Sequential Evolution

Chapter 265 Burning Lanruo Temple

Resentment surged into the sky, and ghosts roared angrily.

Lin Tian's ears twitched slightly, and he quickly turned his head to look around.

Black air filled the sky, covering the sky and the earth.

The trees were swaying under the strong wind, and sand and rocks were flying on the official road.

As far as the eyes of Double Eyes and Vientiane Dark Gold could be seen, shadows of all sizes almost surrounded the two of them, and the number reached a shocking level.

Compared with the dense and dark ghosts in High School Ghost Stories, the number of ghosts here is many times greater?

Lin Tianyi can be regarded as someone who has experienced big scenes. He has seen hundreds of living corpses in the Holy Innocent Cemetery, but in front of the Lanruo Temple, he only has one feeling.

Hell is empty, evil spirits are in the world!

What an injustice!! I am so wronged.

Damn it, this is an unfair world. We have had a good harvest, so why am I still starving to death after working for a year...

Son, my son.

You official, please give my daughter her life back...

The noisy sound, more noisy than the market, drowned out the roar of the wind and merged with the rustling of the trees.

So many unjust souls died in vain, so much resentment gathered.

With the accumulation of flesh and blood and the corpse energy, it is no wonder that a terrifying monster like the thousand-year-old tree spirit 'Grandma' can be nourished. No wonder even Yan Chixia, who masters the Xuanyuan Sword, cannot completely kill Grandma. She can only seal it, not kill it.

Gu Xiaochao held the ring-shaped red jade and recited the Dharma in his mouth crazily. The thick yin energy gathered around him was endlessly sucked into the jade pendant. It was obvious that all the yin and resentment was absorbed, but the light of the ruby ​​​​was getting stronger and stronger. It even emits a soft warmth, dispelling the cold.

The jade pendant obviously has a certain effect of warding off evil spirits. More and more noisy ghosts of revenge gathered from all directions, but they never dared to rush towards the two of them.

Lin Tianyi was quite surprised and asked:

This ruby ​​can produce a light shield to protect us?


But it can absorb resentment, yin energy, and malice. As long as the ruby ​​​​is not fully loaded, these ghosts will not be able to generate enough malice to deal with us. Evolution Palace, friend chat box.


Lin Tianyun suddenly realized that Gu Xiaochao had used this trick to reverse Shen Wanyu's female ghost in red.

He is good at making use of things around him. He said to Gu Xiaochao:

Hold on! I have to make some preparations.

As Lin Tianyi spoke, his body swayed, and five clones suddenly appeared.

What are you doing?

The great man once said that you should never fight an unprepared battle. In every battle, you should strive to be prepared and strive to be sure of victory based on the comparison between the enemy's and our own conditions.

He smiled and still stood where he was, but his body began to work quickly.

However, as Gu Xiaochao chanted the spell faster and faster, more and more Yin Qi was absorbed, and the restless ghosts around him gradually couldn't suppress their violent emotions.

Gu Xiaochao's face gradually turned pale, and large beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He contacted Lin Tianyi through the friend bar in the Evolution Palace and said:

It's strange that I have absorbed so much resentment and yin energy. Logically speaking, some souls without resentment should have the effect of being transcended and reincarnated into the underworld.

Why are these evil spirits acting more and more painfully, and their expressions becoming more and more ferocious?

Lin Tianyi was ready, and he had already put on the robe of Xuantian Daomen. This robe was covered with talismans by Xuantian's disciples. When the wind blew, a large number of thunder talismans on the yellow robe made a sound.

He held the Thunder Tribulation Peach Wood Sword in one hand and a large number of thunder talismans in the other hand, and said to the surroundings:

In this trial world, there are not even gods, and there is probably no underworld.

I have seen A Chinese Ghost Story. The grandmother in it uses her roots to control the corpses and ashes of the innocent souls here, so that they cannot be reincarnated and cannot leave Lanruo Temple.

