Sequential Evolution

Chapter 234 Super Intelligent Alchemy

Lin Tianyi couldn't help but be a little stunned when he looked at the gorgeous alchemy shop and the owner of the alchemy shop standing in front of him, who was quite fashionably dressed and had a straight nose and three-dimensional facial features.

Shouldn't this alchemy workshop be a piece of auxiliary equipment?

Why does it also come with real-life NPCs?

In the forum, no one said that they have released real-life NPCs. The most common ones are some intelligent creatures, such as robot maids, combat auxiliary devices, or pet eggs, monsters, and the like.

Can a real person... be able to drive it?

Lin Weier, a co-conspirator, was also brought from other mission copies. What's going on with the alchemy shop owner in front of me...?

He asked tentatively:

Are you... alive?

Wearing a leather coat with a lot of metal decoration, the handsome man about 1.7 meters tall with a youthful and intelligent face said with a smile:

I am an alchemist from the central region, a student of the Colzent region development class, the alchemist Logicus Fixario, who used the art of life alchemy to refine the humanoid alchemical golem - Luo Jikus.”

Strictly speaking, I do not possess intelligence, independent thinking, or the characteristics of a living being.

However, my alchemy is a perfect copy of all the alchemy methods of Logicus Alchemist himself. I am good at including life alchemy, weapon enchantment, metal refining, five element transformation, and innovative fusion alchemy. There are 3061 kinds of transformation and fusion techniques, including ritual techniques, so please feel free to use them.

Wow, so smart.

This alchemy workshop is many times better than the pure furnace that automatically synthesizes the alchemy and forging furnaces by throwing equipment materials into it.

Lin Tianyi was very happy.

This being turned into a demon statue was definitely an unexpected surprise for him.

Not only can he communicate to a certain extent, but he seems to know a lot, which makes him more interested in the subsequent equipment synthesis.

Go directly to the counter and look at the layout of the entire alchemy workshop.

The handsome man behind the counter had his eyes fixed on him, letting Lin Tianyi pick up the hammer and iron felt in the alchemy workshop, touch the forging furnace and other actions without any intention of stopping him.

Lin Tianyi turned around and asked:

Can the entire alchemy process be observed and learned?

The life-turned-golem smiled warmly and replied:

Of course, our workshop is open. Any customer who is interested in weapon making can watch it at will. Guests can also use the forging tools in the store to modify it themselves.

Humane, too humane.

Lin Tianyi rubbed his hands and took out the first weapon he got, the black gold half-edged sword and the [different-dimensional core], and then put the two Ausberry Ice Clam Beads on the counter. , asked:

Can it be repaired and enchanted?

As these materials were placed on the counter, the life-formed golem's eyes immediately emitted a red scanning laser.

Detecting, please wait.

It has been detected that the weapon [Black Gold Half-Edge Knife] carries a large amount of divine contamination, status: fragile.

Enchanting material detected, space attribute raw ore: two. Quality: intermediate. Ice enchanting material, two.

It's matching the refining formula, adapting the repair formula DR-862, adapting the enchanting formula...

Detection, analysis, presentation.

Lin Tianyi scratched his head when he saw the probability prompt that the success rate was only 1.09%.

Just when he felt a little regretful and was about to try some other weapon materials, the Life-Forged Golem spoke again:

Adding repair rare metal materials will increase the success rate by 10%-75%. And improve the sharpness, strength, texture of the equipment...

Adding [God and Demon Species] biological materials will increase the success rate by 50%. There is a high probability of obtaining the [Divinity] bonus.

Lin Tian put his arm on the counter, looking quite surprised.

Synthetic furnace shops are opened in forums. Most of them mail the materials to the alchemist, and the other party puts the furnace equipment into it. If it is good, it will tell you the success rate of the synthesis. If it is not good, it will help you make it directly. At most, it will make a short video and broadcast it live. Once the results are achieved, a commission is collected and that's it.

Unexpectedly, the forging house I obtained can actually give suggestions to improve the success rate. What is the difference between this and having an alchemist's servant with you?

Mainly for the purpose of experiment, Lin Tianyi did not hesitate to open the Evolution Palace Trading House and search for two materials.

Most of the biological materials of [God and Demon Species] are quite expensive.

Because these things are either exclusive mission props or have high biological and genetic research value.

Once this kind of thing can be extracted to adapt to human genes, its value will be second only to [ancient inheritance].

For example, [Su Nuo's Palm] that Lin Tianyi himself obtained and [Fortunate's Dog's Eyeball] that Xuantian's disciples used to start a two-person exclusive mission are both in this category.

Fortunately, Lin Tianyi wanted to increase the probability of success in alchemy, so he chose the cheapest one.

Soon, his eyes were fixed on [the shedding of a giant snake].

This thing is the child of the ancient Greek earth goddess Gaia, a typical mythical creature.

As 1,270 evolution coins were put into the trading house, a piece of gelatinous snake slough the size of a washbasin appeared in his hand. The scales on it were clear. Looking carefully, there was a faint spiritual flow like electric wire inside. Lin Tian was just Holding it in my hand, I immediately heard the sound of a large number of crawling snakes and hissing sounds.

Looking at the description, it says:

The skin is the same as the slough of a giant snake. Because it has lost its spirituality over time, it can only be used as a material for certain rituals. It can be used for summons, sacrifices, etc.

Place the giant piece of translucent snakeskin on the alchemy counter.

The probability of success immediately reached 51.08%.

Lin Tianyi was quite satisfied and immediately continued to open the trading house to search for relevant information about rare metal ores.

[Vibranium] raw ore the size of a baby's fist, priced at 350 evolution coins.

A small piece of [Krypton Gold] metal plate from the wreckage of a certain technological civilization's spaceship, priced at 480 evolution coins.

Lin Tianyi looked at the dazzling array of various styles, large and small [rare metals], which directly opened the door to a new world for him.

It seems that in this mission copy, you can't just focus on gold, silver, jewelry or extraordinary items.

If you have the opportunity in the future, if you enter the [Doomsday Wasteland] or [Advanced Technological Civilization] dungeon, you should really pay attention to the metal debris. If you can pick up a spacecraft debris, wouldn't it be great?

With this thought in mind, Lin Tianyi did not hesitate. He gave up [Krypton Gold], which is mainly used in engineering as the main material for manufacturing turbo accelerators, and chose a piece of vibranium with the highest hardness, which was mined in [Marvel Mission Plot Copy].

The piece of vibranium itself, limited by the size of the material, is only enough to make a small dagger, but for Lin Tianyi, it can be said to be perfect for increasing the strength of the black gold half-edged knife.

A total of about 2,000 evolution coins were spent, just to use them for synthesis experiments. Lin Tianyi felt a slight pain in his body.

However, he didn't have any worries.

The experiments that need to be done have to be done, right?

Putting the last piece of material on the cabinet, the Life Transformed Golem immediately responded:

All conditions for prop repair have been met, and the success rate has increased to 99.5%.


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