Sequential Evolution

A New Year’s letter to book friends

[Item name: 2024 Good Luck Stamp]

[Category: Powerful Blessing]

[Quality: God level]

[Description: Readers who leave a message below this chapter will receive a powerful good luck BUFF bonus for 365 days in the Earth year 2024. Duration: 334 days. Conditions of use: None. 】

[Note: A BUFF accidentally created by a non-famous writer accidentally conforms to a certain space rule. 】

[Remarks: Those who obtain this powerful BUFF will be in good health, have continuous good luck, and receive wealth from all directions that year. Career, love, family, lottery, and card tables all go well. Luck appears in the alternating flow of red, gold, and purple. 】

[Note: If you make a wish, there will be a response. Pay your wish as you wish, without any restrictions. 】

Haha, the above BUFF is not a joke, the mouth is very clever, it is really a blessing to the physique.

You can leave a message below the chapter, which can be your own wishes or some goals you want to achieve in the new year.

Then, in 2025, let’s see if it’s completed.

I post this mainly because this chapter can send good luck, dragon balls, and red envelopes to readers.

It’s a good thing for readers, so I wrote it right away.

According to the rules, I have to thank my readers and express my true feelings.

On December 1, 2023, this Sequential Evolution was uploaded.

Two months, 530,000 words, and as many as 40 days of updates. This is the battle of a skinned author who has been writing a book for fourteen years and returns to the starting point.

Without recruiting my operations team to join in, or asking platinum-level author brothers to help promote it, Papi just wanted to see if, with a pair of hands and a keyboard, Papi could continue on this path.

Some people say that the cost of silence for coding is too high.

Behind every update is more than ten hours of sitting, problems with the cervical spine, lumbar spine, fingers, and eyes. It’s all about suffering and endurance again and again.

During this period, readers who are pursuing full subscriptions should know that the skinny dad was deceived.

For the sake of his family, he drove back to his hometown overnight and recovered 150,000 yuan in fraudulent money.

Here I would like to thank every book friend who is active in my comment area, such as Lian Hensong, Moment of the Dark Star, Sour, Vegetable and Duoyu, and also such as Yuanfei, Da Zhenren who never comments, Women Will Only Affect Me The speed of reading, the next monthly pass will be given to you and so on book friends.

Oh, by the way, there is also my army of book friends 2020020, hahaha, the army of ordinary code-named book friends, occupying half of my territory. I swept through all the subscription lists, and they are all your shadow.

I have so many book friends that I can’t thank you enough, but this book has really moved and surprised me so much.

In one month, without recommendations, we put it on the shelves on January 1, 2024, from 3,800 collections to an average of 183, and it has been soaring all the way.

We have become regular customers in the top 50 of Zhutian Wuchang's sales list. Within a month, the average order has been raised to 800, the follow-up ratio is 12 to 1, and the average order ratio for high-end orders is 1 to 1.6.

This is the effort of all my book friends, and it is recognition of an old author who has returned to his starting point after two years.

When Bapi was writing this letter, our book had won two honors. One was the badge of 10,000 words of updates per day. Only 1,651 books on the entire site achieved this. We got it in the first month after it was put on the shelves. This is Bapi. To express my gratitude to all the book lovers for their support, I will go all out, regardless of any illness, rain or shine.

Only renew and repay your kindness.

Bapi would like to say thank you all here. Only by releasing more updates and paying more silent costs can we make everyone happy. Whether you are in school, at work, or at work, Bapi hopes that Sequential Evolution can bring happiness to everyone.

Finally, of course, I would also like to say a few auspicious words, so that book lovers who support peeling may have everything prosper and good luck in 2024!

May you fly like a dragon to the nine heavens, and may your career be successful and prosperous. The dragon scales are shining brightly, wishing you great wealth and prosperity. I wish you all what you hope for in the Year of the Dragon, and wish for the Year of Jackie Chan; your family will be healthy, your men will have a successful career, and you will get rich in the new year. Let us take off together, the motherland will be prosperous, and everything will be prosperous for our family!

Hey, finally I got Lin Weier and Lin Tianyi to call everyone and ask for automatic subscription. If you haven’t subscribed in full, please make up for it!

I have an ambition, that is, in 2024, our Sequential Evolution will also be a high-quality product! ! See if you can create a glorious period with one pair of hands and frequent updates!

(The number of words in this chapter is 1314. May we live together forever. If you never leave me, I will depend on each other for life and death!!)

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