speed is astonishingly fast, and he may turn into a corpse demon at any time.

Seeing this, Yan Chixia extended her left thumb, clasped her index finger, and pointed the middle finger of her right hand on her palm. She quickly pressed the thumbs of both hands together, and the handprints changed rapidly. He bit his middle finger and quickly wiped Fu Yuechi's eyebrows with the blood from his middle finger.

The righteous law of heaven and earth, Prajnaparamita!

Following this loud shout, Yan Chixia directly grabbed Lin Weier, took out a golden needle from her waist, and stabbed Fu Yuechi directly in the back of the neck.

A miserable scream came from her mouth. Yan Chixia held the seal of the Heavenly Official, held a talisman, pressed it on Fu Yuechi's back, and looked at everyone at the same time and said:

Who can help her transfer Yang Qi? Maybe she still has a chance of survival.

Fu Tianqiu took a sudden step and said:

I'm here, this is my daughter.

Yan Chixia looked at Fu Tianchou and said:

Old man, you are old and frail, and your yang energy is insufficient. If this breath continues, your wife may not survive, but your life may not be saved.

Lin Tianyi said directly:

Let me do it.

His words were unquestionable. At this moment, Fu Yuechi's mouth was filled with demonic aura, and corpse aura was flowing all over his body. Even if he got close, he felt extremely cold.

But Lin Tianyi didn't hesitate and kissed him directly.

As the two people kissed each other, Lin Tianyi's whole body began to freeze instantly. The two people hugged each other, and a steady stream of Yang Qi continued to flow from Lin Tianyi's mouth to Lin Weier's mouth. With the blessing of Qi, Yan Chixia's hand skills kept changing, and each talisman was attached to the wound on Fu Yuechi's back.

Finally, the black air in her mouth began to dissipate quickly, and her eyes gradually opened, looking at the man kissing her.

The man's face was now covered with frost. Although it was eroded by the Yin Qi and it was somewhat difficult to see his appearance clearly, Fu Yuechi felt that she had seen those dark golden eyes full of concern somewhere before...

Finally, she recognized those special eyes.

Memories began to recover, and several vague figures gradually overlapped.

It's Viscount Ryder Ryan, it's Lin Tianyi... it's Zhiqiu Yiye in front of him.

Everything seemed to have passed for so long.

After recovering his memory, his eyes met, and his mind was connected. Lin Tianyi knew that the other person was no longer Fu Yuechi who had lost his memory, but Lin Weier.

Yan Chixia, who had removed the corpse poison, was still quickly rescuing her. A large amount of black blood emerged from the wound on Fu Yuechi's back.

At this moment, bursts of Sanskrit sounds, bright Buddha light, and faint sounds of gongs and drums suddenly came from the horizon, as if a living Bodhisattva was walking on earth, with great pomp and speed.

Yan Chixia's expression changed, and then she remembered why he wanted to run away.

He originally wanted to go to Beijing alone to see if Pudu Cihang, the country-protecting staff, was really the incarnation of a great demon as the young Taoist and Ning Caichen said.

Unexpectedly, I saw a group of canopies on the official road outside Guobei County.

There are bands singing Sanskrit, virgins scattering flowers, canopies and ceremonial guards, and monks carrying chariots.

In the dark night, above the official road, there are bursts of Buddha's light, but everyone's feet are in the void and do not touch the ground!

Yan Chixia was extremely cautious and did not step forward directly, but listened carefully.

After just listening for a while, I immediately realized something was wrong! Although those Buddhist chants were Buddhist sounds, they carried a faint evil aura. Yan Chixia immediately believed them for the ninth time and directly activated her heavenly eyes to spy on the precious elephant monk Buddha who was sitting like a golden body in the canopy-covered Buddha chariot.

Unexpectedly, Pudu Cihang actually took action directly, clasped his palms together, and the Buddha's light around him instantly bloomed. Wherever the Buddha's light shrouded, the large trees turned into fly ash.

How can there be such a Buddha's light? The other party is clearly a great demon, and his Taoism... is even higher than that of the thousand-year-old tree demon grandma. Otherwise, it would be impossible to disrespect the Buddha and steal the fortune of the country to bless himself...

Fellow Taoist, that demon monk is really powerful. The Buddha's light can melt everything.

As soon as Lin Tian heard the words, he stood up. His body trembled, the power of Qi and blood exploded, and the frost all over his body immediately disappeared without a trace.

He took out a pack of Dragon Blood Soul Nourishing Powder and a Dragon Blood Soul-Reinforcing Pill in his hand, and fed them to Lin Weier himself.

He looked at Yan Chixia, saluted and said:

Excuse me, Taoist Priest, please help me continue to treat Miss Fu Er's injuries. I'll go meet the demon monk first.

Good morning, on the 39th day of the 10,000-word explosion, please give me all the votes. The second recommendation for opening a book is to pursue results! I report back with endless updates! Simple, crude and direct! !

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