Sequential Evolution

Chapter 268 The powerful servant

Grandma, the thousand-year-old tree demon, was stunned when she saw Lin Tianyi summoning a giant ghost and calling her mother.

She said quickly:

Fellow Taoist, why do you have to associate with the human race? You and I join hands to kill these stinky Taoist priests. The whole world belongs to you and me.

However, how could the ghost mother listen to the tree demon?

Lin Tianyi called her mother, which made her extremely excited.

She cares most about her children. Lin Tianyi directly sacrificed countless ancient mantong to it last time. This time, he summoned and provided her with a large amount of Yin Qi.

Such a child, filial and cute, still keeps company with you? And kill them together?


The wild black hair spread quickly and danced wildly.

A large number of Gumantong jumped out of their arms.

The terrifying suction force exploded around the ghost mother's body, and the endless yin energy rushed into her body like dust sucked by a vacuum cleaner, as if to fill the gap in the ghost mother's position.

To plunder, to absorb, to possess.

The thousand-year-old tree demon was stunned and turned from shock to rage.

This huge evil ghost summoned by the Taoist priest absorbs Yin energy, but instead of increasing its strength, it consumes the ghost power in the body and absorbs it with all its strength!

She absorbs ghost energy and yin energy in order to fill her own vacancies, just like a floor drain absorbs water, and the water comes naturally.

The opponent, on the other hand, sucked it in purely for the purpose of plundering, and the Yin Qi consumed was almost the same as what was absorbed in the past, and there was no moral virtue at all.

The two big demons were like two whirlpools, and the Yin Qi surrounding them rushed towards one ghost and the other demon crazily. However, the absorption speed of the ghost mother was dozens of times that of grandma, and the other party's Yin Qi was sucked away by the ghost mother. , the recovery speed is a hundred times slower.

However, she had to fight for it. If the Yin Qi was consumed by the other party, she would be doomed today.

At this time, there was no one to control the Gumantong running around all over the ground.

Lin Tianyi thought, and a servant, the lv9 Gumantong female star, suddenly appeared next to him.

As soon as the female star wearing the Malicious Ghost's Human Skin Dress appeared, the surrounding Gumantong immediately sensed something and froze in place.

Lin Tianyi pointed to the thousand-year-old tree demon fighting with the ghost mother in the distance, commanded the servants and said:

Go, kill her.

Lin Tianyi's various personal skills are restricted, but Gumantong Female Star at Level 9 is not restricted.

After receiving orders from Lin Tianyi, the charming maid star wearing a bright red evening dress and high heels took action!

The high heels stepped on the soft soil soaked by the rain, and the whole person was like a phantom, ejected into the air like a cannonball.

Under the misty moonlight, she looks like a charming ghost girl, twisting like a demon with yin and yang reversed in a nightmare!

[Malicious Ghost's Human Skin Dress] increases mental power, perception, and charm!

The lv9 female star, the raised Mahakala Buddha Mother, indeed has the biggest backlash and her own strongest killing move.

However, as a lv9 female star with an S+ personal rating, she usually does not rely on evil gods like the Buddha Mother at all. Mahakala Buddha Mother is her ultimate killer move to challenge the next level.

Unexpectedly, the lv9 female star met Wu Guangjin, who had the title of [Miracle] and the inherent status of [God Killer].

Today, as a servant, she was finally able to show her true strength, which she personally rated as S+, in front of her master Wu Guangjin!

On a moonlit night, the eyes of Gu Xiaochao and Yan Chixia were invariably attracted to the figure in evening dress.

Although the other party's facial features are pure black, it does not affect the graceful and graceful figure that is moving at all.

Her eyebrows are long and straight, her eyes are as bright as stars, her well-tailored evening gown with high slits shows her perfectly proportioned figure, her appearance is delicate and clean, and her temperament is pure and a little wild.

Her slender arms were raised above her head, and a slender leg stretched out from the slit skirt.

The unique dance postures and rhythmic rhythm are actually more attractive than the female ghosts Xiaoqian and Xiaozhuo trained by the thousand-year-old tree demon grandma!

The thousand-year-old tree demon grandma gritted her teeth and looked at the inhuman thing summoned by Lin Tianyi, and shouted angrily with disdain:

Do whatever you want!!

However... almost as soon as she finished speaking, her ghost energy absorption speed actually slowed down a lot!

Not only that, except for Lin Tianyi, everyone on the scene, including Gu Xiaochao and Yan Chixia, felt that the rhythm of their heartbeats was beginning to be wrong.

As an evolver, Gu Xiaochao has the status of Jiuding and has received professional science training on the type of evolver.

He immediately knew that the dance performed by Lin Tianyi's apostle in the moonlit night was not pure spiritual charm.

Instead, it is a rare and extraordinary skill that combines illusion and spiritual charm - war dance!

War dance is derived from dances that pray for the gods to respond, such as the shaman's dance to the gods, the wandering god dance in Guangdong and Guangxi, and the sacrificial dance in Africa.

It is similar to using specific actions to communicate with gods and send down power.

In essence, it is equivalent to the forbidden curse prayer chanted by magicians, warlocks, and priests.

Once the war dance is successfully performed, magical spells will be unleashed, with powerful attacks and huge range!

War dance is more difficult than singing, requiring every movement to communicate with natural elements, similar to the sound of a cicada vibrating its wings.

Of course, the forward swing of this technique takes too long and the movements are too obvious, so it can easily be noticed and interrupted.

But the advantage is that most war dances can be interrupted at any time, without magic backlash. Compared with the forbidden spell that cannot be stopped once cast, the threshold is higher and relatively safe.

If the caster is also proficient in forbidden spell chanting, cooperates with the war dance, and activates the same type, or even the same spell, the superposition of power will far exceed 1+1, and the power will increase exponentially!

Gu Xiaochao's heart was beating fast and slow at this time. He concentrated his attention and forced himself to look at the servant and female star who was dancing in the moonlit night sky.

Sure enough, under her pure black face, her mouth was reciting something quickly and imperceptibly.

But it's actually silent!

Because she specially purchased and used the unpopular scrolls and vocal cord modification coupons from the Evolution Palace Trading House, which can emit infrasonic audio similar to elephant communication!

The frequency of these audios is below 20Hz, which is also beyond the human hearing range and cannot be heard by humans.

What an insidious mage.

If someone only pays attention to her movements and dance postures and ignores the chanting from her mouth, then it is very likely that they only interrupt the opponent's war dance and ignore the forbidden curse chanted with infrasound waves!

And if the war dance and the forbidden spell are activated at the same time, the opponent can choose, either one plus one to superimpose the power; or the two skills are activated at the same time, catching the opponent off guard!

Grandma, a thousand-year-old tree demon, has so much experience in fighting.

Infrasound waves are inaudible to humans. As a thousand-year-old tree demon, she is able to be more keen and intuitive and feel the danger of the dancing girl in mid-air!

Bitch! You die first!!!

She waved the vines suddenly, and a large number of tree vines jumped out from the ground in all directions. Like sharp swords, they rose infinitely and were drawn into the air...

The fourth update is here.

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