Sequential Evolution

Chapter 238 [Ghost Mother] (Please order all of them! Order those that haven’t been ordered before)

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of all the evolvers involved in the battle.

Some evolvers smiled and hid in place.

Others are moving quickly in the direction of the battle, trying to find opportunities to sneak attack and kill.

Lin Tianyi also noticed the battle at this time. He did not hesitate and rushed directly towards the location where the pyramid fell.

What he has to do is very simple, sit back and watch, and then see if anyone intervenes in the battle. Once he finds that two people are teaming up, he will immediately attack the party with more people, and naturally form an alliance!

This is the best way to fight and it's easy to find companions.

The battle was quite mammoth, and the two Evolvers deserved to be promoted to the rank of S. Both in terms of power and coverage, they were extremely powerful.

Far away, Lin Tianyi saw huge octopus tentacles extending from various buildings, slapping crazily towards the ground, and terrifying smoke and fire shining crazily.

The shadow of the pyramid is impregnable. Even if the building is destroyed and the shadow trembles, it can still support it.


quite splendid.

Lin Tianyi still used his mental energy very sparingly.

The Cheshire Cat teleports quickly, and the magic dimensional shoes flicker and float.

It does not come into contact with various ground structures, appears and disappears frequently, and quickly approaches the battlefield like a ghost.

But before reaching the battlefield, Lin Tianyi suddenly felt a huge malice coming, and something was locking onto him.

It’s other hidden evolvers!

His body quickly became heavy. At this time, he was still several kilometers away from the battlefield where the pyramid and the huge curse summon appeared!

Lin Tianyi's speed suddenly slowed down and his feet landed firmly on the ground.

boom! !

He seemed to be pulled to the ground by gravity, and his straight spine was almost bent.


Lin Tian turned his head to the side and immediately saw two exquisite little boys and little girls lying on his shoulders, one on the left and one on the right.

They look like extremely beautiful dolls, with the boy wearing overalls and the girl wearing a floral dress.

However, under the gaze of Lin Tianyi's heavy pupils and all-seeing dark gold, the eye sockets of the two children had long since lost their eyeballs and turned into huge black holes.

It's a baby who died a tragic death.

The two children's mouths were full of black blood, and their bodies seemed to have been eaten by moths. There seemed to be small black holes inside, and something sticky and dark seemed to be crawling inside.

Lin Tianyi had just landed, and the children around him were like a tide, rushing towards him from all directions!

Without looking carefully, Lin Tianyi knew that this should be the masterpiece of the lv9 Gumantong female star from Southeast Asia.

He became an evolver and actually used evil methods to raise so many brats.

A female star... an old witch is almost the same!

Lin Tianyi didn't hesitate and immediately counterattacked!

The spirit body is playing ghost, right?

Then let you try Xuantian Dao Sect's orthodox thunder method.

Lin Tian held the remaining palm thunder talisman given to him by Xuantian's disciple in one hand and directly attached it to the Thunder Tribulation Peach Wood Sword.

This is a little trick that Xuantian's disciple taught him. He uses the Thunder Tribulation Peach Wood Sword and the secret of the thunder method of the talisman itself to achieve long-term and large-scale killing of ghosts.

In terms of power, it is definitely inferior to the palm thunder talisman used alone, but the advantage is that it has long-lasting power and is more resistant to use.

There is no way, Lin Tianyi uses the talisman, it is too wasteful.

If Xuantian's disciples don't teach him how to do it, they really can't bear the consumption of this prodigal son.

At this time, as soon as the Thunder Tribulation Peach Wood Sword came out, Lin Tianyi immediately cut his palm, and the forbidden magic ring on his right index finger instantly lit up with red light.

The big shadow of the word 'forbidden' quickly passed through the red light of the ring, increasing the power of Lin Tianyi's Thunder Tribulation Sword!


Lin Tianyi shouted loudly and waved the thunder sword in his hand.

A large amount of Xuantian's orthodox thunder and lightning surged rapidly with lightning strike patterns on the body of the Thunder Tribulation peach wood sword.

With a sudden swing, lightning and thunder exploded.

A large number of strange babies were struck by lightning, but they were not immediately destroyed.

He just turned over on his back, like a tortoise, with all four legs in the air, twitching in place.

On the shoulders, Gumantong, who was on Lin Tianyi's left and right, saw such a scene and bit Lin Tianyi's neck with his black mouth.

Once bitten, the consequences are needless to say, the bright red blood in the body will inevitably turn completely black, and the curse will spread.

Such cute ghost dolls.

Resistant to beating!

Lin Tian's dark golden eyes lit up.

He made no movement, and four shadow arms jumped out from his back in an instant, hitting the Gumantong boy and girl directly on the head.

It is also an evil object transformed by the power of the curse, and Lin Tianyi's shadow assassination technique is enough to knock the soul away.

With one punch, the two Gumantong were instantly knocked away.

I don’t know what kind of evil magic these babies were trained with. Xuantian Dao Sect’s thunder method can only injure them, and Lin Tianyi’s shadow arm can only knock them away but cannot kill them!

It's so tricky. If you are an ordinary evolver who is not good at killing souls, you may suffer a lot when facing so many Gumantongs who can switch back and forth between the physical body and the soul.

Lin Tianyi had a way to restrain these little ghosts. He only needed to summon clones and use six black sticks to pierce and fix them one by one. He would definitely be able to break the immortal bodies of these little ghosts with the energy-plundering properties of the black stick itself.

However, he suddenly had a better idea!

The pages of the evil storybook were turning rapidly, and the shadow arms had already pinched the little boy and the little girl who were rushing over again. From the mouths of the two Gumantong, a large amount of black smoke mixed with black blood quickly sprayed towards Lin Tianyi.

However, he only used the remaining shadow assassination skills to block one or two, and continued his actions.

As the pages of Ghost Mother freeze, a strong and whistling dark wind hits quickly.

Bloody words appeared.

Sacrifice, or enter the story?

The moment the flowing scarlet words appeared, Lin Tianyi immediately controlled the shadow arm and directly pushed the two captured Gumantong towards the evil storybook.

At the same time, Lin Tianyi yelled:


Gumantong, who was caught, didn't even realize what was going on.

They are children's ghosts that have been enshrined in shrines for thousands of years. They are powerful and almost immortal. They can be said to be immune to most attacks.

It can even walk under the sun in its soul body during the day. It can be called a humanoid ghost. It is a powerful killing move of the lv9 Gumantong female star.

However, the moment Lin Tianyi shouted for sacrifice.

The blood-colored words quickly transformed into a ferocious female ghost. Her huge mouth was irresistible and she directly pulled the two children while letting out crazy, joyful, joyful, and excited laughter.

Boy, I have a baby.

Hidden in the dilapidated building, wearing a gorgeous evening dress, the 'female star''s face changed drastically as she dripped blood from her hands and fingers into the jar. She instinctively and quickly drove the Gumantong back to the jar.

However, the evil that erupted from that ancient, mysterious, and evil storybook was more terrifying, powerful, and irresistible than the Mahakala Buddha Mother she worshiped.

The two exquisite-looking Gumantong ghost children were instantly swallowed up by the evil storybook. The remaining little ghosts got up in embarrassment and tried to escape back to the jar.

A huge vortex of sinister wind appeared above the evil storybook. A seven-meter-tall giant ghost with disheveled hair suddenly appeared. His cold and pale eyes looked directly at her location and roared loudly:

How dare you snatch the child from me...

How dare you snatch the child from me...

How dare you snatch the child from me...

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