It's very possible that they have turned into a part of grandma.

Lin Tianyi was right.

If he has watched A Chinese Ghost Story 3, he will know that in this Pewter Stone mission, the entire underworld is occupied by the old demon of Black Mountain.

Give me the Yin Qi! Give me the Yin Qi!!

Slowed down, Ruby's absorption of Yin energy slowed down.

Gu Xiaochao's face turned as white as gold, and he hurriedly shouted:

Brother Tian, ​​do it! If you hold on for a little longer, I won't be able to hold on anymore!!

Once they stop absorbing resentment, the evil ghosts here will no longer be able to be appeased.

When the time comes, the ghosts will dance wildly, and no matter how strong Lin Tianyi is, he will not be able to kill all these endless evil ghosts!

Without hesitation, Lin Tianyi took out the second yellow robe from his backpack and put it directly on Gu Xiaochao, who teleported out of place instantly.

Leaving Hong Yu's envelope, a large number of wronged souls immediately rushed towards Lin Tianyi!

Living person, essence!

He's mine, let me suck him!

Endless layers of ghosts, entangled with tree roots, rushed toward Lin Tianyi. Lin Tianyi quickly dodged and splashed a large amount of fire oil.

Every time he teleports, with his huge strength and the blessing of [Poseidon's Familiar], the fire oil can be thrown far away like silk.

Like a top, Lin Tianyi holds the Thunder Tribulation Peach Wood Sword in his left hand and the vat in his right hand. Every time he spins, the robe on his body will bring up strong winds. The Thunder Tribulation Peach Wood Sword in his hand will hurt ghosts that try to get close. .

As the sky darkened, a large number of evil ghosts gradually transformed into entities. They crowded together, pushed each other, and rushed towards the location where Lin Tianyi appeared every time.

Lin Tianyi's flashing frequency is getting higher and higher, strictly according to the area, continuous and even splashing, and the speed is very fast. Every time it appears, he can use the viscous state of the kerosene itself, like a fisherman who skillfully throws a fishing net, and instantly covers the whole place. Large area.

Hundreds of large tanks of kerosene were spread evenly throughout the mass grave at an efficiency of almost sixty tanks per minute, and the trees were watered together!

Yan Chixia couldn't burn the thousand-year-old tree grandma because he wanted to release flames to burn the tree's body. The other party would immediately activate the water method and control the heavy rain to extinguish the flames.

But kerosene is different. Kerosene is not afraid of rainwater and can float on the water and burn.

Hundreds of large tanks of kerosene were poured down, and the innocent souls entangled by a large number of tree roots were brought underground. What Lin Tian wanted was to burn them to the roots!

The innocent soul who died in vain is dead.

If you can't be saved and can't enter reincarnation, then... in order to prevent more people from being killed by the evil spirits here, kill the great demon tree grandma. There is nothing in this forest and this mass grave that cannot be destroyed!

Xiaochao! Light the fire!!

Following Lin Tianyi's violent shout, Gu Xiaochao's palm instantly lit up with a fiery red light.

He put away the ring-shaped jade pendant, quickly swung out his fists, and several fireballs instantly exploded on the graves of the mass graves.

At the same time, Lin Tianyi grabbed the thunder talisman in his hand and used his mental power to activate it crazily, scattering dozens of them.

boom! ! ! !

The dense thunder method exploded instantly, and the powerful electric sparks hit the corpse covered in fire oil. The rotten corpse, which had fermented bone phosphorus and corpse oil, immediately ignited flames.

Fire oil, sesame oil, sticky raw lacquer!

The first two were okay, but their adhesion was not very strong. The dozens of jars of raw paint obtained from the Ma family were the most deadly.

They are like thick boiled maltose syrup, which cannot be washed away by water if poured on the trees.

A large amount of flames, almost like a chain reaction, instantly ignited the entire ghostly black forest.

The first update is here. Good morning. I would like some tickets.

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