Sequential Evolution

Chapter 260 Super Master Lin Tianyi

Lin Tianyi is the biological son of the Evolution Palace, right?

Summoning a random mirror actually spoiled the entire trial plot?

This guy upgraded so quickly. Could it be that he contracted the entire Evolution Palace?

He couldn't help but ask a question:

Our main mission says that all the important officials in the imperial court have been replaced by great demons by the protector of the country, Pudu Cihang. Lin Tianyi...oh no! Do you know that Qiu Yiye will really die here?

Magic Mirror seemed to be interested in helping Lin Tianyi. He turned around and started to answer Gu Xiaochao's question again. He said:

You may have to die too. The difficulty of the mission has increased. A group of demons have been born. Your dead ghost lover Nie Xiaoqian's tree grandmother is trapped in Lanruo Temple by Yan Chixia, the most powerful Taoist priest in the world. The old demon from Montenegro is in charge of the Underworld Division tonight. Will kill Yan Chixia...

Although the old Black Mountain demon is powerful, the trouble is Grandma Shu. He tied Yan Chixia with vines and she couldn't escape...

Before He finished speaking, dark clouds gathered in the sky and thunder rolled.

The magic mirror actually trembled with fright and cursed:

It's really troublesome, leaking secrets... It's always the great Lord Arrods who attacks others...

boom! ! ! !

The terrifying thunder suddenly lit up.

Lightning as thick as a bucket instantly struck the puddle, the evil storybook closed instantly, and a huge sense of crisis surged into his heart. Lin Tian grabbed Gu Xiaochao, activated his magic dimensional shoes, and disappeared instantly...

The muffled thunder in the sky continued, and Lin Tianyi grabbed Gu Xiaochao, who was carrying a book basket, and flashed continuously.

In the wilderness, heavy rain began to fall quickly.

Just now, the surrounding environment was clearly clear and clear at noon.

As a result, now, the weather changes unexpectedly. The weather is covered with dark clouds and extremely gloomy, as if it changes from noon to night out of thin air.

Above the official road, the sparse trees on both sides were swayed left and right by the strong wind. The crops beside the wheat fields were withered. Many corpses in tattered clothes died of starvation and disease. No one was able to restrain them. Some were even covered with straw mats, and some were covered with straw mats. They were just piled in the ditch, soaked and washed away by the accumulated rain.

Gu Xiaochao pinched his nose. The two of them emerged from a forest. They didn't expect that when they finally reached the official road, the sight they saw was so unbearable.

Raindrops hit some of the stinking corpses, and a large number of flies suddenly flew up, which looked unbearable to watch.

After the two people left the place of descent, Lin Tianyi asked:

Don't you have any other abilities available?

Gu Xiaochao checked the skills, stretched out a finger, and the flames lit up:

My fantasy gene is not affected, and other evolutionary palace skills cannot be used.

Lin Tian nodded. After all, Gu Xiaochao was also the exclusive mission helper he chose. There was no way he could not help with anything. Just being a blank slate in the world of monsters would be a waste of time.

That's enough. With your title skill [King Power and Wealth] and the flame king gene of the fantasy species, we may not be able to compete.

The two of them didn't have raincoats, and Lin Tianyi couldn't take out the umbrella or battery car in his storage ring.

Brother Tian, ​​what should we do now?

Let's find someone to ask for directions first. Let's first find out the specific locations of Lanruo Temple, Zhengqi Villa and Shiliting.

Lin Tianyi wiped the rain off his face and covered his eyes with his hands.

On the other hand, Gu Xiaochao, who was dressed in white and wearing a scholar's hat, with a sunshade extending from a book basket above his head that blocked most of the rain, did not look as embarrassed as Lin Tianyi.

The two people chose a direction and ran quickly along the official road.

At this moment, a team of fast horses came forward. Look at their attire, they were dressed in green forest clothes, with bamboo hats and no raincoats.

The leading man wore a light leather armor, black trousers, a thick red rope belt, a saber hanging on his waist, and a spear on his back. There were a few riders behind him who were carrying spears, all dressed in civilian clothes, with blue cloth on their heads. The hair is tied up in a bun, and the hat is fixed in the bun. The chest is bulging. Behind a man and a horse, there is a woman tied up.

