Sequential Evolution

Chapter 244 Summoning the heretic demon

Chapter 244 Summoning the Heretic Demon

Hear the words of the psychological scalpel.

Jonathan walked over slowly, waved his hand, and his entire arm turned into a slender silver knife. He rolled his mechanical eyes and said with a smile:

Girl, are you too confident?

What country are you from? The three of us are all white, why should we be divided into camps?

Give you a chance. You, step aside and run away. The two of us will deal with this sick man of the east, and you will be automatically promoted. How about that?

As Jonathan spoke, he let the liquid metal knife his arm turned into rub the ruins on the ground, bringing out a large number of sparks and putting pressure on the psychological scalpel.

Hearing the other party's words, Lin Tianyi narrowed his eyes.

If that's the case, things are not going well for him.

However, as long as he dares to use the psychological scalpel to attack him, he will immediately reveal his trump card without hesitation.

In the hands of his accomplice Wei'er, there are extraordinary items that can come here at any time.

The fruit owner's gold shines, the [Dimensional Gate] issued by himself.

As long as he throws down the space beacon, Weier will cross over immediately.

At that time, even if they try to activate the uniqueness of the dual godheads, the three of them will definitely be left here.

Feeling the change in Lin Tianyi's aura, Ms. Psychological Scalpel, her orange hair roots suddenly felt numb.

A woman's sixth sense is very accurate.

She could clearly feel that if she made the slightest mistake, it would definitely not be Wu Guangjin who died.

But she is the weakest on the field!

Rather than believe you who are so shameless, I would rather choose him who saved my life.

Idiot girl, there is a proverb in their Chinese country, which is that people who are not of my race will have different hearts.

Are you going to betray your race? Jonathan stood on the moral high ground and accused her.

After dusting off her body, Ms. Psychological Scalpel sneered and said:

You kill me as a matter of course, and I betray my race by helping my savior.

The Lady of Liberty likes this, shouting about human rights while taking advantage of others, double standards.

As soon as she finished speaking, the six-winged demon DEEP suddenly took action in the sky.

In his hand, I don't know when, there was a spear, a bloody spear, a spear that exuded a strong bloody smell.

If so, then go to hell!

The spear was thrown suddenly, shooting directly into the chest of Psycho Scalpel.

However, from the perspective of Lin Tianyi and Jonathan.

The opponent's spear actually shot in the direction of Jonathan! !

The psychological scalpel, while speaking, corrected DEEP's subconscious mind that was eroded by the devil's genes and was not so sane in the first place!

Now, in the other person's perception, Jonathan is the lady.

The lady is Jonathan, and the identities of the two have been quietly interchanged!

What a powerful method.

Caught off guard, Jonathan, who was guarding everyone, suddenly retreated. The red bloody spear rubbed his body, penetrated directly through the ground, and disappeared!

At this time, Ms. Psychological Scalpel finally took out her own weapon.

It was an exaggerated chain saw. As the engine was pulled hard, the chain saw suddenly emitted a large amount of pungent-smelling smoke.

It doesn't smell like gasoline or diesel, it smells more like boiled durian.

Lin Tianyi originally thought that she was an evolver who was good at subconscious modification and mental manipulation.

Unexpectedly, this orange-haired girl was so powerful and as fast as an afterimage. I don’t know if it was because she had a lot of agility or she was wearing shoes that increased her speed.

Jonathan saw that the originally agreed two versus two suddenly turned into two versus one.

The oriental man behind him seemed to be performing some long-term forbidden technique. He suddenly became angry and angry, and kept howling like a beast from his mouth.

In the sky, the six-winged demon DEEP uttered whispers that were completely non-human. Each time the bloody spear in his hand was thrown, it disappeared from the ground, and immediately returned to his hand the next second and was thrown again.

And the demonic sounds whispered by the demons directly penetrated the space and were applied to his body. Even the liquid metal body that had cost a lot of money to modify was corroded and showed a lot of rust.

What's even more outrageous is the chainsaw in the hand of the orange-haired girl.

The scope of the attack is not clear at all.

Obviously from a very long distance, a single swing can cause horrific damage to his abdomen and thighs.

Thanks to the powerful recovery and healing ability of liquid metal, otherwise, even if he bleeds, he would still bleed to death.

Jonathan really didn't expect that the remaining girl who seemed to be the weakest at level 9 would be so difficult and troublesome.

The opponent's chain saw is too scary.

When the distance was extremely close, he waved. Jonathan originally thought that he could avoid it, but unexpectedly it did not cause any damage. However, at the same distance, he thought that he would definitely not be able to hit, and the opponent caused him serious injuries.

It's hard to figure out, impossible to predict, and it makes people crazy.

From a distance, he watched the battle the three of them were involved in.

In fact, Lin Tianyi can completely save the skills that [Xuan Wei] just acquired.

However, his purpose is not just to kill Jonathan.

That six-winged demon must die too!

Before performing [Fantasy Summoning].

Lin Tianyi directly flipped through the evil storybook and summoned the fear devil, Jack the Stupid.

Then, there is the mermaid girl.

The body is attached with [Small Hand] Su Nuo's palm, which enhances the recovery power of the curse.

A large number of defensive measures were put in place, and the five clones began to spread out quickly, focusing on attacking Jonathan.

The addition of Lin Tianyi instantly made Jonathan even more aggressive.

The body is riddled with holes, and its recovery speed is also slowing down.

At this time, Lin Tianyi had already taken out the [Six-Pathed Black Stick] and started imagining summoning beasts, heretic demons!

This skill not only helps him satisfy the deduction of the Samsara Eye, but also provides a perfect ending to the trial mission of Ten Jin San!

With the Fantasy Summoning spell activated.

The ground instantly lit up with sparkling light.

From a distance, Jonathan looked anxious and kept cursing DEEP for who knew why he was crazy.

At this time, Lin Tianyi felt a strong malice covering his whole body.

The sound of sacrifices kept ringing in his ears.

Sacrifice, flesh and blood.

Sacrifice, flesh and blood.

The soul was about to be sucked away. Lin Tianyi did not hesitate and used the Blood Roaring Sword to cut off his thigh.

One thigh is not enough!

Not even close to enough.

Lin Tianyi's expression changed, but he had long expected that summoning such a powerful summoning object would probably pay a high price.

Holding the Dragon's Blood Solid Original Pill in his mouth, he bit it into pieces. Lin Tianyi's clones all cut off their legs and sacrificed their flesh and blood.

The six thighs were already more than twice the weight of Lin Tianyi's own flesh and blood.

However, it still cannot meet the summoning conditions of the golem.

The entire trial space was shaking, and intense light shone rapidly.

The breath of the heretic demon statue just poked its head out, causing changes in the world. The other buildings that did not collapse all shook like an earthquake...

not enough! Still not enough!

Lin Tian's scalp felt numb. He stretched out his hand again, and the other clones followed suit.

Twelve thighs were sacrificed, and [Su Nuo's palms] were overwhelmed, possessing people everywhere, launching reversal spells, and recovering the injuries of Lin Tianyi himself and his clones...

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