Sequential Evolution

Chapter 236 Ten Jin San

In the next two weeks, Lin Tianyi was very relaxed.

Go to class during the day, go home and have dinner with Wei'er at night, and then go to the Hunter Guild with Gu Xiaochao to hone various firearms skills and mastery of cold weapons.

The only things worth mentioning are the transfer of ‘Wei Lele’ and the arrest of the ‘New White Lotus Sect’.

Through subconscious invasion, the Jiuding organization read Wei Lele's memory.

They were shocked to find that Wei Lele, who was at level 11, had gone through a total of 27 evolution trial missions, developed 74 evolvers, and became members of her organization.

This kind of success rate is really shocking.

The people here not only involve evolution members of several small organizations, but also an intelligence broker, three human traffickers with evolutionary identities, and an underground society boss who makes a living by selling arms to evolutionaries.

In addition to extraordinary people, Wei Lele also developed several ordinary people, involving rights, capital, and technology in various fields, truly covering everything.

These members need to regularly provide various resources, including evolution coins, to the 'saint'. Within a few months, she obtained 400,000 evolution coins by selling extraordinary materials and props, and armed herself to the teeth.

Through this incident, Lin Tianyi finally realized the reincarnation skills of this fox demon and saint.

At the same time, I was secretly glad that my decision to backhand the report operation was so wise.

Of course, through this incident, he also truly realized how terrifyingly efficient the official machine of Jiuding was in operation.

The arrest operation started almost that night. Through the information provided by Wei Lele's active cooperation, these Evolvers scattered in various cities achieved an 80% arrest rate in only seven days.

Among them, Jiuding believes that more than ten percent of the evolvers died in the evolution mission due to a serious lack of supplies.

On this day, Lin Tianyi was sitting in Gu Xiaochao's car, preparing to go home from school.

When the two people were discussing whether Lin Tianyi should buy a second-hand car or a brand-new domestic car, the sound of the Evolution Palace finally sounded.

The promotion mission has been triggered.

[Task name: Survival of the fittest]

[Type: Promotion Task]

[Description: Natural evolution and natural selection, survival of the fittest. The more powerful the race, the greater the crisis it faces, the more resources it possesses, and the corresponding risks it bears. Based on the personal mission score of the evolved person Wu Guangjin, you will be matched with 10 evolved people to survive and advance. Failure, death. 】

[Reward: Promoted to Level 10 Evolver]

[Punishment for refusal: obliteration]

[This mission will be carried out in 2 hours. Evolvers are asked to enter a closed and quiet environment and wait for the mission to be transmitted]

[Task restriction: Consumable disposable props cannot be used. 】

[Note: When a mission appears, no operations such as purchasing, trading, upgrading, or learning can be performed. Artificial enhancement of strength, including but not limited to accepting the extraordinary power, blessings, blessings, borrowing props, etc. of other evolvers, are all considered illegal operations. There will be a serious price to pay. 】

In the car, Gu Xiaochao fell into silence when he saw Lin Tianyi, who was talking and laughing. He immediately realized something and asked tentatively:

Is the promotion mission coming?


what type?

Ten Jin San.

Sure enough, no surprise.

With Lin Tianyi's upgrade speed and his current strong strength, if he is not the Tenth Jinsan, then there is something wrong.

Gu Xiaochao looked at Lin Tianyi worriedly and asked:

Home or somewhere?

Lin Tianyi showed a smile and said lightly:

Let's go to the Hunter's Guild. It's time for Weier to worry when we get home.

Gu Xiaochao nodded, and the car immediately went around to the left turn lane, turned around, and drove towards the Hunter Guild.

Forty minutes later, Lin Tianyi arrived at the Hunter's Guild. After greeting Young Siming, he applied for a room and walked into it.

At this time, in the room assigned to Lin Tianyi, Shao Siming and Gu Xiaochao stood opposite Lin Tianyi.

Shao Siming said:

The mission of the Tenth Jinsan is a big brawl, a survival promotion competition. No matter who you face then, don't show mercy.

Foreign evolvers are very insidious, and some retail evolvers are worse. If you encounter an evolver from a European heavy industry, you must grab them and beat them up. Our Jiuding evolvers have suffered a lot at the hands of the other party.

After hearing Shao Siming's instructions, Lin Tianyi raised a smile on his lips.

Don't worry, if the other party plays the Eight-Nation Alliance trick, I don't mind my promotion.

Seeing Lin Tianyi's confident smile, Gu Xiaochao and Shao Siming also smiled.

Because Lin Tianyi drank the wisdom spring water, his attribute panel was much higher than that of a twelfth-level evolver.

Not only that, he also carries the unique [Ancient Evil Inheritance] of China and the avatar method, making him a humanoid lord BOSS.

In the past, the evolvers of the Jiuding Organization were assigned to the Ten-Jin-Third mission, and were frequently suppressed by foreign evolvers. Many evolutionists with good talents were killed because of the island country United European Heavy Industries and the God's Eye organization of the Statue of Liberty. Many outstanding extraordinary people.

This is a war between nations.

Every evolver is an important resource for the country!

This is also why some important fruit worlds on the Star Tree do not issue tasks online at all.

It is because some other countries will use the guild system of the Evolution Palace to invade missions and cause trouble, destruction, and destruction.

Although, I have confidence in Lin Tianyi.

Shao Siming still introduced in detail:

Just like our country, China, has the unique evolutionary power of [Inheritance of Ancient Fierce], some other national evolvers also have various special powers. You must not take it lightly.

For example, evolvers in the Kingdom of Liberty can easily acquire [Marvel Universe] superpowers and become mutants or superhumans.

Island countries are more likely to have evolvers carrying [Devil Fruit], [Ninjutsu], and [Curse Power].

European heavy industry, led by Fog City, can produce extraordinary and powerful people such as [Devils] [Vampires] [Middle-earth Mage] and others with extremely strong recovery abilities.

These special evolvers generally have incredible power. Some are extremely difficult to kill, and some carry a lot of 'special' power.

In addition to the evolvers from the above-mentioned countries, you also have to be wary of evolvers from some other countries.

Lin Tianyi has never been in contact with evolvers from other countries. On the one hand, the number of tasks he has accepted is not many, and on the other hand, the time to become an evolver is too short.

Therefore, he listened very carefully.

Shao Siming, as an evolver who has reached level 20, taught Lin Tianyi the knowledge and was very familiar with it.

She said with all her treasures:

Some evolvers in Southeast Asia are very good at evil arts, creating illusions, and driving souls. They are quite difficult to guard against.

As for the Curry Country and the Pyramids, there are some evolvers who can mobilize divine power. This can be called a bug in the early stage. Once the Nine Pillars of Egypt, the main god, and the animal god come down, it will be quite troublesome.

Solomon's seventy-two pillars of demons are even more varied.

Just listening to these names, Lin Tianyi found it quite difficult to deal with. His face became serious. The Evolution Palace was born from the ocean of human consciousness clusters. It has evolved power systems as numerous as stars. This time, the Ten Jin Sans, I'm afraid it's harder than imagined.

Second update

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