It's just that the woman looked dead at first glance. She was lying on the horse with no clothes on her body. Her cloth robe was tied randomly with a rope. She had no shoes or pants, which showed that she had been abused.

Lin Tianyi and Gu Xiaochao stopped where they were. Neither of them spoke, letting the heavy raindrops hit them.

The sound of rumbling horse hooves came from far and near. The leader of the horse bandit looked at the armor Lin Tianyi was wearing and the blood-whispering sword in his hand. His eyes lit up and he burst into laughter.

The equipment on these horse thieves is not very sophisticated. The light armor provided by Zhi Qiu Yiye in the Evolution Palace is quite attractive to the horse bandit leader. He has already made up his mind to kill Lin Tianyi. As for the scholar...

The tender skin and tender meat of the other party can be chopped into pieces and put into the pot with the woman, and they can be sold for several days.

Neither party said a word, but the leader of the horse thief had already pulled out a long spear from behind, and all the minions behind him followed suit and pulled out long knives.

Lin Tianyi and Gu Xiaochao both smiled when they saw this.

Gu Xiaochao didn't have much fighting ability now. In order not to burden Lin Tianyi, he turned around and ran away with his book basket on his back.

Lin Tianyi stood on the spot and swung the blood-whispering sword, and all the raindrops hanging on the sword were immediately thrown away.

The leader of the horse thieves shouted loudly, and the spear in his hand whizzed through the rain curtain, directly piercing Lin Tianyi's head. The blow was fast and hard, and it was actually very accurate.

Lin Tian tilted his head, and his eyes lit up with dark gold.

The spear was within his sight, and its extremely fast speed through the air suddenly became like a stick thrown by a child, weak and slow.

He stretched out his hand to catch it, and the spear instantly froze in the air. Lin Tianyi grabbed the spear and rushed forward. His speed was more than doubled compared to when he and Gu Xiaochao were running forward together!

After the life jump, Lin Tianyi's numerical value did not increase, but his body's coordination ability was more than twice as high as that of evolutionaries of the same level!

Every bone, down to every cell, is perfect to the extreme. This makes his power burst stronger, his speed faster, his endurance better, and even his nutrient absorption rate is several times higher than that of ordinary extraordinary people!

Every time Lin Tianyi touched the ground, he moved horizontally a few meters like a Qinggong. Water splashes kept exploding behind him, but the man was already rushing towards him as fast as a ghost. The horse thieves were immediately frightened to death.


Definitely a top player.

The leading horse thief, the big man, pulled the reins, and the horse immediately raised its front hooves.

He shouted loudly:

Kick him to death!

This bearded man was quite scheming. When he saw Lin Tian suddenly approaching, he wanted to trample Lin Tianyi to death with the horse's heavy trampling.

But the next second, without any fancy moves, Lin Tianyi had already sidestepped, and the spear in his hand stabbed directly at an angle at an awkward angle, piercing the throat of the horse thief leader with just one blow.

It was too late for the other horse thieves to run away. They panicked and wanted to chop Lin Tianyi, but the opponent's body swayed, and six identical Taoist priests suddenly appeared on the surrounding official road.

Some jumped up high and kicked the horse thief in the chest, and some swept with their long swords, splitting the man and the horse in half.

The Taoist priest who shot through the leader of the horse thieves before was the most outrageous. The gun was propped on the ground and his whole body bounced up!

[Sparrow Fall] skill was activated brazenly, and the spear in his hand turned into a sweep. Suddenly, the remaining five horse thieves had no resistance at all. They were swept off their horses by the swept gun barrel like flies, fell to the ground, and rolled. Wail.

The living horses were frightened, snoring and pacing anxiously on the ground with their hooves.

Lin Tianyi had to restrain his strength, otherwise the sweep just now would be enough to kill these ordinary people.

He pulled off the hat worn by the leader of the horse thief, put it on his head, and stepped on the chest of a horse thief who had a bulging chest with a money bag. The large amount of copper coins suddenly hit him and made him howl miserably:

Ah!! Master, have mercy on me, sir, please have mercy on me!

Lin Tian bent down and pressed the blood-whistling sword against the opponent's neck, like a super villain, and asked with a smile:

This horse thief brother, Lanruo Temple... how to get there?

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